Okay, so how many chromosomes do people who think this is logical miss?

Okay, so how many chromosomes do people who think this is logical miss?

two four times itself (negatively)

two times two times two times two times two


That's it, that's the answer to the question.

It's not unknown to the power of unknown, it doesn't equal one/unkown unknown.

The question is very specific. I hate every single one of you elitist pricks.

And it certainly isn't a positive number, it's minus to the power. Minus. 2-1 means that 1, exactly 1 is to be removed from 2.

The exponent describes the amount of multiplication and since it is negative that means it will four amounts of the opposite of multiplication which is division.
This is like how multiplying a positive number by a negative number will instead of adding from 0 do the and opposite subtract from 0.

So it's 0,0078125 and not 1/ whatever the shit.

Imagine it like this
Instead of 1x2x2x2x2 = 2^4
It is 1/2/2/2/2 = 1/2^4 = 2^-4

Why 1x2..?

Although it changes nothing, it states 2^4. It's very specific.

Why just arbitrarily draw a number out of your ass? The guy in the video does the exact same thing. It's completely unpredictable.


As multiplication is the amount addition from zero you can see exponents describing the amounts of a number multiplying one.
This expains why a number multiplied by 0 is 0
And why putting a number to the power of 0 is 1




why add the 1

Multiplication isn't addition either, it's what it states, multiplication. Addition is something else.

1 is 1, 1^0 is 1x0, 1^1 1*1 and 2^3 is 2*2*2*2, I don't see why you'd say 1*2*2*2*2, what's the thought process here. Fuck you and your math.

Holy shit

Exactly, then there are those wizards who can multiply unkowns by another unknown and pretend to have come up with a solution to nothing. You have to believe it for it to make sense.

You're counting the number of multiplications of a certain number so you can only have the exponent number of values that are multiplications.
You can add the one because multiplying anything be one doesn't change it and it was a way to help visualize negative powers.

I understand what value to the power of value means, thanks, it's the fact that a one is conjured out of nothing, even if it doesn't change anyhting, it simply irks me. Fuck you and fuck the pajeet on khan academy who does exactly the same.

Maybe gender studies is more your thing.

That's funny. As a reasonable human being you should know what you want, x=? is something a woman who doesn't know what she wants would feel like is on her mind, so maybe your whole fucking field should work on becoming a bit more articulate.

There must be some forbidden tomb of knowledge out there which takes the retarded out of math.

It isn't conjured it is always there, it's just anything multiplied by one is itself.

Not the point, it's redundant. Adding it isn't reasonable or necessary. What the fuck do you expect from people who literally have to shorten the number 3.14 to "pi" in order to feel sophisticated.

Ancient greece died, fuck you.

>shorten the number 3.14 to "pi"

Come on, throw some pizza times delta equals my mother is my aunt times the triangle twig of a donut at me, fucktard.

Well if we're going to have two names for it, why not also add 1.046*3 as a synonym for 3.14?`

Fuck your elitist terminology.

Because that is a mouthful in comparison to 3.14

Ahahah look at this loser

I give up, you're too invested in this shit to get it.

>too retarded to understand that decimals and fractions are equal
>I-I'm not retarded, it's just maths that's retarded
Dunning kruger effect in human form

Huh, where are you getting that from?

1/4 is 0,25, aware, move on.

Still waiting for Jehovas Staff times eva's womb equals 5^10* Cherry pie tier, typical "math" gibberish though. I know you got some.

Son i got bad news for you

To understand this, you'll need some basic knowledge of propositional logic.

"-" is in this context not the actually operation minus, the inverse of addition, but a notation to note the inverse of multiplication.

Homework for OP;

>What is an identity?
An identity is a fixed element/number in an operation such that A * identity = A. In +, it's A+0=A. in multiplication its A*1=A. Etc.

>What is an inverse?
Using the inverse is a way to get to the operations identity. In the case of addition; a + x = 0. In the case of multiplication; a * y = 1
>What is x and y?

>What does this have to do with anything?
As we stated, we're actually using the inverse of multiplication in OPs case. Knowing what an inverse and identity is should come way before you even start with pre-calculus imo.

Look at this magick.

Y turns into X

Those two unknown numbers, listed seperately are then implied to be the same, the only difference being apparently the exponent.

Couldn't this have simply been

y or, fuck, x^20=?

This is majorly fucked up.


It's a previous example. Are you even trying?

If both x and y mean uknown value, why can't either x or y serve the purpose. Why have to signs for the same thing? That's just unreasonable. It's dumb, so very dumb. But it's okay, you had to accept and learn this shit to pass your class. It's not your fault.

x and y both represent unknown values, but they are not necessarily the same unknown value.

Guess how i know you're baiting.

Why you use different letters is to note that the letters aren't necessarly the same value.

Necessarily, they could be. It's not ruled out, so there's a chance. So it ultimately doesn't matter, or it is a definite tell that the values are not identical.

It is highly logical. The exponent is the number of times 2 is multiplied. In this case the number is multiplied by negative 4 times. Observe that a number that is multiplied a negative number of times is not the same as a number multiplied by a negative number.

A number that is multiplied negative times is the inverse of multiplication, which is division. Imagine that 2 is divided by by the number 2 five times. You will notice that although you divide one more time than the negative exponent. This is because it is the inverse of multiplication, which means you're not starting from the positive end (2/2=1) and instead start from the negative end (2/2/2=1/2). The inverse of 2^2 (2^2=4) is 1/2^2 (1/2^2=1/4). The inverse of 4 is 1/4.

A demonstration: 2
______ =


1/2/2/2/2 = 1/16, or 1/2^4

Note that 1/2= 0,5
1/4= 0,25
1/8= 0,125
1/16= 0,0625

My wording is poor since I am not familiar with the terminology. My use of 'positive end' and 'negative end' are incorrect and somewhat misleading (especially 'negative end') but I couldn't come up with anything better to describe it on the spot.

This is some obvious bait. Btfo op

You wouldn't be the first person I've met who completely lacks the ability to think abstractly. Perhaps it might make more sense to you if I wrote it this way:

We have the identity
[eqn]{\Box^{n}\over{\Box^{m}}} = \Box^{n-m}[/eqn]
All you need to do is set [math]n[/math] and [math]m[/math] to the appropriate value, and slap your variable into the box. Easy. In the picture you posted, [math]x[/math] is being used as the "box" that you put [math]y[/math] in to solve the problem. Just because two things use different symbols does not mean at all that they're different things. You might be thinking in terms of the brainlet physics classes, where you're asked to memorize specific formulas like [math]x = x_0 + v_0 t + {1\over2}at^2[/math], and you're taught each letter means a very specific thing and nothing else. God forbid you use different symbols to represent the same concept, right?