
Ask questions about vocab here.

I'm trying to think of a word that means something along the lines of "wrongly accused perception". Askance was the closest word I could find, but that doesn't fit the position in the sentence.

Consider the following sentence:

"Her speech dismissed the perception that her stance on gun laws was influenced by political lobbyists."

Distortion/fabrication/concoction, etc.


As in made up or schemed?

"Her speech dispelled the concocted notion she was under the thumb of the deep-pocked political lobbyists."

Don't be so churlish. At least he responded with suggestions unlike your otiose post.


Whats a word for the general shape of something?

Like, when someone says a woman has an hourglass figure. Is there a more fitting word to describe this shape or figure being to used to compare a person's body to?

"Silhouette" is probably the most common alternative.

Do you think there would be a different foreign word? I could easily see such a word existing in German.

Maybe I'll ask one of the /int/ generals to give me their native tongue's version of silhouette.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me silhouette is used that way, it is a much better word than what I was considering.



smooth talking liar

what are some synonyms of shitcunt and cuntface



Man, I'm so happy I speak german. We simply call a wrong perception Fehlwahrnehmung...

The german word for "shape of the outline" is Umriss.


what a disgusting language


What is Veeky Forums's favorite word of all time?

>tfw oitiose is an otiose word



Are there any books the subject?


What is word for 'aunts' and 'uncles'? We have siblings for sisters and brothers, and niblings for neices and nephews, but what about the avuncular!

life is a struggle, isn't it?


From my quick google search, it seems the left is trying to push the word "ommer" as a gender neutral aunt/uncle word. I have no idea where the term comes from; could just be some random tumblr word for all I know. Most people just seem to suggest "parent's siblings."