Is anyone else frustrated with the lack of technological progress these days...

Is anyone else frustrated with the lack of technological progress these days? All we get now is stupid shit like smartphone finger print recognition or dumbass social media garbage. Anything that initially seems interesting is clickbait or some stupid pipe dream. It's like somehow all of our collective creative abilities were lost

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Induced tribalism, divide and conquer, and applied crowd psychology to control thought, behavior, and overall population flux. Bread and circus turned out to not be self sufficient. there's a lot to be said about this, historical, cultural, etc, and all that post WW2 stuff is probably relevant as well, but I'm apt to fall back on something more mechanical. People are brain damaged and easy to control. Poison food, poison water, toxic environments. Dead end lives, debt peonage, and guaranteed slavery.

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I think this in conjunction with increased phorbol ester, PCB, and aluminumj exposure, comprises the bulk of it. The rest is cultural engineering, and has been in progress for hundreds of years.

All of the technological progress is noncommercial because it has yet to be made profitable. Most companies would rather sell you something that already exists and can make an easy profit than spend money figuring new shit out.

I feel like you are just talking out of your ass because you are not in the tech industry and you are misanthropic. There are many interesting and new technologies being developed, they are just not commercially available because regular people do not need to use them.

Agree, people are just traped in their fantasies about greater tommorow with flying cars & shit.
Cinemas and pop-sci make constant predictions of fantastic technologies, while people are, for the most part, unaware of the difficulty (and quite a bit of luck) in developing revolutionary technologies.

This is the real reason. We're experiencing technological regression because of modern financialized capitalism.
>inb4 deluded ancaps with strawman arguments

We don't even have supersonic commercial aircraft anymore even though we have the capability to make them much cheaper and quieter. Companies simply don't want to bother when they can keep selling the same low-end planes designed in the mid 20th century.

Jesus ya youngin's are impatient. I guess you aren't old enough to understand how radically smartphones and the internet combined to change fundamental human interactions and politics worldwide in less than two decades in ways only comparable to planes, trains, and automobiles, radio and television, which each took a half century or more to accomplish. Hell, smartphones are pretty common in what we used to call the fourth world now, and they barely yet have proper airports, or roads for that matter.

Sure, half the shit we dream up never comes to fruition, but often something next to none of us ever suspected comes along and radically transforms the world in ways we never could have predicted. ...It's also not like we don't have proper jet packs, and good, even somewhat economical, flying cars, they just turned out to be shit ideas (regular cars cause enough property damage). We're having a hard enough time figure out what to do with all these drones and the self driving cars that are on the horizon.

I mean, I'm sure even in most of the lifetimes of the average user here, we've gone from videogames made up of abstract blocks to ones so realistic that many game manufacturers have opted for ultra-stylized over hyperrealism, because reality is "too boring".

Maybe CRISPR is another pipe dream, or maybe Gattica is upon us, or maybe China is going to release a global retrovirus and give everyone slanted eyes - you never know.

Shit's moving crazy fast, and you youngin's want it to move even faster... Mark this old geezer's words: Careful what you wish for,

no! 'capitalism' is the only thing that creates creativity or innovation, if everyone was guaranteed a share of resources and land for no $, well, they would just be lazy and never do anything again!

>All of the technological progress is noncommercial because it has yet to be made profitable.
Such as?

>There are many interesting and new technologies being developed
Such as!?

It's been a decade since smartphone. And here we are with nothing but smartphones with useless gimmicks.

Two reasons why this may be happening:

1) Low hanging fruit theory
This says most of the easy stuff in scitech has been done and things get much more difficult

2) Complacency theory
This says that when things are perceived as "good enough" there is less incentive for progress.

I think both theories play some role.

>And here we are with nothing but smartphones with useless gimmicks.
Don't confuse true progress with companies making good old fashioned money in retail markets.

Are you serious? Realism in video games is what's killing the industry. It's easier to scan models now and all the kids what realism. Stylized died 2 gens ago when games were limited by graphics and game play was the main focus. Now you don't even need art direction. You could barely even do hyperrealism last gen

Don't forget that in America we now live in a regulatory police state where progress is either outright outlawed or "if you build it they will come and regulate it" and you will wish you didn't do it.

You can't be stylized with 3d because you cant get that exaggerated squash and stretch like with 2d. Not to mention mocap makes everything stiff as fuck and model scanning is an easy cop out. The industry has never been more stagnant on innovation because they cost too much to make for today's technology

There's alot of tech progress, what are you talking about? We live in the future. Yes there are a bunch of problems that slow tech development but we still get new things all the time.

If you're talking about the rate of adoption of technology then it's because the average person is becoming poorer as the top 0.001% vacuum up more of the world's wealth. If you want to live in a "futuristic" environment then you should move to an area that gives off those vibes.

