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Literature #92
What went so wrong in your life that you still waste your time on this awful site?
She is back
You guys just hate Harry Potter because it's cool to do so
Can we have a Bukowski thread?
/Phil/ Thread. Topic: Sandwhiches
No seriously... how do I get a qt Veeky Forums gf? The type that just really enjoys reading serious literature...
Men read because they either enjoy the activity abstracted...
What university do you attend?
Post the most aesthetically pleasing words
My professor pronounces Goethe Go-eth
Do I, as an individual, matter? Explain your view. Thanks
What is the most "you have to own this" book? Regardless of how much you liked it or how good it is...
All heroin writings aside, what do you guys think of pic related as a writer/poet?
Mfw there exists an embarrasing video of me online that will mark my literary career
What have you written so far?
Tfw finished a chapter today
Any books about resenting your chestlet gf due to over exposure to big milk jugs?
Holy shit he was a fucking genius what the fuck
Is Atheism a luxury?
I'm writing a 17 page philosophy paper, tearing Descartes a new asshole
Can someone explain the Faulkner meme to me? It's gotten trite rather quick. Are you guys being ironic or something?
Lit wtf is this????
Why is fascist literature so widely discarded?
Does reading too much cause you to feel detached from reality...
What is some good French litératurë?
Can we get a hidden agenda in pop-culture thread going?
Great American Novell
This is pretty deep if you thimk about it
Post your shelf
So is this guy the new Sam Harris?
Can you recommend me an obscure book about teen angst, please?
This place needs fixing. It keeps getting more and more mediocre
Neo-Nazis can't write
Will "The Story of the Vivian Girls, in what is Known as the Realms of the Unreal...
I'll only be your girlfriend if you tell me the role of creative imagination, stream of consciousness...
I just finished reading the brothers Karamazov for the first time...
Is there any contemporary philosophical writing that deals with a tendency in our culture to "humanize evil...
Hi Veeky Forums
Impulse buy meme book
LGBT/Gay books
Normies = Mindless animals
Literary confessions
How do I decide whether or not to switch to math in university?
Finished the Bible, is the sequel worth reading?
How is it possible that Nietzsche is quite possibly the most influential philosopher in modern life while also almost...
Underrated books. books Veeky Forums doesnt talk about much but are amazing. pic related
Greetings, Veeky Forums
Which book will give meaning to my life, Veeky Forums?
I fucking hate all of you scumbag dipshits i really want the whole universe to collapse on itself just to end this veil...
Is Living ironically viable?
What am I in for?
Bannon genuinely reminds me of some of the pseuds I encounter on this board. I bet he spams Nick Land on here
Can someone explain why the right has no serious literature ?
Somebody explain what was his philosophy again
He's male and writes poetry
What is a word for someone that speaks their mind without thinking about the repercussions or whether what they said is...
Write what's on your mind
Crash Course Literature
Is stuff like supermegacomics the post-modern equivalent of literature?
100 pages into V
Penguin Classics VS. Oxford World's Classics
"Some intuitions are truly basic to our thinking...
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must stay silent
Have you ever given a book as a present?
I. am. God
Reading novels for the plot
I looked around at my classmates yesterday. Two were male, twelve were female
Posted this on /r9k/ but got no replies
Let's write a novel, Veeky Forums
Rec me some books that will make me better with women
Why do left wingers always turn out to be pasty...
Post a picture and another anons will recommend you a book based on that picture
Story Thread
Has your writing ever impressed a girl, or got her to like you?
How do you deal with the absurdity of life and existence?
What the actual living FUCK was his problem?
I literally cried reading this
What are the most important works one must read in order to understand "evil"?
Chart Thread
How do you browse Veeky Forums?
Is your city Veeky Forums, user?
Literary Presses & Publishers
Are these guy's books worth reading if I'm not American?
Is the reason there are no great living writers under 50 years of age because no one knows where to go after...
Is music a superior art form than literature? Discuss
I have an idea for a novel but have no clue how to get started. Can anyone help me get some momentum?
Reads x once
Childhood is believing in Hitchens
So uh Trump
Damn. What did highly influential and critically lauded writer Ishmael Reed mean by this?
What should I expect reading this?
Do you believe Homer wrote the end?
In your fanciest prose, describe your fanciest prose
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Can literature ever catch back up to movies and video games?
What's this asshole's fucking problem?
Best of Veeky Forums thread
Is 28 too late to pursue an academic career?
