Describe this picture in the style of your favorite author

Describe this picture in the style of your favorite author.

Da ass was fat

there is a moment in the act of turning away when the three quarter image of the object will linger, seeming to burn into the sight and fill the heart with an irrevocable sense of loss. It is a tender and beautiful moment, and I see her hips as they spin away from me and her dark hand reaching back to hold her back. There are moments of anguish in which I think I am already alone and cursed to wander the land.


- James Joyce


Woman! Even in entertainment she should seek a furthering of her guile. An arcade - the housing for little machines which distills the whole of reality, but rejects the same vivacity it so imitates - could not contain her drive to exert power! She would string another as marionette, and play puppeteer if she could only find the means. If there be means of distraction, she would coyly seduce her prey, even if it be another of her sex. A hand around the shoulder, a hand around the waist, a hand around the buttock - it matters not to this serpent of serpents. Grasp, grab, and devour - so her psychology demands.


I hate and I love. Why I do this, perhaps you ask?
I do not know, perhaps because she's thicc.

Schopenhauer is that u?
You still fuckin your poodle?

It was supposed to be Nietzsche, but I can see how they run parallel.

And that woman's butt, the butt of that woman... What a splendid ass, by God! Never had the nigger-girl seen anything quite like! So, when she rest her hand, gently, but firmly upon those beautiful, full buttocks, round like the moon, well, who could blame her for doing so. The woman knew the nigger-girl, who she had assumed to be a platonic friend, had done the deed, taken her white ass and declared it for her own, yet she did not protest. To do so would mean risking her turn at the arcade game. Was this truly a sexual gesture, or just an attempt to take the cabinet from her? That devilish nigger-girl would win either way.

Defeated I rise, yet
Beyond two horizons
Irish shores await

There are two women standing in the arcade, one a ginger, the other a black woman. The ginger has on a pink and white striped shirt, while the black woman has on a pink and white pair of shorts, dressed to match. Two butterflies landing near eachother will show you the basic model of each and every one, their differences in clear view.
the African goddess reaches out, casually, heart racing no doubt, and squeezes the ginger tushy-tush.
Wowzers. There it is folks, that difference again, that desire, black, white, shirt, pants. Just showing itself to the world, standing right next to the expectation, right next to the Everyman in your head, funhouse mirrored back into something distorted from, but importantly similar to, what we all see in ourselves. The need to grab the soft tushy-tush

The two women- a negress, and some degenerate mulatta - stood gripped by an unearthly trance, staring into a portal shining with the light of elder stars, their primordial minds submissive before the dreams they saw. The negress moved her dark tentacle to the left buttock of her fellow mental slave, an unspeakable bond growing between them.

NSFW picture

You are welcome.

Go to bed, Howard.

>Those fucking Teeth. . .

The pinballs knocked around whirring they dynamos within. Pinball portmantue of pincer and ball barring; pincer, Latin, ball Germanic. The Noiseland arcade hummed around me like humming bird of swishy neon. [1] I took my bat out pulled off a clever hit, unseen, throwing the smoke into a blue cloud cigarette smoke near. That's when I spotted her. I knew what I had to do. I mentally prepared for my aave jive mindset. I was gonna stalk this gem into marriage.

[1] A humming bid doesn't actually hum. It's really just the wings beating so fast.

I am a /tv/ and /wg/ fag who ended up on Veeky Forums out of boredom. What did Nietzsche and Schopenhauer say about womyn?

>best Veeky Forums post is not made by Veeky Forums regular
not surprised to be honest




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