ITT: Shit books

ITT: Shit books.

your diary desu

My diary desu


Why didn't you like Foer's book?






That one book you like that you think is very underrated

Rand is shit for the most part, but this has to be her absolute worst fiction.


ur fucking wrong mate.

>muh everyones a faggot
>muh postmodern fables
>muh philosopher of sandwiches

Don't you have a tumblr to bitch about preferred pronouns on?

Yeah I didn't think it was very good. I found out they're still teaching it at my high school, disappointing.

wasted 5 bucks on this pretentious cunt

what the fuck are you even on about? go suck a dick.

Fucking unbelievable.


It really is terrible, even if we ignore the bad science and philosophy behind it, it's awfully written and extremely boring

>muh novella
>muh grandma makes the minotaur a dinner after he wipes the cum out of his ass
>muh post modern inability to come up with original characters

Couldn't trick people into buying your shitty slash fic novella unless you pretended it had some deeper meaning by ripping off greek myths. That extended pamphlet is shit and all the 90 different goodreads reviews you left for it wont change that.