These are the top 10 best books of the 20th century as voted by the American public in 1999
Why were almost all of the women in this story promiscuous, other than to increase Joseph's paranoia, and why did K...
Perfect Hero Thread
This is actually a great book, it helped me a lot in my career
Tfw the best literary minds of your generation are only published on obscure far right websites
You're in DFW's class
If people like Faulkner and Joyce wrote today...
Idea for a short Love-Novel/Romane
Why doesn't he get the same merit other philosophers do?
Aliens come to earth. They request one book to help them understand the 'human condition.'
Post authors you've never read and probably never will read ITT
Daily reminder to learn a new language
3x3 thread
What's the most chillest way to maintain and acquire knowledge and wisdom without becoming a scholastic prick or an...
Are booktubers sexually frustrated? I just don't understand what they get out of it
*stares at you impatiently*
The Gulag Archipelago
Was he the most anti-spooked of them all?
What is the capeshit of literature?
Estimated IQ of 190
Do you write, user?
I just turned 27, and feel like I've wasted my lifetime so far...
Is George R.R. Martin Book Series, A Song of Ice and Fire Really Realistic as many people claim, or is it all hype?
What is the most Veeky Forums color?
Is it socially acceptable to read books in public...
Hey Veeky Forums I'm writing a speech that's supposed to pander to an SJW audience and is supposed to be against...
Has there ever been a more perfect commencement speech?
Lucid Dreaming Literature
What's the best book in the Bible Veeky Forums?
*steps forward*
*reads Nietzsche once*
Reading is a waste of time. Here's why
Veeky Forums as a concept. Discuss
Why are men so thoroughly terrible at writing female characters?
Bible study for agnostic/ atheists
Why does it seem like Literature is so seperated from the rest of the Arts?
Thoughts on Samuel Beckett? Is he the most blackpilled writer of the 20th century?
What does American Psycho get right?
Are there any systematic efforts to organize real life Veeky Forums meetups...
Historical Fiction
Off of what website do you pirate your ebooks? I'm totally new to this. How do I get these books onto my kindle?
"If you're doing it [masturbation] 20 times a day; if your primary sexual relationship is with your hand...
What are some Veeky Forums tier musicians?
What comes after death?
INs are the writers. The rest of you are our audience and when you try to write it is cringeworthy...
ITT: Favourite Quotes
Which of the following sentences is better?
You start with the greeks, but what do you end with?
I have yet to come across a valid criticism of the critiques
ITT: post penguin classics that are preferable to other editions
I don't get Husserl...
Just bought this for $1, was it worth it?
Writers with the worst fetishes? Do you know any apart from the most famous one like Joyce's?
LOL this is soooo us, Veeky Forums
Why doesn't Veeky Forums treat right wing literature with respect...
All this cult worship of Nietzsche
What is some good Veeky Forums on Natural Law...
My son is dumb as shit and will probably accomplish nothing in life
What else by Cervantes is worth reading or is he just a one trick phony?
What languages do you already speak? What languages do you want to learn and why?
What was her problem?
What are some books on male virginity?
How many years until Harry Potter isn't relevant anymore? And what do you think will be the next big trend?
Who is the most popular author under 30 years of age in your country?
In your best prose, write whats on your mind
What are you reading and what are you going to read next
So, is family a spook? If so, in what ways?
How to deal with publishers?
In your fanciest prose, describe this painting
Jordan Peterson BTFO
I'm bored of reading dead authors. Who are some living ones?
So let me get this straight
Damn. That whale body and then severed head floating away in the ocean
ITT: Classics that are actually hot dogshit
Have you ever refuse to read some author because of his ideology? i'm a black man, from latino-america...
Left-wing Literature Thread
Serious question: who is the yoko ono of literature?
Is Tolstory overrated?
What are books about sexism that explain how pervasive it is, how both sexes are guilty of it and how it harms everyone?
Is there any site that can give me a pretty in depth overview of different philosophers...
Is he the most important philosopher of the 21st century? I say yes
Heart of Darkness
Hey Veeky Forums, what do you think of my bookshelf?
When did you first realize the superiority of cinema to text?
At some point in my life I will have to ask out a girl either in person or online and she will laugh at me, reject me...
Being ugly
Dude be a hero, lmao
Are his books patrician-tier?
The Hate U Give
I want to become religious but I just can't believe in God...
What is some literature that will make me want to kill myself?
How many of you are living the Veeky Forums lifestyle?
