Can we travel faster than light?

Can we travel faster than light?

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become a tachyon loooooooool :^)
besides, light is just a social constuct! :^)

Yes. Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Waves.
Reported to be 1.5x faster than electromagnetic propagation.

Reported by liars.

man that girl is a qt do
I would let her tell me how much I oppress her

Sorry user, space/time doesn't bend when you reach those speeds.
Both waves propagating are just a rate of induction through the aether.
Magnetic propagation drags. Electric propagation is a bit faster.

We can't even travel AT the speed of light

To an outside observer yes, you just keep going faster and faster to them, but on the inside you'd stay the same age (like when you run with a flashlight turned on). Though, higher beings can teleport so humans should just do that instead of movement.

i dont identify as a light speed limit obeying individual

Yes *teleports behind you*

The speed of light is a rate of induction and nothing more.

This user has it

People seem to think that light is a thing which it isn't. All it is is a byproduct of dielectricity and magnetism. Alter the pressure mediation enough and you can go as fast as you want.

Not as long as we weigh a million times more than photons

Nigga just do warp drive. Don't move yourself, move the space around you, whose speed isn't limited.

I know I can.

Through an African perspective maybe, but I guess we'll never know.

It doesn't matter, since by traveling at relativistic speeds you can make the distance you need to travel as short as you want.

Light has no mass and photons don't exist.

You can but you'll become autistic

yes hypersound and wormholes faggot


This is answerable in different ways, here are just some:
1. "We" as in "humans" cannot accelerate ourselves to achieve an instantaneous velocity greater than 300,000,000 meters per second, so no.
2. Can humans arrive at a destination before light would, effectively an average velocity of c? Not with current technology, but theoretically, yes. Although, it may never happen.
3. Can *anything* "travel" greater than the speed of light? Yes, as this user has mentioned. There are particles that can be accelerated beyond the local speed of light.

Why can't people travel that fast?

It would take increasingly large amounts of acceleration, leading to increasingly large amounts of mass, eventually both reaching infinite

An Object can't travel faster than light without requiring infinite energy, but space-time can be compressed, expanded and warped to achieve faster than light travel. Higgs field particle interactions are responsible for mass. When you lure a large amount of mass in front of an object, you compress space time. When you lure exotic matter behind the same object, you create negative mass which expands space time. Research the Alcubbiere Warp Drive metric tensor, the Natario warp drive, Dr. Harold White's Warp Field Mechanics 101 or 102, and optionally quantum field theory.

>adjusts contrast

It would be extremely painful

Secondly, there is no time-lensing effect in Warp drive propulsion. The space time around the craft is what's moving, not the craft itself. You could in theory travel at indefinite speeds because there is no limit to how fast space-time can be warped. The Alcubbierre Warp Drive is a direct solution to Einstein's field equations.

Omae wa mou shindeiru.

wormholes are not meme science you half wit, they are only theoretical atm but they are not memes, blackholes are not memes do you know wtf is on the other side? Not that it even matters because if you are past the event horizon you are travelling faster than light already you are the meme donkey brains

bifurcation look it up

There is no space-time, that's a silly idea.

Black holes and wormholes are the biggest memes user.
They are theoretical nonsense. Just sit back and think about it for a second.

Space doesn't bend, that's dumb shit.
Here, look at the first 5 minutes of this dope ass video.

can we please stop with the troll responses

No. Because I want my homies on Veeky Forums to know the truth, not fucking real meme science backed by The Jews.
Space and time literally distorting. How did we get this far

you belong to /b/, gtfo

Neutrino does. Therefore there is another possibility instead of travel through damn warp (worm-holes), isn't?

user, I do this out of love. So do the other idiots in this thread.
Hawking isn't going to come here and show you love.
If I wanted to shitpost, I'd shitpost. But you need to know the real stuff.

Are these all the same poster? user why do you disagree with mainstream physics for the last century?

For you

So no time dilation?

>The process of science doesn't allow old theories to be false.

I am this user for ref:
Well lets first go with what we're given. Light is now known as a "wave and a particle", a duality. Dualities have absolutely no place in the real world and it's laughable that people that people believe that something can function as such. A "Wave" is what something DOES not what something IS, so to say that light is what something is doing is a fallacy. A particle also does not exist, when you look at it close enough it breaks into smaller parts. Each of these smaller parts have a common element with another: Inertia, and fields.

