Chad wins again
Chad wins again
Other urls found in this thread:
/pol/secution complex
>Being so delusional you think there are actual human beings paying other actual human beings to derail your shitty threads.
Anyone who posts in /pol/ should just be killed. We can even turn on the old Nazi gas chambers so that at least they feel at home while dying.
>100 is exponentially bigger than 10
Saying something is "exponentially more" when comparing 2 things it ALWAYS, without fail, done by retards
>0.000001 is exponentially bigger than 0.00000 9
But, they did. It's even in their battle plan fucking job description. Unless you actually believe that all the interracial posters are actually just trolling.
>I'm gonna troll the Internets best free speech website and post nigger dicks all day
>for no reason
>for free
They are paid, don't kid yourself.
Bill Nye is a meme we get it. Let him keep destroying himself, maybe he'll make another meme music video we can all laugh at.
You realize that those leftists are simply the other side of your coin, right?
What are you on about? Coin? What coin? Genuine memes are free.
/pol/, this is a science board. popsci is not on topic. thanks
>imlying Veeky Forums doesn't have shitty daily threads about black science man, blackholes, and iqtests.
And then there are always the "I'm so smart but autistic" "I'll never get laid, but that's okay it was meant to be because i'm too smart" type of threads.
Wonder who could be behind those. Hmm well lets see.
>Shareblue/CREW spam /pol/, reddit and other websites deemed "alt-right"
>Notice that Veeky Forums has other boards, some boards get deleted/replaced over the years depending on their usefulness/ cancer containment properties
>hmm well /pol/ looks to be just a containment board so it'll never be deleted, I wonder what would happen if we just act like /pol/ on steroids on the others boards so that when genuine information is dropped, it just looks too much to be like "good ol' racist /pol/'s shitposting" better just ignore it lol.
Have a nice day.
>I support the use of violence to silence ideas I don't like, a practice known as fascism.
and getting triggered by the non-mathematical use of the word "exponentially" is ALWAYS, without fail, done by exponential autist.
Since when was Dolph Lundgren /pol'sguy/
The point is that the "genuine information" would not be relevant to this board anyway
No. /pol/ is retarded but disinformation and disruption of online forums/communities especially chans imageboards is common practice. This is the nature of the internet, in 10 years 70% of the social text content will not come from humans.
>not come from humans
*or genuine posters
Bill Nye doesn't really represent the 'virgin', he's more like the know-it-all teacher's pet who people think is a nerd but is actually just an idiot who reads pop-sci articles on reddit all day
>yfw the meme becomes reality
>a constant is exponentially more than another constant
> (OP)
>>a constant is exponentially more than another constant
Neither are constant you silly poster posting silly posts
This is an interesting OP because its ambiguous, who's really the chad here?
'Engineer' Bill Nye who barely studied at all and is now famous and has more money than Blonde Rockey, or Dolph, who despite good looks and constant effort in his physique and studying never managed to become quite as successful as the man to his left, who hires degenerates to sing about their genitals?
>what coin?
Vertcoin, obviously
This situation should probably remind you of all those metaphorical stories about selling your soul to the devil.
Clearly they weren't meant to be taken literally or allegorically.
>Dolph, who despite good looks and constant effort in his physique and studying never managed to become quite as successful as the man to his left
You can't possibly be serious
>when the fascists start calling you fascist for doing fascism to them
>I claim my enemies are fascists so I can use fascism against them
thank you for being honest at least
Why is it that every time someone demands /pol/ stop their offtopic shitposting, they immediately bring up other's shitposting as though that makes it okay? You're part of the problem. Your ability to notice other problems is not going to make you not part of the problem.
>I advocate for national socialism but pretend not to be fascist when it doesn't benefit me
Do me the favor and be as honest as I am.
>shitty meme thread
>within 0 posts, /pol/ quickly starts shitposting about how it's all about them and the shills are doing this to fuck them over
I'm not being off topic in this garbage shit containment thread, I'm merely telling you how it is since so many of you "high iq" posters still have no concept of what's going on on your own board.
The fact that this thread hasn't been deleted by a mod tells you all that you need to know. Veeky Forums mods don't give a shit about you since some of them have an agenda to continue.
>he doesn't look at the employers.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with nationalism. The socialism part can go though.
>Nye applied to become a NASA astronaut every few years, but was always rejected.[19]
>Here's what success will look like:
>tfw if you swap out "left-wing" for "right-wing" and "SJW" for "alt-right", you actually see what the current state of the internet is.
To keep this a Veeky Forums thread (and not pruned) what's the minimum qualification to be known as a "scientist" anyway? Research funding, or just research with a Doctorate under your belt? Will a Masters suffice? Could Dolph be reasonably be called a "scientist"?
What does exponential mean when it's not used mathematically?
Why not? Ive never heard the mans nsme, but everyone knows bill.
>or they're just /pol/ newfags from /r/the_donald
Gee, did the gigantic activity spike after the subreddit's shutdown give it away?
Getting a masters degree in a random university is not very difficult, especially after doing two bachelors degrees. The most impressive thing on that list is the Fullbright Scholarship, but who knows maybe it was some female clerk who looked at the attached image of a Chad, got moist, and subconsciously was biased in his favour. Still probably leagues smarter than Nye. His facial genetics and height are impressive, but his body is mediocre for a roider. Rare to see someone that good looking be that smart and disciplined as well, to be fair.
fk people are really hipsters
>The alt -right exists