How many of you fags are going to quit your current dead end jobs to go work on the Moon in the 2020's What kind of...

How many of you fags are going to quit your current dead end jobs to go work on the Moon in the 2020's What kind of Jobs can we expect, mining/industry, Veeky Forums, exploration, etc?

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Screw the moon I'm going for Mars.


Is there anything actually useful on the moon? Coal, precious metals, anything like that? I thought it was all just gray rock.


got money for the ticket?

for the mars atleast musk said you have to pay about.. what was it... 100k or so. price of a house roughly. so i'm out!

>cover half the moon in solar panels
I could get behind this.
But how do we transport the power back to earth? Giant batteries?

I'm just regurgitating popsci i see on Facebook tbqh

The Moon has lots of space for Solar Power generation and can also be mined for very rare resources worth lots of $$$.

I want to work there not live. I'm sure most companies will set up shop on Moon and Mars and start industrialising it, they will pretty much cover the transport of its workers. SpaceX has stated it's only a Transportation company at the end of the day and has no interest in off world activities.

I'm going to move to the Moon to work remotely for a company back on Terra

Moon has HE3

interesting! in that case, instead of being rich in money you should be rich in koalafications.

Depends. Can I work from home?

though i dont think aerospace eng will help me in that regard, I don't think ill be designing any spacecraft when im off planet.

what are some skills that will be needed by a mars / moon colony, Veeky Forums? I'm planning on getting a pilot's license anyway.

>What kind of Jobs can we expect
Carbon Waste Filter Engineer
Lunar Albedo Inspector
Di-Lithium Extraction Operator
Regolith Refinement Officer
Lunar Penile Satisfaction Instructor
Pony/Brony Perversion Programmer
Hallway Monitor

Best to think of the moon as a small planet without an atmosphere, because that's what it is.

It has all the features of what you'd expect of a planet, including rare elements for new wonder batteries and appliances everyone uses now.

>Penis inspection officer

Industrial process technician, specializing in electronics.
>Building shit on the moon
I want to believe

I'm only going to the moon if there's no politicians and bureaucrats

Major in math and become a fighter pilot

So you want the moon to pretty much be Africa?

>The working class all ship off to the moon, earth becomes even more crazy liberal

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

I want it to be like Disney world

>3 rockets, one far away from base
Is it offloading explosives?

It's quantum space reefer


Colonizing the moon is nowhere near to the next several decades. Maybe after 100-150 years yes, but otherwise all the hype for those moon and/or Mars projects is nothing but a marketing bullshit for funding space exploration projects where 80% of the money goes into the pocket of people like Musk.

hummm citation needed sweetheart

There is a load of resources on the moon.

The world superpowers weren't capable to do it for 70 years and there are no prospects that will change in the next 70 years.

there is ALOT of incentive though

>USA has all of the helium in the world. and its going to run out, used in MRI's and bunches of other important devices like fiber optics
>easy base to refuel, have to make much smaller and cheaper rockets
>solar energy that can be used 24/7
>moon has a bunch of other rare minerals, if we start mining the helium we will also be learning how to extract all those materials

the moon already has the potential for big $$$ and companies know that, Elon doesnt want to because he is more concerned with sci fi dreams and not the immediate financial gain, but other companies realise that even just having control of an active helium mine on the moon would be worth it for the profit.

then once the tech gets really cheap after all the competition from companies, tourism on the moon will be extremely lucrative, and so will basically all other industries, its like when the europeans first discovered africa or when the pioneers in america began to move west.

the initial barrier seems insurmountable, but for those who go, a literal fortune is ahead.

>get there as first private company
>(((ULA))) and the US government sue you and cuck you out of your rightful astronomical profits or demand government cooperation

>All our jobs get outsourced to the moon

>Mine the moon's helium
>It falls
Great plan genius

>It falls

>when a brainlet doesn't get an incredibly obvious joke

kek, nice one user, you got a chuckle out of me

Mostly just mining but it has other applications, the low gravity and atmosphere make mining, scientific research and functionality as a launch base very achievable.

can't, i wear glasses and my power level is -6 :^(

>What kind of Jobs can we expect
We will probably see a lot of geologists (selenologists?) in the beginning. After all there has only once been a geologist on the Moon and that was in the very last mission.

>tfw rockjocks take all the alien waifus

every mineral that is on earth is also on the moon, for the moon is a big ass chunk of the earth

indentured survitude

>Starts mining the moon for precious metals
>Gets overrun by alien space hippies
>alien space hippies made me loose my job because rocks are people too

Below the regolith surface, the moon is incredibly similar in composition to the Earth.

That being said, so long as we still have the resources on Earth it will always be cheaper to mine them here than to mine them from the moon to be sent here. So things like coal, precious metals, would all be ignored so long as they still exist on Earth.

Skills needed by a colony? Pushing buttons mostly. Oh and the ability to keep your self entertained with the bare essentials

>> mining the moon for helium
Oh fuck no.
>> mining the moon for helium that isn't going to be used for nuclear fusion fuel
I have never seen this level of retardation.

Helium on the moon is present in ppm concentrations, meaning you have to process millions of tons of regolith just to get tiny amounts of helium. It makes sense if you are using the helium for fusion because these tiny amounts of helium would be useful, but not for industrial usage of helium. I'll argue your other points later, but this is by far the dumbest one.

>> What kind of jobs can we expect?
Pushing buttons here on Earth to control robots on the Moon. No humans are going to work on the Moon.

