Best of Iambic Pentametre

I'm looking for *perfect* iambic pentametre works. Recommends?

(If not pentametre, other lengths are welcome)

I have discovered that I am metrically deaf. I would like to remedy this disability so that I may improve this aspect of my craft. The best way, in my estimation, is to expose myself to a lot of work that is written perfectly in iambics and hope it sticks.

I found this website via Veeky Forums and I want more people to know about it, even though it kicks my ass and doesn't tell me why:

Other urls found in this thread:

That image is some dumb shit. That's not how it scans at all.


The rhythm is based on these alternating inversions of iambs...

Make it end.

I just stole a random image of the net. I should have double checked.

it's all relative bro

The best way is to write a few sonnets.

I used to find learning meter hard because I was terrible at figuring out which syllable was stressed, but I found an easy way to figure it out.

Repeat your word several times, each time emphasizing a different syllable (or honestly just saying one of the syllables louder than the other), and pick the one that sounds the most normal. Then check to see if you were right. You'll be surprised at how good you are at identifying the stress once you use this method.


Take your Islamic pentawhatever and get out of my country.

God you're dumb.

>alternating inversions of iambs
What did he mean by this?

That sounds pretty tedious but I'm gonna give it a try

Thanks user

Also nice trips

You don't have to necessarily read it like that. But it is Iambic Pentameter.

You are dumb. Shall I compare thee to a summer day is an example of perfect end stopped iambic pentameter.

Underrated desu

Sadly, still no recommends.

I'll try to use this technique. I have no clue where to double check whether or not I am correct.

Most stuff isn't written in perfect iambic pentameter because that would be boring. The nuisance and character comes from the slight deviations.

Read a book on meter so you can compare iambs to other metrical feet. I think this would give you a better understanding. Also these books have numerous examples that are scanned for you.

Of the ones I've read I like poetic designs by Stephen Adams.

Today I have awoken from my sleep.

That's 'perfect' iambic pentameter

Find a book on English verse that already has everything scanned. It'll probably cost a bit more than a regular book, but that's to be expected because it is meant to teach meter.

"I'll take a ham and cheese on rye and hit the mustard hard."
Perfect iambic.

my trick in school was to read it in an exaggerated boston brahman accent

its about volume not length broski-ski

No you are the fucking idiot.
I agree you should make it end and rid us of your obnoxious ignorant ass. One less useless cunt.

This is arguably more pathetic than the first guy.

Worst scansion I've ever seen.

as an islamophobe myself, i laughed

Learning metre is very intuitive. You come to know it when you see it.

Also, remember that it's always easier to throw in extra unstressed syllables than extra stressed syllables

Please suck my dick I do insist you bitch
Your fagness makes me sick but still I can't
Let go of it oh shit my dick just spit

He is right tho. Shakespeare is a trick pony about meter. If you have money, buy this book

>Shakespeare’s Metrical Art by George T. Wright

dactylic hexameter master race reporting in

>B-but that's not how you read it!
Please, none of you even have experience in music and poetry if you read this in such an autistically rigmarole daDum daDum . I'm a native English speaker and this is how it's spoken in all Shakespeare performances I've seen at the Globe and comes most naturally to me, so...

Of course it's intuitive, as if Keats or Shakespeare or any poets really took part in this massive autism like this:
The way to figure out metre is so easy, you simply read the line and intuit how it runs.

All this autism of apparently finding a Right way of stressing a poem is a sign of cosmic dilettantism, as expected per Veeky Forums. Poetry doesn't come with accent marks and if you can only understand something so dull and basic as metre by chopping it down into feet you're really missing the point.

I literally just posted from my phone a rough scan because the strict iambic pentameter reading is so fucking unnatural and contrived.

>alternating inversions of iambs
If you don't know how the same foot can be inverted then you must have never read a poem in your life.

The only mistake I made was in the first two words.

If you really read it "shall I comPARE thee TO a SUMmers DAY" it sounds like some kind of war ballad, and 'thee TO' --- god, how repulsively unnatural.

Even then the first two words can be read the way I put it. Especially if you're reading in Original Pronunciation, which is what is called 'west country accent' in the UK. I know because I was born there and speak it.

Really tending to think that this thread is full of Americans at this point, especially since the thread OP is such a basic high schooler's topic.

OP, if you're still here, I strongly recommend this book. It teaches you metre from the ground up (syllables→feet→rhyme→stanzas→&c.). Not only will you learn iambic pentametre, but you will learn to scan all kinds of metres. A great book for what it does; it doesn't try to teach anything about understanding or interepreting poetry but focuses on prosody alone.

You're a genuine idiot. Here, how would you scan this line?

>A little learning is a dangerous thing

a LITle LEARNing is A DANgerOUS thing

IS a*

>hurr you're stupid but I won't tell you why!!! I'm

You *can* put the stress wherever you want, but sonnet 18 is *usually* read as perfect iambic pentameter.

>hurr you're stupid but I won't tell you why!!!
Because it is obvious to anyone with a fucking brain that it is impossible to pronounce two unstressed syllables after two stressed syllables in ordinary English speech like you claimed.

Literally come at me.

Some more propositions:

Prosody is best learned by listening to opera and classical songs and lieder.

Prosody is a thing for intuition and you can read poetry just so well without knowing a jot about this autistic nonsense.

Watch me!

Pls vocaroo

Yes, vocaroo the line exactly as you scanned it, user. I would like to fall off my chair laughing.

Pushkin is a master of four-foot iamb; of course, poetry suffers a lot in translation and his suffers thrice as usual - but among his works, Eugene Onegin is rendered surprisingly well (Johnston). I personally also adore Turner's translation of Bronze Horseman, but it's technically imperfect and takes a lot of liberties.

After reading "Onegin", you'll think on rhytm for a week. It got so bad that just using rhymed four-foot iamb in Russia is considered a terrible amateur cliche on the level of "a jobless loser gets transported to a fantasy world".

Meter doesn't matter at all anyways.
Who cares?

Still no Argumentation to be found.

Take a line of my scanning and stick it up your royal sphincter, you cosmic cunt.

>traditional scansion

My pleb alert!

How Literature classes teaches you to contortion yourself to read in simplistic big beats little beats, stressed unstressed. Nothing of this sort was deemed necessary apart from for pointing out abstract verse forms which you can learn passively just by reading a few poems. No good poetry is actually read in this idiotic way.

Iambic pentameter is one thing, but if you actually care to spot out the stresses and turn everything into a big beat or little beat you're not even reading the poem but trying to find the 'right' way, when there are plenty, why do you think Shakespeare was put to music in so many different ways?

God this board is so full of pseuds.

I know right? You should leave.


Amen, brother!

What's lambic pentameter??

Thank you for the recommends. I will definitely look into them.

I should have expected the thread to devolve like this - oh well.

It scans as perfect iambic pentameter. Obviously you don't read it out loud with autistic amounts of stress emphasizing the meter.
