yet another fractal thread
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I'm learning CS (self learner) and I would like to make one of these. I don't know any formulas. Do you guys have any self made formulas or could you point me in the right direction to make one please?
Lmao you are sad!! Sad! Hahahha sad!
Just mess with f(x) = x^2 + z a bit
If you are a self learner, i highly recommend you this book. It's perfect for a beginner and you will be coding a fractal fast in the book at chapter 5.
yet another fractal thread
also this
haha you funny guy
i kill you last
yet another fractal thread
yet another fractal thread
yet another fractal thread
Stopping by this board and this thread in specific because I was bored. Can someone explain to me what these are? It looks like someone takes an image and just zoom in on it really far.
Are these images self made?
Do you have to have a strong computer to do it?
So many questions
>Can someone explain to me what these are? It looks like someone takes an image and just zoom in on it really far.
Thats what they are. A thing that simmilar to itself basically.
>Are these images self made?
>Do you have to have a strong computer to do it?
To zoom in real far ofc you need a great PC. but its actually a lot of generator sites and software you can find.
why do you guys care if something's self-similar?
sorry for being microagressive
This thing are beautiful. Are you fucking blind?
sorry for being macroagressive
imagine it like a recursive transformation on a single object/form
example: you start with a triangle.
rule 1: inside every upright triangle you fit a downside triangle
rule 2: inside every downside triangle you fit a upright triangle
viola, pic related
Fractals are the reddit of abstract objects. Something for brainlents to admire as "beauty of mathematics" to show off their "depth", barely being able to describe one.
It actually helps in many aspects of life. Programming, Engineering, Medicine, Meteorology etc.
Apart from cute images, what applications fractals have?
if a system if self similar, making system-wide changes is very easy.
exampe: creating a time management software for a packet distribution system.
if the process of scheduling of delivering the products from HQ to an outpost is similar to the process of scheduling a delivery from an outpost to the client, then whatever change I make in the schedule won't cause disruption with between different levels/instances/layers of your system
fuck now thats a good one
Nature is also racist and anti-semitic.
a e s t h e t i c m a t h s
But the pic only uses rule 1...
All these fractals suck. This fractal thread sucks.
oops... you're correct haha
Then post new ones.
I think staring at these mathematical manifestations while high, with some relaxing music added really improves my well-being. Only in moderation of course.
can a fractle be evil
I saw that on acid, the thorny things
Like perfectly computed, the brain is a spook.
Fractals and chaos theory might b the secret to consciousness
Can someone who knows Android development make a daydream vr fractal thing? That would be amazing.
fractals fuckyea
Afterall, its still just nembers'n'shit
Lets keep is friendly fractal'd anyway
fractal ying yang twins
damn. thats genious
someone smart give me cool fractal eqation
looks like a turd
[math]z_i = {z_{i-1}}^2 + z_0[/math]
Well played, sir
Almost perfect. Fix it so it doesn't have that ugly jump where they cut the video.
rate my newton
how do i enter that with this?
I accidentally made this one when I tried to replicate the golden dragon curve a while ago.
Here's the golden dragon curve
>we need a mathematical equation to generate dark souls levels
>say no more senpai
Newton fractals are nice and easy.
Only as you can be
this thread needs more raymarching
On their own, the level of complexity that can be created from simple algorithms, as well with the inability to intuitively understand them, is quite appealing and even beautiful to a lot of people.
Taking it even further, finding these patterns in nature, and especially finding the same patterns arise from different phenomena at incredibly different scales and mediums is also pretty beautiful.
But luckily not a perfect fractal
Off by 2
i made this boring webm
one moar
really last one
Beautiful user saved
Why are fractals so reminiscent of psychedelic visuals...
Are you fucking TRYING to turn my eyeballs inside out? Jesus fuck dude.
10/10, would compute again.
heres another one of a tutorial in the program
i love cool little linux programs like this
cool julia while i make webm of "what is a julia" video
>sorry for being microagressive
what the fuck is wrong with you?
ok i get to post these because they are math A N D science related
>its similarity to the mandelbrot set is interesting since it is a real world formula
shot taken at mathmatics???
God bless fractal apps on android
Where can I find programs I can use to explore fractals like mandelbrot and burning ship?
Cob planet would be terrifying.
If you have an android phone there is a application called visions of chaos it supports mandelbrot, buffalo, burning ship and newton its prerry cool it has a lot of palletes to choose from i gotAnd Recommended
It doesnt support julia sadly
fractal software
shit looks cool
please: dont do asymetrical inverts @iterations