Was he the most anti-spooked of them all?


Other urls found in this thread:


Damn, UG was far out
I agree with the quote

He and the other krisnamurti are an embarrassment for our people.These are the ultimate amalgamation of new age and post modernism faggotry. They offers nothing new to the history of our philosophy instead blatantly rips off that autist kesakambali and appropriate that "teaching" according to their demographic(degenerate white people and culturally detached/ashamed curries) .


fuck off

stfu you hippy.

should I quote this the next time a qt oxfam girl stops me on the street?

>first you steal what belongs to everyone.

Jesus fucking christ this animal should be shot against a dark brick wall.

>first you steal what belongs to everyone
That's one way to go full retard I suppose.

>implying a union of egoists would feel the spook of guilt in the first place

>first you steal what belongs to everyone

Is he referring to money? If so, what does he mean? How does it belong to everyone?

>How does it belong to everyone?
I see you've never talked with a communist before.

Communists are against the concept of ownership though, so according to communist logic everything belongs to no one.

>Communists are against the concept of ownership though
They do believe in ownership, but only through the government. And they try to convince the people that they own the government so they technically own all this stuff too (of course they don't).

Yeah, you're right

What ideology is against ownership?

God dammit. I didn't think commies would find a realization to justify their lack of actually helping other peope.

>Someone in the streets is very hungry, asks for food to anyone passing by
>Post-modernist passes by, but doesn't give anything to the person in need
>Asked "why?" he answers "Charity is the filthiest thing there is (btw, i said 'filth', not evil, evil doesn't exist), how could you dream that I'd compromise my communist ideals by helping the poor!"

I'm triggered.


Commies making me mispell.

UG krishnamurti is probably the most hard core expert on spiritual matters out there. he just told everyone to give the fuck up.


>what is private property versus public property

I swear why do you talk of topics you know you're ignorant about

the concept that there are different sorts of property isn't something a regular person would ever come up with.

the only people who come up with such an idea come up with it because they needed such an idea, to rationalize their ideology.

it's only a useful idea if your goal is to do communism.

Personal property (the shit you've got in your house) is okay with most communists, private property (factories, machineries, land) is not.

Learn the difference.

They're fine with property as long as it is owned by the workers. The role that government played in most communist countries was purely pragmatic, and should be viewed as a transitional phase more than the culmination of this political system.

tl;dr: you guys know shit about socialism and communism

>communists just want to own MOST things; not everything!
Wow. Really opened my eyes.

>I-I-I want corporate fat cats to get 80% of what I produce only

>I-I want communist fat cats to get 100% of what I produce only

I know you're trelling, but for anyone else, see the 2nd point of

The retarded part is that if the "things" in question really do belong to everyone, then how is it possible for some one (who is a part of the collective) to steal it if it does indeed belong to him as well as everyone. Stealing does not make sense to communists.

You can't just say that there is a difference without giving a reason why there is a difference dipshit. All you said was, there is personal property which is different from private property. How are you going to differentiate between personal and private property because, as it stands, you are merely denying that they mean the same thing.

The difference is obvious.
Your personal property is not the only mean society has to produce something.

For example in a communist society automation would be a societal achievement: it means that society in its entirety can now benefit from, for example, factories that produce cheaply cars.
In a capitalist society all those automated factory are owned by very few people, and the automation itself is seen as a crisis, especially if it's not confined to something as specific as the automotive industry.

If you want to own a comfy house that's fine. If you want to own all the patents for a life-saving drugs and all the factories that produces it you should go to fucking jail and contemplate how inhuman your business was.

In U.S. wildlife policy (imo the best wildlife policy of anywhere), all wild animals belong to every U.S. citizen. You're allowed to harvest them for your own use, but the selling of any wild animal meat/furs/etc. is strictly forbidden because that would be selling someone else's property, even though it is partially your own. I don't know if the logic between this and the quote are exactly analogous, but there is a real world example of a similar practice that I don't see fault with.

And no distinction between personal property and private property was made.

Personal property is not the only mean that society has to produce something and private property is not the only mean society has to produce something.

If I own some means for small scale manufacturing in my house as personal property, and I then use that to manufacture, say razor blades. Would that not be private property?

You even claim that some act is inhumane when it's not even clear that morality is real. You are making a positive moral claim about some hypothetical example of private property. You are assuming that we have some mutual intuitive understanding of the subject when we don't.

I want a definition of personal property and private property. Until you provide this definition I will consider personal and private to mean the same thing.

fuck year. this guy gets what I mean when people mistake salvation for an eking of egotistic charitors.

>And no distinction between personal property and private property was made.

I did in both posts.

>If I own some means for small scale manufacturing in my house as personal property, and I then use that to manufacture, say razor blades
This is not what most communists are concerned with, it's nothing more than a nuance.
If in your house there is the only factory that produces insulin that should be seized. If in your house there is a small garage with car-repairing tools you're fine.

>You even claim that some act is inhumane when it's not even clear that morality is real.
That's your opinion. Most philosophers, both contemporary and past ones, believe in moral realism, and there are extremely strong arguments for it.

>You are making a positive moral claim about some hypothetical example of private property.
These are not hypothetical examples.

>You are assuming that we have some mutual intuitive understanding of the subject when we don't.
Again, this is your (controversial) opinion.

>I want a definition of personal property and private property. Until you provide this definition I will consider personal and private to mean the same thing.
>E-educate me on these 300 years old concepts, n-n-NOW!

He's right. Charity perpetuates abuse. Abusers can never clean their mess up. Abuse can only end when others will stop doing it for them.

Thoreau said the same thing.

As did Wilde