How do we go about making flying cars a reality?

How do we go about making flying cars a reality?

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What's wrong with planes?

Cant stop mid-air, can't park it anywhere with relative ease.

How about helicopters then?

It won't happen.
People already suck at driving in 2D.
Flying cars would suck in bad weather and strong wind.
If flying cars were the norm, terrorists would just ram them into things.

we wait for AI to fly them

We are not ready for AI

It would be much easier to program autonomous flying cars than self-driving ones

First, you would need a reliably powerful, yet portable energy source to fuel a reliably powerful, yet portable propulsion system. This would then have to be applied to an automobile in the sense that it can be capable of vertical take-off and still be able to fly forward without tilting forward like a helicopter. And probably the most important aspect, you need capable operators who know how to fucking drive.

There are those half assed flying cars where wings are super glued to the roof. I forget what propulsion they use to go forward through the air, though.

We will have them when they work out how UFOs fly.

retarded-looking things

>There are those half assed flying cars where wings are super glued to the roof.
Those flying pieces of shit obviously don't count.

Is this the hoverbike poster? Because you will never make anything better than a helicopter.

anyone say "helicopters" yet? because op is a dingus

>primitive blade technology
That's not the future.

First you need power source that is light and with much bigger energy density than fossil fuels or battery. Then we can build our cars like we make current drones.

>not ready
And that is why they will win

if it has wings, it's not a flying car.

that looks pretty legit

Exactly. The AI will see our tendencies to kill each other over stupid squabbles, and decide that the best way to ensure survival is a first strike on mankind.

again.. if it has wings, it's not a flying car

>need wings to fly
>lmao it's not a flying thing cuz I say so
fuck off back to wherever you came from

I won't be complaining that you're moving the goalposts, just that your goalposts are shit.

There's no reason a flying car should look like a car if it does what you want from a car.

that shit is a jet not a fucking flying car. theres no where in the world where we have a car that can levitate and zoom into the air. we are far from flying cars.

We're gonna have to settle for small jets or something

jets is what those things are and nothing more.
theres no such thing as flying cars

We have flying cars. They're called planes

the goal of a "flying car" is that you can park and take off from a parking spot next to your house, fly to wherever and park in a car parking spot. The largest problem to achieving this and the reason why we still use wings is the problem of energy. You could have a flying car today with the same properties that I described but you would run out of fuel halfway to the fucking grocery store. If you want this to be a reality then we need a fusion reactor that could fit in it

those things are obviously tiny planes and jets. you labeling something it's not doesn't make it what you think it is moron

Probably electrogravitics.

The challenge is a small, portable, powerful power source. Nuclear energy might work. Another option is to harvest the zero point.

for the engine, why not use plasma? a simple rail and cooling system with a port to force plasma into a toroidal shape and then a set of inductors could suffice on the small scale

then just vtol it and have back thrusters. gyroscope and a couple bits of software to autostabolize, and then try and make the controls easy to use, like a left right up down reverse system.

it wouldnt be the super cool star wars hyperdrive billshit we have been spoonfed, but if yoy implemented appropriate cooling systems and could find a nice portable energy source it could work.

the plasma from the exhaust would dissapate really fast too, and spread out, which would make it less deadly than a rocket engine

We already have the technology. Its not even that hard. The problem is people are already too stupid to be trusted moving a vehicle in 2 dimensions, give them a 3rd and 95% of the population over the legal driving age would be dead within a year. Self driving technology needs to advance to the point where we stop putting steering wheels in personal vehicles before we can even think about flying cars.

So you want a "flying car" powered by magic. Right.

helicopters are a fucking meme
Something more like a paramotor tricycle is what you need, add in some automatic way to deploy/retrieve the "wing" and thats your flying car.

>helicopters are a fucking meme
the absolute state of this bhutanese bee hive entrepreneurial forum

For the concept of a flying car, VTOL is a meme
choppers are a meme
Never going to happen.

Isn't VTOL intrinsic to a flying car? Needing a runway severely limits the utility of flight such as accessing buildings from the roof.

Maybe that's your point. I just don't think it's principally unworkable. We just need "helicopters" that are "friendlier", i.e. less noisy, maintenance intensive and prone to scalping. that why us helicopters are named after indians?

