Perfect Hero Thread

Can we all agree that literally no one can top Hector, okay?

Thanks for stopping by and remember that shit-chilles is NOT a hero. Also, Odysseus was a pansy.

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Yeah alright I can live with that

>not Cleomedes of Astypalaea

Little shits had it coming to them.

Hector ran away from Achilles. Pic related is the perfect hero, better than anyone in the Iliad.

No way, he was a greedy barbarian just like the Hellenes. He doesn't have the honor or dignity of Hector.

>"Let the earth be heaped up over me before I hear your wails as you are dragged away into slavery"

Hector was absolutely based

>arguing against trips

Hector sucked, Diomedes is the best in terms of greek Heros

nice meme

you must be an alt-right edgy cuck

Nah I'm liberal as shit bro

ok so you're just a contrarian I'm fine with that

Agree. Read the Iliad about a month ago, then feels when Hector fought relentlessly against the greeks and you already knew Zeus decreed he would die because he just couldnt say no to Hera or Athena.

So much for being the strongest of the gos when your wife just made you do whatever she pleased.

And he just obeyed or was deceived by her.
Didnt the greeks feel any unease when calling him the "wisest" of all gods?

Hector all the way, he represented humanity. The greeks couldnt do shit without the gods helping them at every turn

Fuck im mad

What's not to like about a Greek hero who is proud but not an asshole about it? I mean shit, he attacked Aphrodite, then attacked Apollo like 4 times and then managed to spear Ares with Athena's help. Not to mention he takes Agamemnon's insults because he knows he can take it but still defends his friends like he does with Odyssey
Diomedes is a boss, I accept no retort

true, but he's like too much, too big. and he has no charisma

I prefer more human heroes, those with some weaknesses you know

That's completely understandable, I would prefer the same usually but some part of me enjoys heros of myth as larger than life stories of superhuman action, like Beowulf and Gilgamesh

The Assyrian rendition of Gilgamesh where he's less of an arrogant bastard after he tries and fails to atttain immortality and becomes a good king who realizes his immoratality is in the progeny of mankind and the great works of the people of his city is my favorite epic.

Did he say this to his wife? Shiiiiiiii

If you don't understand how Achilles is the hero and the more interesting character, you fundamentally misunderstood the poem.

Read it again.

>hurrr Achilles is such a bitch dude sitting out of the fight just over some chick he doesn't even join the battle 'til the end what a whiny bitch dude

real life has much better perfect heroes


Literally who?

The Pius Aeneas is the perfect hero.

The perfect hero but nobody ever reads the brilliant Norse mythology apart from sci fi / reddit nerds reee

Nice try but that's not George Washington

>sci fi

>be george washington
>be a mason scum
>betray england
>get away unpunished
>say you dont like slavery
>have slaves
always triggers me

Achilles was near invincible. Hector was a mere mortal. Case closed.

Yeah I agree! That's exactly my point.

Canonically the Great Heroes of all time from left to right:

>King Arthur
>Godfrey of Bouillon

>Julius Caesar
>Alexander the Great

>Judas Maccabeus

Not them, but

>dieing in bed
>as a Viking

>be GDubb
>lead your friends to fight a pointless war on the behalf of people who consider you a second-class citizen
>your reward for this is fines, heavy taxes, and loss of personal freedoms
>Defend your countrymen from exploitation and poverty
>Help found a state that ensures the most extensive list of fundamental freedoms for its citizens
>lead the state for the sake of stability and security
>walk away from power after 8 years and thereby create the oldest republic still in existence.

He's literally Cincinnatus plus Cleisthenes. the English can't even approach such high levels of virtue.

>be british parliment
>own slaves on three continents
>ban slavery in England
>but keep slaves everywhere else
>strut around as though your are a goddamn sait


6/10 list