What's your favorite book, and why?

what's your favorite book, and why?

Naked Fart

Collected Poems of David Foster Wallace.
It has a great ending.

the fact it has an ending at all i suppose haha

El ingenioso hidalgo

I am alone yet feel compelled to live morally in a world I despise and loving idealized waifus that do not exist.

I was looking to ask, how can I go about to find the readalong threads that happened a while back? I want to go along with them, but I can't work with the archives well enough to find and follow them..


The Recognitions.
The idea of a fake of a painting by someone who didn't exist really turns me on.
In a purely aesthetic fashion, of course.
>inb4 completely misunderstood the book

I'm not the person to ask, I think read along threads are worthless and for normies who want their opinions validated.

Well, no one will ever say you aren't stupid user.

wow i just wanted to see the memes

read 'the unknown masterpiece' by balzac

Johnny Got His Gun because it's short, sweet, and to the point. And because it makes a beautiful point.

Gravity's Rainbow, because it makes people think I'm cool.

"The Sound and the Fury" because if I don't get my daily dose of the word "nigger" I'll stop being edgy.

Infinite Jest because not only was it really damn good it also got me into lit

The Idiot. I really like this Mishkin dude

my diary, desu

the comma just ruins it




If On a Winter's Night a Traveller

The way it gets you involved, the fact that it's like 10 different books in one book and yet they all bleed over in a subtle way, and I love Calvino's style in general. He's not afraid of a kind of mathematical/scientific approach to writing, and yet he obviously is in full command of his intuitive, imaginative faculties. It's a wonderful blend.


He's a nice guy. Doesn't afraid of aliens or anything. It'd be nice if he just left that whole nest of vipers alone though and went off to do missionary work

but he loves people

Jeez that sounds like the outline for House of Leaves, is Danielewski a hack?

Because it's the new-age Bible.