And fields have what? Oh that's right, NO QUANTITY. They have no substance and their boundaries are incommensurable. So yes I disagree with mainstream physics because they're fucking wrong and believed a plagiarist, fuzzy haired crackpot who's name literally means stupid in German.

Light is magnetism and dielectricity working together, why the hell do you think it lies on the EM spectrum? When light passes through glass it slows down and then miraculously regains it's speed once it leaves the glass. Why? Because the glass is a fucking capacitor, it's storing the light in a medium with more permittivity.
>hurr but glass is an insulator!

The device you're posting from probably has a glass capacitor in it

Everything in the universe comes down to:
Permettivity, permeability, resistance, capacitance

No we have mass

Not sure about "we," but I do it all the time.

Catholic please go.

Jesus christ, this is true shitposting.
I can't tell if you actually believe this or are just trolling. Either way it was a hilarious read. 8/10 my man.

we just need generation ships to reach other planets.

>everything thats ever been tested and proven is a lie!
>einstein is all wrong!
>im smarter than everyone!
>light doesnt reals!
>glass is a capacitor!
Whoooweee this is what happens when you spend too much time shitposting on an anime website.

Okay then wise guy, why don't you tell me what a field is? Also tell me how a laser and a light bulb work.

what exactly has been proven? Particles? You're joking right?

Einstein gave you nothing but a flawed theory. He was too stupid to do anything else but plagiarize Maxwell, Poincare and a few others. He contributed nothing to the electrical system you use today to make stupid posts like this on the internet, all he did was theorize others theories.

>this vacuum sealed bulb with an electric coil goes into tungsten and makes "light". Magically it's no longer related to electricity or magnetism, but a different thing entirely!

This is logical for the average atomist who has the psychosis of believing that if you divide something small enough it will no longer be composed of nothing but inertia.

Go google glass capacitor before you make yourself look and stupider.

no one said it isnt related to electricity or magnetism. Holy fuck you must be trolling.
>go google glass capacitor
You dont understand even what a capacitor is. Glass capacitors use glass as the INSULATOR. You're fucking retarded. Have you even taken highshool phsyics?
Please stop. I can't take any more of your insanity.
>look and stupider

Pseudoscience at it's best. All you can say is that everything that's ever been tested and proven is wrong and then offer up some crackpot theory from a rambling toddler. Your scientific knowledge is worse than the wikipedia page on time travel.
What's next? are you going to start telling us how quartz crystals are magical and have properties that will heal our souls?

It's not pseudoscience but I'm just uncovering knowledge held secret for millenia by the Jews. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to.

Get back on your containment board

you retards. The jews didnt discover shit.
Niggers discovered time travel over 4000 years ago.

Fucking disinfo, this has nothing to do with Jews. This isn't even "lololol Tesla, orgonian, light thearapy" new age garbage shit either.

Why does the light slow down in the glass? Why does it speed back up when it leaves the glass? Perhaps it is because the glass has a capacity for light and once it reaches it it expels it? Don't give me refraction bullshit.

Time doesn't exist, but I'm sure you don't have the mental capacity to understand that. If you did then you would understand time travel is impossible in any direction. The universe works off pressure mediation alone, time is not a magical force that affects things. It's posterior of the event occurring, it is a recording and nothing more.

>b-but my space-time
Lets get you really chomping at the bit. Space doesn't exist either. It has no properties and acts on nothing. "Space" is compromised once again of inertia and the loss of inertia and the fields that they create.

That algae aesthetic

I fucking love you i thought i was alone thinking that

screenshotting this for later laughs. beautiful.
>til light isnt real
>Time isnt real so let me just list off the definition of time
>space isnt real so let me just incorrectly list off part of the definition.
>the number one? its not real. All it is is a representation of a single unit or object you fool!
time isnt a recording btw. Also refraction is real and we can see it in real time happen.
Please Go back to ranting about how every scientist ever is wrong and you're much smarter. I can't get enough of this.

