Why don't psychiatrists prescribe testosterone for male gender dysphoria?

Why don't psychiatrists prescribe testosterone for male gender dysphoria?

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Why i didn't get testosterone as a kid to increase my penis size?

Because it's transphobic, and maybe even racist as well

Why is it harder to get prescribed testosterone as male than it is to get prescribed estrogen?
It's actually crazy just how unwilling psychiatrists are to recommend testosterone to any man.

>psychiatrists are unwilling to recommend testosterone to any man.
Maybe because they're not trained or equipped to diagnose and treat endocrine disorders?

>go to doctor and ask for a hormone level check
>work out heavily shortly before appointment for check up
>testosterone levels will be extremely low due to it all being exhausted post-work out
>"Wow, user, those are on of the lowest testo-levels I have seen in my whole career! Here, take this prescription"
>get as much testo as you want

testosterone, like all hormones, doesn't get "used up"

Posts like these remind me of how pathetic this "science" board is

>A doctor will just give you a hormone check because you asked
>blood testosterone will decrease that significantly after exercise
>your GP will just prescribe you testosterone instead of referring you to a specialist
um, try again sweetie.

Because dysphoria is caused by an actual structural difference in the brain, not hormones. Giving them testorone would just make the dysphoria worse.

Then why are they so willing to subscribe estrogen? You say this, but psychiatrists are incredibly trigger happy to recommend estrogen, yet refuse testosterone in almost any situation to a man.
It's completely anecdotal, but it's what I noticed in my area from my own experiences and my colleagues.

obviously because the grand jewish nwo-conspiracy has ordered the doctors to do so, so they can continue with their plan to wipe out the white race, duh.

because they prescribe it...to treat a mental disorder

If psychiatrists are "incredibly trigger happy to recommend estrogen" then they aren't following their standard of care.

When psychiatrists prescribe hormone replacement therapy, they're following a treatment protocol for a psychological condition. These are physically healthy people who wish to present as the opposite gender. If they started prescribing men testosterone to correct hormone imbalances, then they would be treating a sign of what might be a physical disorder without trying to diagnose or address the underlying cause.

It's the same reason psychiatrists don't prescribe Geodon to diabetics for their crankiness and bouts of confusion.

The brain is plastic. A lot of transgendered people who take TRT say that their thinking changes completely, for example sparking a sudden interest in STEM subjects. I have friends who have taken heavy doses of androgens over years, and their interests and behaviours have turned extremely stereotypically masculine. Giving TRT to males with gender dysphoria will surely work better than giving them estrogen, because no amount of estrogen is going to make them pass for a woman. If the androgens fail, what have they lost? Nothing really, since they had a male bone structure anyway. They can still take estrogen etc. after.

>A doctor will just give you a hormone check because you asked
yeah, you can order hormone panels online as much as you want. you give them your money, you show up to labcorp, you get your results

MtF trans individuals usually get crazier and are more likely to commit suicide if you give them T, not less

Do you have a citation for this? I can't find anything about it online.

Males are more likely to commit suicide than women. How is that surprising? Just more proof that they are exhibiting male behaviour, just that they are baseline mentally ill. Also citation please.

I get the feeling that there are several negative traits associated with high testosterone, but actually having feelings of suicide is not one of them.
Most studies focus on criminality, and males with high T and lower socioeconomic status tend to be more aggressive, and criminal.
There's a lot of evidence that males with depression can have their mood improved with testosterone.
It's also been proven that low testosterone is linked with sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety.
If anything I think it might cure them over a period of a few years.
Maybe male gender dysphoria might be a milder form of male gonadism, that because it's so subtle is left unchecked.


>> and improvement in psychosocial wellbeing.

>um, try again sweetie.
quit talking like this. its cringeworthy

it's a new form of trolling. "sweetieposting"

just disregard any post containing it like you would "cuck" or "autist"

no citation - it's not an experiment that would be ethically permissible these days, and the necessary data was never collected back when testosterone was administered to mtf transsexuals

based mostly on case reports and self reports from mtf trans individuals that their reported quality of life takes a nose-dive on T

>I get the feeling that there are several negative traits associated with high testosterone, but actually having feelings of suicide is not one of them.
aks in any bodybuilder forum: using test can lead to depression (like with most mood-altering substances), and obviously depression can lead to suicide

I've been contemplating this for a while now. It is becoming societally acceptable for men to take female hormones, yet it is still frowned upon for a man to take male hormones. How can society hold these two contradictory beliefs at the same time? It's because their are discussions around these taboo topics that jeed to be had on a societal level, but will never be had due to the nature of the conversation (too offensive for weak-minded people)

Are the brain structures altered by a psychological disorder, or is the psychological disorder a result of brain structure?