If I’m trying to impress the cutie female clerk at the local book store, which books should I buy...
Is morality subjective?
What is the best E-reader to buy right now...
I read books to distract myself and to have fun
Who won this debate?
I am interested in Buddhism as a philosophy, not a religion*...
What did I like most about [book]? Well, uh, I really liked the prose
Is it worth reading?
Why's this book so boring
What have you read this year?
Which books written in the past 10 years will be read in most high schools 20 or more years from now?
You're Not Special
Books about sweet girls
How do I teach myself mathematics?
Sup Veeky Forums
A couple of you, minimum, have read philosophy extensively... So, how does one live the good life...
Harry Potter
Stoicism, epicureanism or cynicism Veeky Forums?
Name a flaw
Why does Zizek hate paganism and glorify Christianity?
What animal, in your opinion, is most symbolically indicative of eternity, or rather...
It's time to settle this, Veeky Forums
Poltical Compass
What the hell do i do with my life now
Rate my future novel's title
How Aliterate are you?
Jane Austen could never resist a joke, even one about an acquaintance 'brought to bed yesterday of a dead child'...
Is Bukowski garbage?
"Hey, user! I've started reading this book a week ago and I really, really like it! Have you heard of it before?"
Why is there such a division between the Arts and Science?
What's your favorite NYRB classic Veeky Forums? Looking to get some more as I've only read a couple
Best of Iambic Pentametre
If you knew that you were going to be marooned on an island and can only choose one Veeky Forums what would it be?
How hard would he shitpost?
ITT: post a song and give a recommendation based on
Poems you wrote while high af
How is Veeky Forums's semester going? Studying hard?
Write what's on your mind ;)
Hi, where does this Dostoyevsky was an anti-semite meme come from?
Erotica Thread
ITT: You rate your city's bookstores
Non-edgy works that explore masculinity in the 21st century
Where do I start with the Lord of the Rings literaric universe?
What is making you unhappy in these moments my fellow Veeky Forums bros?
Is there any ontological proof that we are a simulacrum?
Recent purchases
Did he actually bring anything new to the table other than platitudes like
I've read like one or two books in my entire life. I'm want to start reading books but don't know where to start...
Do millennials really think pop culture is this important...
What podcasts does Veeky Forums listen to?
Veeky Forums, you hate everybody. You don't understand women, you don't even sympathise with your mom...
What should I read if I want to learn about the meta-epistemology of logic, particularly modal logic?
Is there any social aspect to your love of literature?
What has this hack done or any other posmo shitlord done that wasn't done by Joyce before?
Who's the leading kantian of today?
Write a Poem Now
Why do we tolerate racism in literature?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Any good books on birds?
Is philosophy dead? Why or why not? Please no memes
Why are poets so frequently beta and uninteresting people?
This confounds and enrages an atheist
You're fucking faggots
I've never before seen this level of literary narcissism
Which books help me to lose fear of death?
Any martial artists or fighters here? What books do you read that ties in with your martial arts?
Sunny day
I want to become a redditor. What literature should I read?
How to be virtuous?
His wife said that he voted reagan twice and supported perot, still, in the Pale King there's he's crtical of raegan...
We are supposed to envision Moby Dick happy
Won a short story competition
How do i overcome my sense of meaninglessness and horror?
What is Cormac McCarthy's best book?
My novel's about 1500 pages right now. This is after some extensive cuts
Daily reminder to not learn a new language
Ezra Pound claims that any serious reader and/or writer of literature must be fluent in French, Italian, Latin...
Best short stories?
Realistically, how many books should you read before you attempt to write your own?
Try to read Zizek
Why was this cuck so hung up on concepts such as 'Self' and 'Ego'?
Would you rather:
18 months ago
Zadie Smith
Read Ecce Homo by Nietszche
What does your family and friends think about your writing?
Why aren't you preparing for the future collapse of Academia?
What do you guys use to write with on your computers/laptops?
Is the whale in Moby Dick, characterised as the White Whale, an allegory for white people oppressing others?
That that
China Mieville
From this year. Get to work idiots
You'll never be a great writer unless you travel. What, you think you can do it from the bedroom or office desk? No...
Wallace committed suicide on September 12, 2008, at age 46...
Anybody going to get this?
Obscure lit
What are the greatest plays of all time?
Do I have to be depressed to write? You guys are all serious writers and you're all so sad...
D R E A M S C A P E - Veeky Forums Collab
Where did the idea of having to wash to "purify" yourself before God(s) or seeing God(s) being lethal to mortals come...