Who sent the first man into space?

Of course capitalism is to blame for the regress. This stage of it, where corporations run the state.
Last train to the moon left in 1972 because it is not "economically viable". Somehow attached picture is.

Technological progress is happening at a rapid rate, you just can't see it. Just because it's not consumer based tech doesn't mean shit isn't happening.

Your pic is economically viable because the voting population is still OK with pumping shit tons of taxes into defense spending.

We stopped going to the moon because we were cutting NASA's budget. Instead of them figuring out how to do the moon cheaper, they decided to leave that for companies to figure out and continued to go deeper into space

I was saying the same thing. I sent a letter to Google today. Their probably gonna fix everything.

The fuck are you two on about. What games are you playing?

Albeit, I grew up with Space Invaders, so...

I'm sick of smartphones too. I've had some chinkphone for 3 years. It does everything I want.


This is the real reason

We are in the weak men creating hard times part of the cycle rn

Have you tried cupman?

Strong men make hard times.

Weak men just maintain the status quo.

It's those shifty inbetweeners ya gotta look out for.

>technological regression
>lack of technological progress
>It's been a decade since smartphone
>this may be happening
Men, you people are really impatient. You don't measure technological advancement through consumer electronics. That's stupid. Technology has always been a slow moving world-state (think about all the history since the enlightenment) and it has never changed this fast before. The only reason you think it has slowed down is because it is so fast in the first place, nobody in history before ever thought "oh no, when will we finally have flying horses? we are declining into the walking age again". Samsung and apple aren't interested in making new breakthrough technological discoveries, they just want to sell their fucking phones, you can't measure advancement through them!
>a decade since the smartphone!!!1111!!
My god, that's stupid. You should've said "70 years since the first transistor" instead, nigger. The smartphone isn't technologically relevant, it's just an application and a direct result of the miniaturization that's STILL GOING ON (progress). We'll have 7nm chips soon. Other notable research areas are AI, photonics, genetic engineering, quantum-computing, fusion, meta-materials, high-temperature superconductance, and many others, NONE OF WHICH will make into your smartphone tomorrow (maybe AI will).

Now I understand american media's obsession with millenials, it is a real thing over there.

You're an idiot. Just look for it.

UPS automated 30 of it's largest hubs in 2015.

Machine learning (a branch of computer science) is absolutely exploding at the moment and will fuel a lot of change.

Elon's going to Mars for fucks sake.

80% of everything is garbage. You're just witnessing a lot of today's garbage and not seeing any of the past's garbage.

Wright brothers 1902. 67 years later on the moon. One dude who saw the first powered plane saw the moon landing.

Someone who saw the moon landing might see the first manned mars landing!

What more do you want. Whatever your answer is, go make it. It's possible.

>Are you serious? Realism in video games is what's killing the industry. It's easier to scan models now and all the kids what realism. Stylized died 2 gens ago when games were limited by graphics and game play was the main focus. Now you don't even need art direction. You could barely even do hyperrealism last gen

The split is pretty much the same as what it's always been in that regard.

We still aren't hyper realistic. It's a style, Half Life 2 was considered hyper realistic on release and looks like absolute ass now. If you want to simulate real life there is a fundamental paradigm change required. Video games are shitty models of real life.

Stylized is doing fine, most games are stylized. Fortnite just came out, minecraft one of the biggest sellers is not realistic.

You're just off ur rocker mate.

>Weak men just maintain the status quo.

A weak man is one of the most dangerous things. They shoot up schools and abuse/rape women.

You can't just "maintain" the status quo. It takes a huge amount of work to keep the status quo going.

Yeah very much so. Most of it is how to take your money

You literally hold in your hand a gateway to all human knowledge and you're mad it's not enough? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Incredibly powerful portable computer connected to biggest database of knowledge equipped with unimaginably many apps to do specialized tasks. This is apparently an useless tech. Thanks Veeky Forums!

Science selling out to brainlets is what caused the tech boom in the first place, you really think world leader give a shit about anything except technology that improves military power and communication?

No they dont, its all about profits and human appeal when it comes to science, thats why brainlets think 90% of research is pointless as there is no immediate benefit.

This is why only practical technology was used for most of history.

>Machine learning (a branch of computer science) is absolutely exploding at the moment and will fuel a lot of change.
No it's not. Most of that is clickbait so that autists will major in CS with dreams of becoming anything other than a code monkey.

Think yer conflating machine learning with AI. You're on a site that literally collects statistics for it, and is links to an image searcher that depends on it.


Not useless. We're not saying that.