At what point in that post did it say "Helium for industrial use", specifically
why don't you stop being a shitposting ass bandit for once

>nigger detected

>>>used in MRI's and bunches of other important devices like fiber optics

An MRI machine needs something like 2000 liters of liquid helium, which is about 282 kg. Lunar regolith contains 28 ppm of helium, so you'd need to process on the order of 10,000 tons of regolith to get enough helium for a single MRI machine

>Below the regolith surface, the moon is incredibly similar in composition to the Earth.
Do we really have samples from deep under the surface? I never heard core drilling was done.

Don't fall for the helium 3 meme dude, we can't even achieve sustained deuterium-tritium fusion yet, helium 3 fusion is about an order of magnitude harder if not more.

He was wrong, even the regolith layer of the Moon is very similar to the composition of the Earth. Everything's covered in alumina dust though so it doesn't look like it.

No one will go to the moon unless they're as qualified as an astronaut

Isn't that unexpected? The larger gravity and molten core of Earth meant that gold was lost to the depth of the mantle. The Moon has far less gravity and a tiny core. Wouldn't that mean there would be more heavy metals such as gold on the Moon?


Aite nigga

cook the earth

>how to make global warming real

To the contrary: you transmit easily convertible microwaves and waste heat is kept out and dumped into space. With a gas or coal fired thermal power station you end up with 2/3 of the energy dumped as heat.

I thought building on the moon was a pretty bad idea because it's constantly bombarded by space dust without an atmosphere to protect the surface

All energy is heat you wanker

Bullshit. The potential energy of water stored uphill in a dam is not heat.

call me dumb, but over time, say maybe 100 years of constant extraction of the moon and mining and removing shit from it’s surface and underneath it, won’t that alter it’s orbit of the Earth since it has less mass?

>100 years
Nope, not enough time.

that's quitter talk

Only mining for 100 years is the quitter talk

we would mine Helium-3, which is ridiculously light, plus we wouldnt even need it in that large quantities. So no.

Heleum 3 is a meme and a bad one at that.

The moon is useful because you can build a mass driver on it. You can shoot your shit into orbit or even to a direct entry trajectory. Shipping shit off the moon is far far cheaper than shipping it off earth. So it will be great for mars and belt and orbital construction.

The moon has cold traps that accumulate water, other volitiels, silver, gold and mercury. The moon has impact sites of platinum group rich asteroids that can be mined. The moon has an abundance of aluminum and titanium, its actually easier to refine them there (in a vacuum) than it is on earth.

The far side of the moon has some of the cleanest radio reception in the solar system because it's blocked by all the noise earth puts out. Would be the best place this side of the oort cloud to build a radio observatory.

I hope humanity has the foresight to leave the side of the Moon facing Earth alone, preserving the view humanity has been fortunate to enjoy since man first looked to the sky in curiosity. Or, maybe a neon "Drink Coke" sign, as proof of man's intelligence.

Why the fuck would I give up my comfy life on earth to go live in a 2x4 tin can on the moon? Anyone who would be so glib about doing something as radical as that should be automatically excluded from space travel.

I hope humanity gases you.

Maybe the government should open up the Moon for a land grab. Any settlers will get free land.

>Not solving the rampant werewolf problem by blowing the whole thing up




>getting your food just outside of window to heat it with microwave cannon from moon

sounds like a good idea

Power density of the beam is too low to do this. So you'd have to collect the beam with microwave to electricity converters(a so called rectenna) transmit that electricity to your house and then turn it back into microwaves

it was a joke but thanks for the explanation.

>Heleum 3 is a meme and a bad one at that.
Citation needed.

Fusion is not yet mastered but nobody will take their chances and leave He3 resources to another country to dominate this resource. And there are 2 important historical incidents people unlike you will learn from
- the US buying Alaska from Russia, widely considered by opinionators to be a dumb move. Then oil became important
- China dominating rare earth metals due to short sightedness in the West about closing strategically important mines.

They will not make that mistake again.

>all energy is heat
how have you not won a noble prize by now?

What you described, plus programming and technical drawing.

Can we get more on this?

>take a loan on earth
>flee to mars and never come back and never pay your debts

>impoverished and distant colonial government
>takes advantage of your debts to "indenture" you and extract cheap labor

Theres not enough resources on earth to even coat 10% of the moon with solar panels

Fusion is a meme
Helium 3 for fusion is also a meme

The moon mission Musk outlined was fucking ridiculous. Takes like 20 launches of refueling rockets refueling other refueling rockets until the actual rocket is all fueled up in eliptical orbit.

>to be sent here
Fuck sending it here. Build space ships on the moon without the huge fucking launch costs of earth.
You could build vehicles almost unconstrained in size and weight since launching from the moon is so fucking easy.

Have you heard of bitcoin? I'll be a Moon tourist by 2020!

Only reason i would go to the moon is to escape the feminist plague.

I would still be a programmer because that shit is golden.

Given that most of the Earth's crust is silicate based I'd like you to back up that statement.

>a meme
To you.

If I won't make it to the moon I want to be like the guy in pic related, eventually cleaning up the stuff floating around since I assume everything will be a lot busier once the moon becomes a destination constantly being travelled to

I'm going to become a space bounty hunter

Nassau port on darkside. Space pirates be we

You need it on Space my nigga! With that energy you can push a ship to relativistic speeds. Built another at Alpha Centauri and acceleration / deceleration takes zero fuel. Not to mention you cut travel time by orders of magnitude.

this guy gets it