Really big catapults.

kek calling a vehicle a flying car when it has wings

>give them a 3rd and 95% of the population over the legal driving age would be dead within a year.
That's a risk we need to be willing to take.

Flying cars will not be viable until they can be driven autonomously. Most people can barely drive in two dimensions, let alone three.

can you describe this plasma engine in more detail? what exactly is doing the propulsion?

You can make it a reality by driving your car off a cliff. #sorrynotsorry
> #UsingHashtagson4chantogetbanned

You would be too retarded to blink were it not a natural instinct. There's numerous other variables that you have to account for when flying, compared to driving.

Shitty meme, what is even the point? Concentrate on developing self learning AIs that will solve our problems and extending human life.

Too windy

Is that einhander intro? Fucking love that game

They're called planes, you fucking moron.

Oh, so you want magic. Got it.

This thing is pretty rad, looks a bit unsafe though. Probably enough flight time for most commutes, too.


>Flying 20+ feet in the air with a backpack full of kerosene
I will retire from EMS if this becomes a thing.

Probably no worse than your typical motorcycle crash at 250mph

How about instead of some meme jetpack garbage that noone has access to you use something like this, which is a reality, and people could commute with today if it was legal.

I don't care about the severity of the injury, I care about getting allahu ackbarred by a punctured kerosene backpack. You'd have to get hazmat and fire out every time one of these crashed. It'd be a nightmare.

>driving on ill maintained surfaces at 60+mph in a 2 ton vehicle controlled by a human
you should already retire from EMS

Too big to store in my office, no space to take off and land, significantly slower. The meme jetpack garbage is far more practical.


By removing all the air traffic regulation that prevents single person mini helis and other small aircraft from being used and developed. We could have flying cars. They just wouldn't look like in the stupid hollywood diarrhea. They'd look something like pic related.

Make better batteries.

im working on it for some
"aerospace" work

basically, we have two designs as of yet

one that uses an arcing set of rails to produce slef contained accelerating plasma, which is then forced into a chamber that makes the plasma form a toroidal shape, then using an induction coil, the toroidal cylinder of plasma is accelerated out through the exhaust.
the advantage of this design is energy efficiency, but it is not very poweful

the other design is using a chamber that has a ton of spark gaps that ionize air, like the dots in a collander but each is a spark gap. there are tons of these and they form bunches (litterally hundreds) of little plasma arcs inside of a small tube, there are often 20-50 tubes of these in the design of engines. the plasma inside is propelled by a fan into a bunch of individual chambers that all have the same effect as the one said above, forcing plasma into a toroidal shape and accelerating it.

this design has a much higher thrust, but it is innefficient and very costly.

my task is to make an efficient and reasonably priced as well as powerful model of this. but i wont divulge any more info desu.

Do you have any reason to believe this will be more efficient, smaller or lighter than a jet engine?

You could make them fold up to be not much larger than a bike
Probably wouldn't be used to travel around a dense urban core

Paramotors exist TODAY, if it was legal you could buy one TODAY to use to commute.
They are also very safe
Meme jetpacks are not safe, are super expensive, are terribly fuel inefficient, and would not have the range necessary.

With more money thrown at paramotors, to turn them into a practical daily use vehicle, they would be different than the recreational vehicles they are today.

currently, no, they are not as efficient as jets, but the theoretical efficiency is much higher than jets, since electric potential can be stored at a greater energy density than fuel

the only problem is converting that energy efficiently, we can store more energy in it than we could with fuel, but more is lost in the proccess, currently thats my task, to help form a competant team to create a more efficient design for these things

1. Pointless
2. Hyperloop is better
3. You could but they would only have a point if you had some sort of field generator that could remove air friction from the equation so you could real fast.

Now if you don't want speed and you just want extra dimensions for your traffic flows to handle more volume that is different. You need magnetic levation or
Some sort of thrust

>since electric potential can be stored at a greater energy density than fuel

batteries are no where close to fuel

If cars were treated to the same standards as aircraft, then driving would also be fucking illegal and we would all take expensive highly regulated buses

The #1 and only problem is regulatory

we wont see flying cars for another 500-1000 or so years

oh yeah, i forgot they arent, thanks for pointing that out.