Pro tip: not enough research to answer this question yet

He's being ironic hun

Because the customer is always right :^)

Most of these guys abuse the hell out of it.
Obviously, you have to have small controlled doses to reach optimal male mood.
I see way too many men being put on SSRIs when all they need is a bit of test.

>when the male mood is just right

They use supraphysiological doses of testosterone, and have body dysmorphia

>boys who feel like girls are encouraged to take estrogen and cut their cocks off to feel more girly before attempting testosterone therapy to feel more manly
Really pinches your peaches huh?

Well yeah, the brain is plastic, but not to the point you have a certain population who consistently kill themselves in large numbers if they can't access their treatment.

>A lot of transgendered people who take TRT say that their thinking changes completely, for example sparking a sudden interest in STEM subjects

Well, that's anecdote. I can't really say anything about it.

>Giving TRT to males with gender dysphoria will surely work better than giving them estrogen

Why? You're missing the point, its not about hormones. The hormones are there to help them achieve they identity they identify with to alleviate dysphoria. Its not that they don't have enough testosterone. Giving them more will just make them violently dysphoric.

>because no amount of estrogen is going to make them pass for a woman

Well that's not true.

I don't know. But the NHS accept the treatment I'm inclined to agree with them.

OK, its clear you're a retarded /pol/ poster. You don't know anything about biology or psychology. Its not they don't have enough testosterone for fucks sake, and even if they didn't it would make them worse.

This helps too

Not an argument though. Weak leftfag "attack" everytime their 2 braincells short circuit

Well it is an argument. I've said its not about hormones and it isn't.

>, and even if they didn't it would make them worse
How do you know? How much of the medical "practice" of transitioning has experimented with hormone therapy in the opposite direction?

>how do you know

Because its not about hormones! Take this excerpt from the NHS about why they give FtMs testosterone, not at no point do they say "it will make you behave more manly", its purely aesthetic, *they already identity as men*.

>If you're a trans man, changes you may notice from hormone therapy include:

>more body and facial hair
>more muscle
>your clitoris (a small, sensitive part of the female genitals) getting bigger
>your periods stopping
>an increased sex drive (libido)

>Your voice may also get slightly deeper, but it may not be as deep as other men’s voices.


The point of giving MtFs estrogen isn't to make them feel or act more feminine, its to make it easier for them to accepted as females.

>Hormones are purely aesthetic, playing with estrogen or test levels won't influence behavior and thought patterns
Yeah....get the fuck off this board.

Yes, it will mess with your thought patterns, it turn you from an already dysphoric vulnerable person into an aggressively suicidal vulnerable person.

Look, if you don't like it, go moan at the NHS, given they're already on a stretched budget and don't make a profit from it, I would think they're inclined to pick the best option to help people rather than engage in stupid conspiracies.

Medicine is a trial and error practice. It is not a science. Given the suicide rates perhaps they should try monkeying around in the opposite direction to see what happens.

>don't worry user, levels of testosterone below detection level are perfectly normal for a male 15-120 years of age :^)

>Medicine is a trial and error practice

Well there are trials, and there are errors, but I wouldn't call it trial and error. Trials that take 10 years and rigorous study before being released mind you.

>Given the suicide rates perhaps they should try monkeying around in the opposite direction to see what happens.

The suicide rates that drop?

Let's do a trial where boys who think they are girls are given testosterone therapy. Let us then compare the suicide rates to boys who are given estrogen therapy. For science.

Well, if you can the funding, try it, but I really can't see them giving it to you because you don't understand the first basic thing about gender dysphoria. Its not about hormones as I've said like 5 times.

>I wanna be a girl I wanna be a girl I wanna be a girl I don't care if testerone therapy has potentially far superior health outcomes i don't care if it has never even been trialed REEEEE
I truly feel sorry for the bill of goods you lot have been sold by greedy plastic surgeons and endocrinologists rooted in foccaultian horse shit desu...

But this argument apply to Britain because you don't pay for it here. Its the NHS, its coming out of their pocket.

What isnt these days?

Way too true.

that is NOT a side effect of testosterone, that is a side effect of hypogonadism, which usually occurs after a heavy cycle. by all accounts being on test is amazing mentally, and the side effects during cycle are mostly physiological, stuff like acne, or sleep apnea.