Veeky Forums humor thread
What does Veeky Forums think of virtue ethics?
Step back nigga I'm fixin' post a thread
Honest opinion of Tolkien?
What's a good book to read in a 8 hours travel on bus?
Please hear me out! John Green is underrated
Why was he obsessed with Donald Trump?
Calvin & Hobbes cartoonist
Is Christianity the best religion to do the leap of faith into and rediscover spirituality and love once more?
I used to be able to finish 500 page novels in a day when I was younger but now my brain struggles to understand the...
Daily reminder to learn a new language
What's a good critique of DFW's proposal for "New Sincerity"
Can we discuss this?
Do you think the comic/graphic novel format can have literary validity?
Shakespeare is DEAD
"Start with the Greeks"
Is /sp/ our one true rival? Nothing makes me more upset than buffoons ogling over grown men throwing balls around...
Holy fuck this book is boring. Imagine a book so fucking boring it can make the idea of an insane...
"I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest"
When will the far right embrace islam?
CRITIQUE THREAD: tuckoo and the moo-cows rock band edition
German books
What character in literature bares the most similarity to your average chantard?
Questions For Writers
Who /radical centrist/ here?
ITT: authors who are literally, no. LITERALLY you
"If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant...
I'm writing a story from the perspective of my waifu but I'm a non-smoker. In the story she lights up after sex
What is the point of "philosophy" in 2017? Especially reading old authors
Absolutely haram
It's Zizek's birthday today. Have you read any of his books lately?
/Lit's Response: Hey user, why are you so quiet?
Writing Group?
Short Story Read/Rate thread
Poetry critique thread
Do you agree with Harold Bloom's 100 geniuses of literature?
Literary Tattoo Thread
Do you guys crucify words?
Will my kids appreciate our home library or will they just think I'm a giant faggot?
It's a "moral philosopher can't shake their personal association between the term 'hedonism' and the image of a...
ITT: post your best book and pornstar from your shef
Meanwhile in Bizarro Veeky Forums
What is a realistic and effective school reading list?
Is there anything like Moby Dick, but with mining?
Ebook readers, why dont you start collecting physical books?
What are some good neoreactionary works?
I'm looking a book filled with melancholy and the American landscape. Something like Paris, Texas if you've seen that...
Mfw my entire life's work on my computer and backup hdd was destroyed in a fire
Any lawfags in here...
Yfw prospect gf whips this baby out
Go to uni library
250 word essay about existentialism and it's relation to the memefication of post-post-post-modern existence
What is the real reason for suicide being sin?
Why is it that Lolita has become so stigmatised...
I want to be the greatest philosopher of my generation. The Connor McGregor of philosophy, so to speak...
What does Veeky Forums think of Goethe?
Looking for something in Spanish to read on my 20 minute train ride every day...
Name a more original book
Whats the best book you've read which takes place mainly in London?
I see this book everywhere I go, as though it's calling for me to read it
Latinoamerican lit general
How to know if i'm stupid? serious question
What are good nonfiction books about female beauty and behavior, and femininity?
Anons, Im gonna be a dad. What stories should I tell this kid? What books should a growing child read?
Allen Jinsberg
The first thing that must strike any outside observer is that Socialism...
Friendly Reminder this is the greatest book ever written
What do you think about 'the old man and the sea' ?
Why haven't you read it yet?
How does one be stoic?
Philosphy according to /pol/
Veeky Forums
Share your edgiest, most contrarian literary opinions
What are some books with a fat protagonist?
Thoughts on H.P. Lovecraft?
How do you tell good from bad poetry?
Have we been overlooking our generation's greatest mind?
The Savage Detectives
Daily reminder that TS Eliot wrote "The Love Song or J. Alfred Prufrock" at the age of 22
Was it autism?
What comes after post-modernism? Neo-modernism?
Roberto Bolaño
Is chastity necessary to live a virtuous life? I have a long term GF but we've yet to have sex...
Question with no answer
What's the saddest book you have read?
Is he the only /moderndaygenius/ to exist?
Can pronounce v's and w's perfectly with my inner voice when reading a book
What's the best order to read Plato?
Anti neo-atheism thread
Is everything physical?
I just won 1st place in a shrot story award...
Has anyone here actually learned Arabic or a language with a really alien script compared to that of English...
I don't understand Derrida
Why do Jews push Transhumanism?
