Adderal, other "study" drugs

How many people here use adderal/ritalin other drugs to help them study? what's your experience? does it really help? Have you become dependent on them?

Psych's are pretty good.

psychedelics? Which ones? For what subject exactly?

Sounds like they would just be distracting.



I took it from 3rd grade to Junior year of high school (with a prescription for ADHD)

I fucking hated it

it made me melancholy
I'd fucking cry for no reason

I think it was because I wouldn't eat all day so I'd get like crankey

Now I just drink coffee


You know how college SJWs are utterly brainless? I give you three guesses to what drug burned out their brains.

was it ur mom?

No it was BD911

no it was your dad

Not really what you're looking for, but coffee + l theanine has been pretty great.

Ordinarily I'd drink a cup, get really hyper, then feel drained after a half hour. When I take a 200mg capsule with a cup, though, the effect lasts much longer and is less intense.

Additionally, my nervous tic (blinking, head jerking) isn't as pronounced, and my voice has gotten much softer.

I like Cubes, 3.5g and Field Theory finally "clicked".
1-1.5g and I can look more abstract at problems.
Above 3.5g I can only justify with the fun of it.

Oh, your talking microdosing. Doesn't sound very effective from what I've seen of people who've done it.

my cousin's tried microdosing lsd a couple times. he says it makes him crazy productive.

3g is a normal dose, 1.5g is a light dose. Microdoses for P. Cubensis are sub-threshold at like 200mg.

I've never done acid so I wouldn't know. But I have a lot of friends who do it like every weekend.



pic related, meth addict montra

He's talking psilocybin mushrooms which are dosed in grams, not acid.

Acid is usually dosed in micrograms and 25 or less would be considered a microdose I guess. 100mics is a fairly light, but full blown trip and 300 and is a pretty heavy one (at least for me). I wouldn't use psychedelics at regular doses for serious study, unless working on a problem in a domain that I'd already be well learned in.

I use vyvanse and find it really helpful.

pff. AKA wannabe meth, with all the damage of meth but none of the fun. LAME

I'm in between healthcare plans atm, trying to get back and get represcribed 10mg amphetamine salts (essentially generic adderall) and 50mg vyvanse. took one vyvanse in the morning, would last all day. doc overprescribed me on all that shit, would sell lots of it.
anyway, I think it helps me, because it takes me a long time to do my work. A VERY long time. I'm very distractable and forgetful. IE I'm posting right now because I started my homework an hour ago, wrote one sentence, then opened a new tab to google something related to my work, and in that span of opening a new tab I glanced at my bookmarks and was like "durr Veeky Forums" and now here i am. sad really.
That said, I don't think ADHD is a "real thing" so to speak. People had pills to sell, so they invent a market for it. Ideally, we'd just buy it OTC, but that's a no-no.
I personally like the stuff a lot. The way I like to explain it is that it just gives you the "ambient endorphins" to do whatever. The reason people don't study is because it's just not as fun as the immediate alternatives, because studying doesn't meet our threshold of "good time." Adderall keeps you above that threshold, so its like... why not study? It's in your best interest.
That being said, its no perfect cure for me. not that it was meant to be. often times i just get distracted by much more granular and autistic things than what I would normally get distracted by, such as going balls deep in really obscure wikipedia and reading weird political blogs or some shit.

Only losers use drugs. I just drink!

jesus christ user

Alcohol is a drug, you dingus.

I micro dose mdma and have had some success with it. Will be trying adderall soon, but ritalin didn't have much of an effect on me

I was on prescription Adderall for most of public school and I really miss it. Focusing on work wasn't hard, I could just sit down and do something and get it done, even enjoy it, without dragging myself kicking and screaming into it.

I take Ritalin. It doesn't feel like it helps that much though...

What's your education user?

>That said, I don't think ADHD is a "real thing" so to speak. People had pills to sell, so they invent a market for it. Ideally, we'd just buy it OTC, but that's a no-no.

it's a real thing if you can't do what you want to do without the drug. i would not have gotten past junior college without it.

mushrooms are a good idea

Holy shit I hope you're trolling, no one can be this illiterate and stupid.

>microdosing mdma


That would be weed

You definitely have some kind of brain damage

How do you figure that? I've been maintaining a good GPA over the last year without it. The work is just more time consuming.


Should I take adderall? It's a math test. I've been perscribed adderall for a year but lost like 90lbs on it so I slowed down, took it last test and felt like I was going to run through a brick wall all day last time

question is, will it actually help?

That's the joke user...

took modafinil daily for around a month while studying for my high school finals a few years back. it's perfect if you're a person who finds it hard to get things done unless you're in the perfect mental state for it. it makes you feel not sleepy and ready to think properly. in my experience it doesn't boost the quality of your actual work if that's what you're looking for, and i found that i would be making more mistakes in maths at around the point at which i would normally be tired, even if i didn't feel tired.

Has anyone tried DMAA? Is it even a study drug?

I'm taking Adderall to study independently. For years I never had the motivation to even pick up a book; now I can learn as much as I want at my own pace. Feels great.

Also I love getting high off of them.

Took ritalin to help me write a thesis. It made me much more focused but I rather enjoyed the high browsing the internet than writing my stuff. Took it around lunch a few times and I usually couldn't sleep till 3 in the morning, so the next day was basically always wasted since I was tired as hell. The improved focus lasted for around 4 hours. It was fun but didn't help me shit for getting long term work done. On the other hand, I used it one time to finish a big portion of a paper in a night that was due the next day. So for this spurt it was cool and made me productive. Used it again for oral exams. Hadn't slept the night before so the ritalin definitely helped with being able to focus and to make me feel good when I was under the pressure of the exam but the effect it had on recalling my memory was probably not that big.

Tl:dr it's not a long term solution but can definitely help to get shit done in the short term

Did you get a moda prescription? Would I get one if I said I feel sleepy all morning while trying to concentrate?

I was on amps (Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse) all throughout college, and I couldn't have graduated with a meth degree without them. For some types, they're a godsend when it comes to more technical work. But there were always downsides- tics, anxiety, anorexia, insomnia... I had to drink or smoke weed every evening just to get a shred of calm and a decent night's sleep. For a while there I needed benzos too, which are way scarier drugs than prescription stimulants.
Anyway, I feel better for having gotten off them, but focus and attention just aren't there. Months after quitting, it's still an uphill battle to do a quarter of what I could on Dexedrine.
Excuse the blogpost, I figured it was worth sharing. For what it's worth, Ritalin does nothing to me but make me angry.
YMMV. Drink water and don't forget to eat something, if you take that path.

Nah he's just on stimmms m8

I left adderal behind years ago. I now subsist entirely on a diet of crystal meth.

I use adderall / vyvanse because I actually have ADHD.

They make me more focused but less creative.