Is this person dying, Veeky Forums? I dont know how to read this

Is this person dying, Veeky Forums? I dont know how to read this.

>Is this person dying, Veeky Forums?
Everyone is dying.

Normal EKG, slightly elevated heart rate and breathing rate, normal saturation.

Not dying.

Will It be soon?


is this ObUntu

Not dying, but his systole is breddy consistently high, no?

Did OP died?

Are these Oscilloscope style squiggle line graphics really the best way to represent stuff like heart rate and breathing? They seem kind of antiquated

mate are you doing a surgery by looking at a textbook?

stream it

Very slightly elevated, could be normal for this patient. We don't know anything about him.

>making judgements about a patient from a SINGLE lead on an ecg

Why not ask the doctor down the hall?

If you're responsible for them then yes.

They evade the question

What's the yellow wave thing?
I know green is electrocardiogram and blue is O2 saturation

how do you propose to represent 1-dimensional time series data?


does it graph the cap'n?

Oh its breath co2

That's breddy cool

There you have your answer.

>hipaa violantions on Veeky Forums
what a time to be alive

no personal identifying information was released, not a hipaa violation

Don't worry, he probably thinks we shouldn't use Cartesian coordinates either

No one's doing your Anatomy 101 homework faggot, that's clearly an iPad

A histogram

>Anatomy 101

ECG is grad level physio at least.

>a histogram
>for time series data
that's the stupidest thing ive ever heard

>ECG is grad level physio at least.
Not really, considering nurses and paramedics learn how to read it.

Fair enough.


ecg is normal aside from the single preventricular contraction which is pretty common. the yellow line is pulmonary artery pressure which is basically normal. BP is fine, it's elevated but you are not at risk until it's over 180s.

Pretty good then

Normal ECG doesn't mean the patient isn't dying.