What literature do I start with if I'm having suicidal thoughts and want to find some kind of purpose or reason to live?
How the fuck do I maintain a schedule of reading & writing daily if I have to work a cuck job 9-5 and I'm always...
Go read a book
Hated hedonism
Any good books on monarchism?
What are the most Veeky Forums approved words?
Is this book supposed to turn you into a pedophile?
The phone call that ended philosophy
In Search of Lost Time
Who are /writers/ here? Been published in a literary magazine? Or are you currently submitting?
Which short stories are your all-time favorites?
Tfw reading the Bible and am continually blown away at how amazing it is
What novel to do you think of as the 'national epic' of your home country?
Hunter S. Thompson
How does Veeky Forums defend itself against the "blue curtains" argument?
My housemate at uni got psychosis and is now on a ward... Why...
What's the recommended reading order for the Veeky Forums books on Buddhism?
What's your favorite book, and why?
He buys his books through Amazon®
You know that weird, embarrassing idea you had for a story? The one you'd never tell anyone about? Share it with us
Be Michael Crichton
200 years of science did more for humanity than 2500 years of philosophy
Recent purchases
Essential Jewish lit?
Veeky Forums philosophy poll
Light Novels
Jordan Peterson Suggested Reading List for Millennials
What is postmodernism?
Going to health rehab tomorrow for 1 year
Why doesn't this get as much hate as Harry Potter does on this board? Is it due to popularity?
If there are an infinite number of universes does that mean that anything I can imagine has or will happen in at least...
What shitty book do you secretly love Veeky Forums?
The Secret History
Tfw neurotically detached and derealised...
When will people stop referencing this stale meme?
Why aren't you reading this right now?
Why haven't they contributed a single work of literature to the literary canon of the world?
Life is trash if you aren't an instagram male model
What's the most based philosophy to live one's life by?
Name a more influential philosopher of the 90s-present era
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
My girlfriend came home from work tonight...
Eragon is dragon with the d replaced with an e
3x3 thread, judge personalities
Are the postmodernists actually wrong or are they just hated because people feel uncomfortable with the conclusions...
Edward Gorey regularly included extra-creepy material in his writings, like pic related...
What is the point of literature?
These books are on the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) curriculum in Australia
Is this actually worth reading or just boring pseudo-philosophy for 2000 pages?
Which version of the Bible should I read? I'm interested in the background it provides for western literature...
Is Veeky Forums post-leftist?
Why is Veeky Forums so intellectually rigorous and clinical...
What fantasy books/series should beginner read?
My name is Herman Melville. I wrote the greatest novel of all time, Moby Dick
Just ordered this off Amazon
These people get published
Why does he have so much lolis and pedophilia stuff in his books?
What's the most entertaining (fun) book you have ever read?
What is the highest form of art, Veeky Forums?
In your best prose, write about getting rich and fucking bitches
Chomsky is the most influential & cited thinker of the last century...
So much to do. And the days go by so quickly. I love my work, all my work, all my projects, all my children...
I don't get it
How do we improve this list?
Post Your Poetry
Why was Nietzsche okay with Suicide?
ITT: Words that make you cringe
Why are so many pornstars interested in philosophy?
I finally bit the bullet and am actually reading nietzsche
How do I live the most ascended, patrician lifestyle? Help me make a list...
Can someone tell me about the CCRU and its connection to Nick Land?
Chart thread: Post reading charts ITT
Bret Easton Ellis
Is there a religion more lead by charlatans, and filled with faggots and sycophants...
If Lucifer is an archangel and archangels are lower in the choir than seraphim and cherubim...
Mfw I sent an email out to all students calling for a Christian Tolstoyan revolution and now I have to see the dean
This is literally the best crime novel ever. Discuss
How do you organise your Goodreads shelves?
Am I the only one who doesn't understand Dostoevsky? I've read Crime + Punishment and Notes from Underground...
Companion to Plato
Is there an essential Scandinavian literature chart like this one?
When will Joseph Mcelroy get the recognitions he's deserves?
2000 years ago
Every day I think about that embarrassing thing I said at the Philosophy Society meeting and every day...
Is Don Quixote worth reading in its entirety? I got through 250 pages and its the same process over and over:
/tv/ fag, can I get some recs on stuff to read...
Hey Literatos, I've been wondering what you think about comedians
Political Science/Political Theory/Political Philosophy
What does psychoanalysis say about traps?
Is this worthwhile reading?
