LOL this is soooo us, Veeky Forums

LOL this is soooo us, Veeky Forums



Sums it up pretty well.

LOL, great pic very relatable :)
mind if i save?

Sorry bro, this one's exclusive ;)

I really really, really, really like this picture

im the words in the pic

Haha these people are soo below us. I bet they don't spend evenings shitposting instead of reading!

>This. So much this.

>there are readers whomst'd've read because they are attracted to a character

I'll admit, I only finished Crime and Punishment because I love'd the FUCK outta Sonya

Sonya my fukin' lit-waifu

Women were a mistake.


>her retarded face at the end

go back there

So do you go looking for shit to get buttblasted about or

i want to FUCK her

tag yourself im the ending

female fucking shits lmao

She can still deadlift more than you can ever hope to. DYEL fucking nerds.

My hopes are very, delusionally high.

>thinking that what she was doing is a deadlift

back to Veeky Forums where you belong, pseud

All she was ABLE to do was a deadlift before she utterly failed. Yes, I realize she was attempting a clean and jerk.

go back there

lol this is why you use proper platforms instead of fucking wooden blocks.

It's like poetry

lol hi Veeky Forums pls go oil urself or something.

it's all yours my friend

She was attempting a snatch, retard.

>this is soooo us

this isnt a Us vs. Them debate you dim witted cunt, stop jerking yourself off by poking fun at users of a website you yourself use because you dont have any literature to discuss

read a fucking book and then post about it here, dont bring down this board with shit threads like this

wtf what about me :^(

That must be so embarrassing.

>you've fell