>light is just a social constuct!
sounds like le edgy lighwarrior come you say such things?! And what the hell you even mean by it

no wonder... we "could" fly to the moon decades we can't bcuz... "we don't have the technology anymore"

>what a field is?
A field is a function of the co-ordinates that has certain, well defined transformation properties under the Lorentz group.

Nobody has ever claimed that we don't have the technology. We don't go to the moon because it's expensive and there's no point. Fuck off back to /x/ with all the other brainlets.

I'm not a physicist, but I read if we travel even slightly the speed of light we gain infinate mass and our molecules start to divide

We have the tech. its easy to get to the moon but no one cares because the moon is nothing more than a dusty milestone.

oh my god. Is this copypasta of some sort? I refuse to believe any is this stupid.

>I said light is not it's own separate thing, not that it doesn't exist. Learn reading comprehension.
>assuming definitions are explanations
>trying to say that time and space are real when they cannot be explained, only defined with human language. Try and explain what space is go ahead.

There has been thousands of books written on the number 1 and 0 so I'm not even going to go there with you, you'll probably get confused and start claiming I'm some newage hipster.

Time is a recording and relies on inertia and the loss of inertia, it in and of itself is not responsible for any phenomena.

If I take a can of compressed air and release it in the earth atmosphere, I can record how long it takes with numbers. If I release the same can of air in the depths of "space" then it will take less time to leave the container. Why? Because of pressure mediation, not this magical thing you call "time". Time is nothing but the circle of numbers on your wall. If you can define time as something that does something then be my guest, but you're wrong.

that's a description not an explanation.

* eats popcorn, watches manic ding-dong spew horseshit *

Nothing has mass, you can't define it.

please give us all your theories on everything. I love this. Like watching 4chans version of jackass

I just did.

He's right though. Time is just a measurement, why do people think it's some physical dimension that can be slowed down, altered, stretched.

because we can physically measure it happening lol.

Here we go. Bait or no.
How does one measure time

You put too much effort into this bait and it ruined it, you actually had me until the second paragraph.

You should have realised it in the third sentence (where the misrepresentation of quantum mechanics begins).

Only with the mind.

You only think it's bait because you fail to understand it? What more do i need to do to explain it to you? Write it in crayon? Reread it a few more times and then maybe something will click in your poor excuse for a brain.

I don't get why you people post these threads.
Can we? As far as we know and as far as we understand the universe we, being people in some sort of vehicle, would require immense resources and energy to approach the speed of light but not exceed it.

Can we? As far as a definitive truth to the universe? Maybe there is something we don't properly understand. But you can read about it all on your own instead of the comments on a fucking 4 chan board.

All you need to do is produce a void. That's gravity.


How deep you guys wanna dig yourselves? Still waiting for an explanation of what time is.

Also try and explain this. Im sure soms brainlets like you all couldnt.

people like you shit up these threads the most.

Why? Because you can't understand the concept of time nor space? Because you fail to open your mind to a new idea that disagrees wht you've been forcefed in your highschool level education?
Grow up and realize the universe is far more complex than you could understand.

Get out of here CIA.

Yeah I do and Flat earth has nothing to do with it. Are you CIA or legitimately some really mad Quantum glue sniffer shitting up another magnets thread.

Capped anyway, going to lol if the thread gets shutdown.

No. You can't escape your linear passage of time.

Give me a single experiment that could test your hypothesis by verifiable attempting to send electromagnetic information faster than light.

>Still waiting for an explanation of what time is



I think you can do it with Caducues Coils.
I think the point is to minimize or rid or reorient the magnetic field in the electric field.

There a statements by Charles Wheatstone and Tesla saying the propagation is (pi/2) * c.
But then Tesla states later on that it can be 50 times faster? I don't know, you need more experiments.

As for whether sometime could break (pi/2) * c, I have no idea. Some people say there is a literal action at a distance effect you can produce with various antennae.

A rod 186,282 miles long on either end from the center, rotating 1 rpm.

This assumes that the magnetic field can be oriented in any direction other than 90 degrees to the electric. What physical mechanism allows these fields to rotate independently of one another?

Hydrogen spark gaps and electrostatic generators.

Anyway, no-one even knows what the magnetic field is.
To assume that something will hold true under every single circumstance is short sighted.
To call it a law is irrational.