>Discovery of gigantic 'planet' baffles astronomers
>Massive planet 13 times the size of Jupiter has been discovered in the galactic bulge in the center of our galaxy
You're a big planet...
>Discovery of gigantic 'planet' baffles astronomers
>Massive planet 13 times the size of Jupiter has been discovered in the galactic bulge in the center of our galaxy
You're a big planet...
Other urls found in this thread:
must be a very recognizable bulge
>recognizable bulge
do astronomers really get baffled or do they just go like oh ok other planet to log.
using the word baffle makes it more likely that brainlets like OP will repost the article on social media and get them more clicks for ad revenue
whoa OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb....... easy on the matter
plutos not a planet
>calling this thing a planet
every time we OGLE dat BuLGe
>when u a star but someone calls u a planet
If I make you fuse hydrogen, will you die ?
It would be extremely hot
Not baffled but ya unexpected. It is more like "according to previous observations we didn't think we would find that, so we've had to tweak our current models a bit."
You're a small star
for you
Did you just assume it's classification you patriarchal, celestialist bigot?
They sit there staring through the eyepiece of a massive old-timey telescope at the planet while screaming for hours and hours.
>baffles RT writers
>planet discovered in June 2016
Why are we just now hearing about this, why do Koreans suck so much dick
>inb4 Dyson sphere or Dyson swarm
Dyson sphere should be an AU across. Even if it's 13 times bigger than Jupiter, our sun is still 100 times bigger than Jupiter.
>Implying you couldn't build a Dyson sphere around a gas giant and attempt fusion, or around a planet an use antimatter to annihilate it for energy.
You mean find some gas giant that's right on the upper limits of a brown dwarf, and trying to kick it over the limit?
Anything is possible, but it seems like that would be a big enough explosion to fuck up any kind of superstructure around it.
The actual process:
>one PhD student sees it, finds the size to be enormous, divides it by 10 because he doesn't want to make waves
>another PhD student (the exchange one) sees it to, actually writes down the big number in his report
>everyone makes fun of the dummie
>lab director checks just in case
>it was actually the right number
>You mean find some gas giant that's right on the upper limits of a brown dwarf, and trying to kick it over the limit?
>Anything is possible, but it seems like that would be a big enough explosion to fuck up any kind of superstructure around it.
Maybe, I suppose it depends on whether you place the structure there before, or after.
Was getting discovered part of your plan?
Of course.