Just finished this
How many books do you read a week? A month? How long does it take you read say, a 400 page book...
*blocks your path*
What do you think of 'The Art of the Deal'?
Try to read a book
Is it consistent to think that something is morally wrong but that it should also be legally right?
He reads book that were translated
Why do people see Ignatius as this deep, intellectual, whom society has scorned...
There are people on Veeky Forums who claim you can be non-ideological
Is it morally right to accept and tolerate different opinions in the society on important issues?
Future classics
Erotic literature
Daily reminder that the vast majority of writers lead lonely and boring lives and that you will not be experiencing a...
What/who to read that destroys identity politics?
Henri Bergson is underrated...
Film taste of Veeky Forums
What should I name my villain?
What are some good Veeky Forums related twitter profiles to follow?
That's a bunch of bullshit. things are either true or false
Post the first two sentences of whatever you're working on
Short stories > novellas > plays > novels > poems
Start reading more, searching authors and books on the archives
Verbosely using adjectives that end in "ly" in your writing
Chomsky is right about literally everything
Pinpoint the moment when everything went wrong in Western philosophy
CRITIQUE THREAD: this quote doesn't even make sense edition
Why does Veeky Forums overlook pic related?
Post the latest entry from your diary, desu
ITT: post your favourite author and get roasted. Pic related
Tfw you realize all of the retards who major in psychology and early childhood studies etc ruined your upbringing...
What did you take away from this? With Brothers K, I remember I kept thinking of it for like a week after finishing...
Ayn Rand seems to be, continually, the most hated author in academia. And why is that...
What are some good "spiritual" books
Warrior Cats
Hey let's make this character look smart with a cheap exposition shot of reading a hard book!
“The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter...
What are some great books for a depressed, edgy 21 year-old?
Congrats, you just topped this site
How do you describe being in love?
Is there a more cuckold occupation than """"""""""""teaching"""""""""""" or """"""""""""lecturing"""""""""?
Please leave the controversy aside, I just want to know if the person who asked the question has a point...
Nyrb classics
/luso/ thread
Great Gatsby
Do you support independent bookstores with your patronage Veeky Forums?
Best Chess strategy book recommendations?
I love it when American Christian conservacucks who haven't read Nietzsche experience cognitive dissonance over the...
All my books arrived in the post this morning
I didn't go to university, I went to books
*blocks your path*
Favorite uthor from your country
What are the essential readings for 20th century philosophy ?
Why read when you can just watch these great videos?
Redpill me on reactionary literature
Tabletcucks BTFO
Who's the best Latin poet and why?
Why are so many philosphers cuckolds?
I just jerked off
So, is this just Reddit: The Novel?
Roberto Arlt
Why do you only and exclusively read postmodern bullshit? Do you do that because it's a trend?
How did we get here?
What are some magazines to send short stories to?
What is the literature equivalent of R Plus Seven?
Usual reading pile thread? Interact with others, rate, share thoughts, recommend
Reading Kant
Whats a good book that'll lift me out of depression lads
Hey Veeky Forums are there some books to learn how to chit chat? I'm so fucking boring
What do you think of Mitchell Heisman?
Hey, Veeky Forums. I got a copy of The Canterbury Tales, but it was translated into "modern English" by Nevill Coghill...
What are the long-term implications of vilifying white people?
How was such a terrible self-contradicting low intelligence retard so influential
St. patricks day /ireland/
What was all this about. I don't get it
Kindle Unlimited
So one of you fuckers went to a Peterson talk and actually talked about Veeky Forums. Who was it? @37:35
ITT: pretentiousness or cringe related to literature
Stop drinking low-fat milk
What are your favorite short books Veeky Forums? Something you can read in a day, less than 200 pages...
How does one be as ridiculously intense and passionate as this guy?
ITT: Books that profoundly changed the way you think or the way you lived your life
Greatest novel ever written
Write what's on your mind
None of my passions make economic sense
Did this dude just spend ten fucking pages describing buildings?
Who's the best written fictional character of all time, and why?
Writing APPS
How to improve emotional intelligence?
The 12 Most Valuable Things Everyone Should Know
Just got up to Book 5. Can we get a discussion thread?
KDP Stats
How would Veeky Forums describe death in one sentence?
ITT: Bad quotes
ITT: Books that will turn you into a Christian
Should i take the plunge? Anyone actually read it?
Literally give one example of an existent non-physical thing
How litterate is your cat?
Not marrying a wealthy...
