What are some good neoreactionary works?

What are some good neoreactionary works?

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surely someone can answer this?

It gets memed enough on here


Is this an oxymorn?


why do neocons like anime so much?


>white supremacist

i like whoever's room this is' style

fight me nerds

>only 2/3 natsoc.
You aren't even a real nazi

How do you know he is a neocon?

you are like little babies, watch this

Haven't read it, but I'll get to it someday.


a reactionary isn't necessarily conservative, sure. i'm sure there were plenty of post-soviet reactionaries. but a neoreactionary is.
i have read this, didn't get much out of it

nice butterflies

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This: thedarkenlightenment.com/the-dark-enlightenment-by-nick-land/

Socialmatter also has some pretty good essays on it: socialmatter.net/


the top bar of xenosystems.

Does Paul Gottfried count?

Tbh I can't keep up with all these political designations. How is the alt-right different from paleoconservatism? Other than the hip and with it internet memes it's pretty much the same thing.

the alt right is basically white nationalism.

paul gottfried wrote an article and dickie spencer made or helped make a subtitle for it that included the term "Alternative Right" referring to a big tent of disaffected conservatives or right-leaning types that gottfried was writing about in the article.

since then spencer took the term and ran with it, narrowing its scope to white nationalism. for about 8 years or so it was only him and his outfit using the term.

then with the 2016 US presidential campaign there was renewed interest in the alt right, but without even knowing its story people began using the term in its original meaning as a big tent of disaffected conservatives/rightists -the 'alt lite.'

and then people started to find out that it did have a white nationalist meaning and the finger pointing began.

so, no, paleoconservatism and the alt right aren't the same thing at all, though ultimately the alt right was born from paleoconservatism (gottfried was spencer's mentor of sorts as well).

Neoreaction is its own thing but does have a lot of crossover with paleoconservatism in some areas, less so with the alt right.

FourChan posts with racist facts. Except they're not good, they're racist like the reality they depict.

Dugin is not neoreationary.

Drop the neo. For a brief look at reactionary thinkers and patterns, try "The Shipwrecked Mind."

if you dont get whats the purpose of neo in neoreaction, then you definitely dont know what neoreaction is.

and the shipwrecked mind is an exercise in PURE IDEOLOGY. A book deep in the trashcan.

Paleoconservatism = we will protect the future of Israel until the last drop of American blood
Alt-Right = Kaname Chidori is clearly the best waifu

Bump. Kek wills it!

that keyboard looks like it would be very satisfying to type on.

Best new conservative/reactionary lit in the last decade.

Otherwise this thread is trash.

And this is so obviously wrong it sticks out.

Papa Dugin is based. I saw a few translations available on Amazon and I'm thinking about getting those to a.) Learn more about Russian thinking on geopolitics and to b.) Gain better insights as to the intellectual foundations of elements of the alt-right.

I wouldnt equate him to the alt-right. Mystic-traditionalism in this context is a fundamentally new reaction to neo-liberalism. Closest parallel are the currents of energy behind the 1979 revolution in iran.

The real failings of American liberalism is their inability to conceive the ideologies of their enemies.

>falling for an internet meme

Anything by Nick Land

Can anyone tell me who Moldbug's main influences are?

Hans Hermann Hoppe

you're an idiot. paleocons are not pro israel at all and they've been attacked by mainstream conservatives and neocons for it for decades.


Legal Formalism, Hegel, Confucianism, Legalism

Thomas Carlyle