Who was better

who was better, Evola or Pynchon?

This is tough, although Evola was more realistic so I would go with him.


Without question, it was Evola.

rhodesia propaganda


This is like asking who was better, my mom or my dad...they both sucked...my dick so I was equally in love with and thankful for them both

>Without question, it was Evola.
What is the most signifcant, profound, rare, high, concept, statement, idea Evola put forth? (would be nice if you offered 3)



>Awakening one's true self

>The metaphysics of sex, and transcendental orgasm

Have you even read ride the tiger??

I don't see how they are related.

Does Stefan Molyneux count as a professor?

I think they were both better in their respective fields.. wtf is the question here? I'd suggest reading The Gulag Archipelago.

I enjoyed it.

cool pic op, idk either of the authors tho

This thread was actually pretty good, wasn't expecting much going in. Nice!

Not profoundly original idea
>Awakening one's true self
Not profoundly original idea
>The metaphysics of sex, and transcendental orgasm

>Have you even read ride the tiger??
What is the most signifcant, profound, rare, high, concept, statement, idea Evola put forth? (would be nice if you offered 3)

Evola is redpilled. No further proof needed.

Dude what do you have to say about Evola? We already answered, and it's clear he did Pynchon's schtick but better.

Not sure honestly

Apples and oranges

pretty sure it's Evola

>le everything right leaning is automatically correct fallacy


are you a woman?

Of course Ebola does not offer original thoughts. He instead brings to the surface primordial truths that have existed since the times of eternity. His is knowledge that no man can claim authorship but is at the same time correct.