We have these computers. This large database of information. All these minds connected through mutual technological prowess... Yet with all of this we are not creating new technology.

Prestidigitation distracts the fool.

You want to debate this with an actual programmer? I know this shit.

Better to just watch two minute papers:

It'll be harder for you to infer where this is going, but let me leave you with this one vector.

We used to rely on very structured programs to perform solutions by going through a predefined program step by step. You can solve chess that way.

We now have neural networks that you train by feeding data into them, and they create a curve function through your set of rules that solves the problem. This takes the problem solving out of the programmer's hands directly and instead gives it to the logic of the neural network you are training.

There's been a lot of progress pairing a neural network for generating a solution, with a nn that knows what a negative outcome looks like and training them together to generate great results.

We used to think solving Go was impossible because it has more possible combinations that stars in the universe or whatever, but instead we trained it on previously recorded Go matches from mid-to-top tier players and now it beats everyone.

Next challenge is Starcraft. But basically this is the tech behind driving cars, and anything super complex computers are trying to do well nowdays and there's a bunch of low-level huge improvements. The reCAPTCHA box on every Veeky Forums post is helping train google's sight detection machines.

Synthesizing human speech is getting crazy good with WaveNet, way better than the past. Acting and video game dev is likely to be vastly different production wise in next 10years.

You could get these systems to do a huge amount of knowledge work (various kinds of knowledge based analysis) much more quickly and potentially accurately than humans. There's a lot of applications it needs to go in to.

Of course it's not a wonder thing that the finance industry wants to hype it up to, but it will make a lot of change. "AI" scams will run for a while till it matures as industry.

We are creating new technology, just nobody is selling that shit to the masses because it isn't profitable.

Here is a simple list compiled by people who used their smartphones to explore the things you are interested in (new technologies) for you.

If all you want to do is be a meme consumer, then you are going to need to wait for a paradigm shift in battery technology, CPU microarchitecture, and eventually after those are figured out, maybe embedded technology will become a thing (like wireless headphone ear rings or some shit). But this stuff is slow to come about because the newer tech just about always makes less profit than the older, more refined tech

one usually does not appreciate modern technology at the current time. for instance, what do we appreciate more now; the invention of the vaccine or the invention of autonomous vehicles? most would say the vaccine is of far more practical and usefil help but 2,000 years from now (barring total human annihilation) we will be immune to every natural virus and the answer to my previous statement will most likely be the autonomous vehicle.

the great thing about technology is that it is 100% empirical and every single addition has an vital importance for future discorveries and innovations.

the economic reality of supply and demand. people buy smartphone crap, so companies keep making it.

>Realism in video games is what's killing the industry.

This is why Minecraft bombed so badly.

>Are you serious? Realism in [pictures] is what's killing the industry. It's easier to [capture light] now and all the kids what realism. Stylized died 2 gens ago when [pictures] were limited by [brush and paint] and [painting] was the main focus. Now you don't even need art direction.

>Wright brothers


This may have been the single most retarded post I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

>Implying viruses and disease causing bacteria don't mutate & adapt

An interesting idea I thought was about utilizing the agitating bacteria to heal us instead of hurting us. Kind of like the metroid fusion x parasite suit.

Think that was his point.

Secularization, all the smart people suffer from self-actualizing nihilism and cannot function with the same level of efficiency that earlier scientists could. If you want proof of what I'm saying, compare the pre-enlightenment work routine of an intellectual with the modern work routine of an intellectual. Immanuel Kant, for instance, lived at his desk and never traveled more than 10 miles from where he was born.

A lot of science and technology today is refinement/ extrapolation of science pioneered
throughout the 20th century and the past.

I think OP has a point. The 20th century was one remarkable era of scitech progress that has tapered off a bit in the 21st century.

> UPS automated 30 of it's largest hubs in 2015
Continuation of manufacturing related automation that achieved some remarkable things 20th century.

> Elon's going to Mars for fucks sake.
Apollo was reeeeeeaaallly impressive in the 60's. Mars should have already been done.

> What more do you want
A lot, not necessariily all, of what you would list would fall under technology refinement, not truly original new progress.

Name one thing that is in science today that would have made a scientist in 1900yr-1990yr
look at you and say "I have no idea what that concept even is about."

Astrophysics dark matter ???

Right now is the time when most of the next big things are still in development. 2020s onward are gonna be great though. Reusable rockets, cool new fucking telescopes, a big ass fusion test reactor, crispr gene editing, battery tech, electric cars, self-driving cars, cheap solar and wind, 2D materials, ever more advanced 3D printing and a shitton of other stuff.

In terms of science, the 90s were yesterday. Get a grip.

I used to agree with you. I changed my mind when I started to see 3D printed guns being developed.