Stop being an atheist
Has a book ever made you feel like this?
Are there any famous Japanese philosophers...
ITT: use your literary flow to come up with a more edgy phrase than "God is dead"
Rate my lackluster essay out of Joyce's toilet paper. But for serious, how awful is this?
Life in a gulag is hard
Same person, different genitalia
Was he a good professor? What do we know about his classes? Are there any published first-hand accounts?
What happened?
Tfw can't concentrate or enjoy reading because trained millennial short attention span smartphone brainlet
Do you guys care about authorial intent? Is there an author?
Go to the gym and lift weights
Are Skeptics Shitcunts?
Where to find girls like this??
Which writer writes the consistently best constructed sentences in the past 100 years?
Quit my job to focus on my writing
Explain this book
Is this man really our guy? On the surface you might make the mistake of screaming no...
What do you think of authors who use twitter?
What's the best one? I thought 8 was so god awful that I bought it...
Humanities degree at non Oxbridge UK university
What should I read if I'm depressed...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What's the most fedora tipping book you've ever read?
Holocaust books
What books will make me more empathetic with men?
Which philosophers have the best prose, stylistically? Hardmode: No Nietzsche, Schopenhauer or Kierkegaard
Rank the shakespeare plays you've read gogogo
So why did he turn into a bug?
Illiterate literature
Who's te George Costanza of literature?
Thomas Jefferson read a number of different languages...
If free will does not exist, can we be held morally accountable for our actions?
So why haven't you embraced anarcho-syndicalism yet Veeky Forums?
I liek reding
Who will be the next great lyricist to win a Nobel Prize after Bob Dylan?
Why aren't millennials interested in literature?
Is anime Veeky Forums?
Was Pushkin greater than Shakespeare?
Veeky Forums what are some genuinely funny books
ITT: Post your bookshelves
Do you have your own definition of God, Veeky Forums?
This is better than 90% of the shit posted on this board
Is there a reason why most authors, philosophers and intellectuals are left wing? I'm not saying that's good or bad...
What literature will convince me to convert from Christianity to Atheism?
What jobs can you do with a literature degree that isn't fucking teaching?
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Can you give me a quick rundown of this book and its author? why do i see it so much on here?
What if heaven isnt real but hell is?
Help me understand why everyone claims this man was a quasi-prophet. So...
Who here has read the entire meme trilogy? which one is the best? ive only read one but Im not gonna say which
Best of Veeky Forums thread
I want to be normal and have friends
Bad Philosophy
Trying to read
Veeky Forums should make a literary criticism reading list so posters can discuss books beyond saying the prose is good
Yfw you realize that virtue is just the continuation of aesthetics in the moral plane
Greentext is the new literary genre
Now I see where Lovecraft got his ideas to make his stories from. I like Chamber way more though...
In home
Is rape ok?
ITT favorite quotes and their authors
What books will make me more empathetic with women?
I'm interested in books about the sense of beauty. It could be a philosophical work, or fiction...
Some faggot college academic gets to write an intro to a great piece of literature and spoils the ending without any...
Some of the brightest philosophers today seem to have chosen multimedia as their medium of choice instead of written...
What does your book collection look like, Veeky Forums?
What are some minimalist books/authors?
Is it good?
Be attractive male hipster
What compelling argument do you have to refute the notion that modern science has made all philosophy redundant?
Do any of you know about some books written about Capitalism ? The Communists have their Manifesto...
How do i become creative?
ITT Books that got you into literature
*Insert your political views here*
Ernest Hemingway
What magazines does Veeky Forums read?
Who are your favorite posters on Veeky Forums? My vote goes to the christfags...
Why did vice declare her "the voice of our generation" only after 1 book of poetry?
I memorized the entire dictionary in two years after only working part time and living alone with no pets or technology...
If you had to learn only one other language besides English...
Top 5 God Tier Authors
ITT recommend contemporary British literature that is good
About to tackle this badboy
Write your suicide note, Veeky Forums
Is this book at all credible? The subject is interesting to me...
Are there any books that can help cure ADHD?
What's Shakespeare's best play, outside of the High School Trilogy (Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth)
Does space safety inhibit creativity? Will a 9-to-5 job affect my writing?
What do you think of university professors and researchers? Would you like to be one of them?
Is postmodernism the most retarded thing to have ever happend in human history?
'I don't care,' he said, rubbing his eyes. 'You're an idiot.'
How was he so right about literally everything? Is this the power of dialectics?
