Tfw fell for the double major meme

>tfw fell for the double major meme

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw reddit stole her from us

>tfw fell for the quadruple major meme

>tfw fell in love

>tfw unrequited love

Who is she?

>learning more is bad mkay
t. brainlet

The cutest Jewess on earth

It looks sweet on a CV and it really helps your thinking. I have a moral objection against "expertism", they're the most bigoted and narrow thinkers on the planet.

But it wont double your successes

I don't know, who are you user?

I-I'm... *blushes* H-hello... m-my... *coughs and smiles awkwardly* I was just wond-wondering if... y-you'd like to... *shifts awkwardly in place* l-l-like to g-go to the prom with me?! *winces as he finishes his sentence before turning bright red from embarrassment*

Well at least you had the balls to ask. I never got that far

It's all about the cold approach, user.

Tell me more about said approach

So, you find your qt, in this case Agatha and walk up to her.
Smile, seem confident and look her in the eyes.
Complement her and then say:
>I don't suppose you'd like to join me for a coffee?
From there, you will be in a more relaxed setting akin to a first date.

I dont get it. Why's is called the cold approach? That seemed perfectly warm and friendly.

Because it isn't pre-arranged, it is spur of the moment.

>double major in math
>first in class in the math department

How would a black dude go about doing this? Sounds corny as fuck.

doubled in cs and math

feels good apex intellectual

Easy. I literally just go up to girls, say hi, compliment then and ask if they have to talk/want to go out or something. 8/10 times it works for me, but sometimes the girl just isnt in to black dudes.

This seems right.
Similar approach to the white guy.

what's wrong with a double major? German / Computer Science currently studying at a german university user here

You need to take mathematics with that, not German.

Same way your people do it back in Africa: just pull out your nigger dick and cock slap her and she'll be forced to marry you

Fuck off, /pol/.

I literally have to take 4 extra classes to turn my physics degree into a physics/math double major. Also I plan on clepping out of one of them over the summer.

1. Be attractive
2. Say hi

It's really that easy

Sounds like two shitty degrees from a shitty university....

You could've skipped German and finished in a year less time
Or you could skip one major and take a long time to finish, live on student welfare while studying more interesting things in your paid-for free time
Or you could try one, harder major
All of which are better options

My university does things unusually.

>3 years
>Required double major. (Or more if there is a lot of overlap, or you can extend the degree and additionally do a language.)
>No research or major project
Because there's no capstone work and you can't specialise it's don't really respected by local businesses.
So basically everyone has to do either honors which is 1 year with a capstone or masters which is 2 years with a capstone.
They'll let anyone who asks in, for those two.

Because there is a lot of overlap you can create some clusterfucks of a degree. For example:
>Software engineering + computer science + data science + a few basket weavings of your choice.


>your people
← your people await you

you seem to know a lot about what is shitty


Not having a life to live is bad.

>tfw didn't fall for the go straight for your Masters meme.
I know people who double their debt from going for it.

Only good when you're an engi

I am an engi.
Going to have my employer pay for it.

I mean, not going straight for a master is good when you're an Engi.
>Going to have my employer pay for it.
Because of this.

The issue is there is actually a bunch of graduates that I know personally who went back to get their Masters. Yeah they were given a research position but the pay they make is not comparable at all to me. Most of them are hating the fact that they are just running themselves into the hole as they need to pick up more debt to advance.


I'm white and I've done that dozens of times, yet every girl turns me down and then talks shit about me behind my back
I'm still permakhv

>data science with no stats


>tfw fell for the higher education meme

Joke's on you; I completed my double major in the same time it would have taken me to do a single major so what I actually fell for was the university meme.


Two stat units.