Julius Evola
Guys where can I find a community like Veeky Forums but in real life?
I sent an embarrassing email out to all students 3 years ago
Anons, what should I read to become funnier and interesting?
/tv/ here
What's the hardest you've ever laughed Veeky Forums?
He doesn't give a single fuck
Its time
They haven't read Elements
What do you guys think of this book?
No novel has come close to how brilliant this is
Reading middlemarch in the middle of march
How do you maintain your focus while you read? How do you read for hours at a time without getting bored or distracted?
Claims to be interested in philosophy
Tfw working a shitty wageslave job to support living in a shitty apartment
Latin literature thread?
To those of you who have done an English degree at a college/university, how long did your 10...
Veeky Forums lyricists
Is it necessary to have an active social media prescence to be a successful young and upcoming author in this day and...
Would you say Sam Harris is 'Star Trek TNG' and Jordan Peterson more 'Lord of the Rings'?
*blocks your path*
Why does Veeky Forums mock psychology?
Why are boards specifically designed for posting and reviewing short stories so terribly shit...
How do you cope with the fact that 99% of everything you see is propaganda?
What's a good book to give to a girl as a gift?
Literally show me a healthy person
Bookshelf Thread
Tfw when I was a kid (8-14 y/o) the professors would read my creative papers aloud in front of the class but I have...
Tfw smarter than 40 year old professors who wasted their time in Academia instead of self-learning
Just bought this as an introduction to philosophy. Did I fall for a meme?
What are you currently writing, user?
What's the point of "experimental" literature? Do these authors just like to be pretentious on purpose?
A while ago I quit my job to follow one of my dreams. I want to make a change the world...
Why is everyone so infatuated with the idea of ego death?
What's up with Hegel?
J.K. Rowling confirms her new book will be titled Lethal White
Is Nastasya Filippovna the best example of a death drive in literature?
Was he right on Milton?
Desperate; please help
How would DFW react to us using his mug as reaction photos...
When did you realise that women lived life on extreme easy mode and living life on autopilot was asking to be used up...
Assume some people here have read Lolita
Is this a legit/good guide if want to be redpilled?
Going to a Zizek talk next week, what am I in for?
"Industrial Society and Its Future"
Is this the greatest piece of philosophy mankind has ever produced?
Veeky Forums humour thread
At what age did you realise that Hegel was the philosopher for you?
What was he like in person?
Is literature destroying our children?
How the fuck do you learn Russian?
Poetry Critique Thread
You guys ever read drunk? Writing and drinking go hand in hand, why not reading too?
Tfw you listen to jazz and cook spaghetti on a foggy monday night
Are there any philosophers that talk about anti-intellectualism seriously without just being like a father is a father...
Anyone here read this? I'm about halfway through right now, and honestly it's really fucking good...
I have been trying to go down the route of quality over quantity...
The reality of the book industry
I will be interviewing Knausgaard in a couple of weeks, any suggestions on what I should ask him?
Why do you hate him?
What does Veeky Forums think about pic related? Other than his gigantism and eyebrows
What are you passionate about, and when did you realize it?
Most Veeky Forums STEM major?
His dad was a Jew
Peterson, Sam Harris, pt. 2
Longcat ... is long
Putting the author aside, is this worth reading?
Horror fiction general /hfg/
Any must reads on the greatest manlet ever lived ?
Y'all got any pro-American books?
Why do liberals pretend orcs are fantasy representations of niggers?
What are some good alt-left books?
Why those guys who laugh at "spiritual" social constructs like god or afterlife often manage to take "secular" social...
How many of these have you read?
What are the required readings to fully appreciate Shakespeare?
What other author combines scifi with theology as brilliantly as PKD? Preferably also with hints of Heidegger
Scandinavian literature
Try to make me insecure by naming specific clichés that are probably in my stories
Ayn Rand 2.0
Warren Ellis at MIT
Why haven't you read the greatest living author of all time, Joseph Mcelroy?
Going to college in the age of youtube, MIT courseware, coursera and online education
Strange things you found on used books
Wittgenstein on Shakespeare
Have had a collegiate reading level since 5th grade
Where do I start with feminist and queer theory?
Stop eating animals
What are some good sci-fi/fantasy/history books i should read?
/sffg/ - science fiction and fantasy general
How do you even refute nihilism when it is so obviously correct...
The German word for passion is "Leidenschaft"
I'm about to start pic related. what am I in for?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games