Live in the wilderness for a few days

>live in the wilderness for a few days
>depression goes away
Explain this Veeky Forums

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It's closer to how we evolved to live. Human civilization is captivity.

>muh primitivsm
throw away your computer and go die to frog AIDS then

Oh dad, we're all Devo!
You went home.
I imagine that alienation from our ecology (eco=home, ecology is the science of life at home) is a major cause of depression. This includes our novel social life, go live on a farm with an extended family and the same results will happen.
Theme song

People aren't complete anti social assholes when they talk to each other in person. Loss of intimacy in our social life's , meaning in our work, and knowledge of our place in the world have all contributed to the subversion of humanity. We aren't even human anymore, I like the wilderness, it's not so lonely, even if there aren't other people around to share it with me, there is wildlife.
It's not like I get to share life with other humans in civilization, they are hard to find. All the people I meet are potato's and they don't even know it

>knowledge of our place in the world
We are monkeys that were meant to just eat food and reproduce. What's so amazing about this "natural" truth? I'd rather be splitting the atom and sending rockets into space.

You might ask me to describe the color blue to someone who was born blind

humans don't act like beasts. And beasts aren't more intimate with each other. The rest is existentialism which is purely your own fault,.

>Humans don't act like beast
Wew lad
Highlight exactly what you think is existentialism and explain why you think so. Then I will tell you why you are mistaken if you are, which is very likely.

>im right let me take my red pen and take marks off your quiz
eat shit you poser

I really just want to know what you think is existentialism. I am confused.
don't be a lil pusy turd, tell me.

Eat shit out of a donkeys ass if you want to know

Why even bother with your reply if you have no interest in communicating your thoughts? It's almost like you are a loser contrarian that just types up replies just so you can think of your own writing, some form of intellectual masturbation. Please don't involve innocent people wishing to have a conversation in your narcissistic withdrawal you pathetic cunt.

>im a mind-reader
suck derrida's dick more you joke

modern life is very stimulating, too much for some. you can get the same effect at home if you sound-proof your bedroom and make a rule not to have any bright lights on 1-2 hours before bed.

This may be the worst thread ever.

I'd like to live a few days in the wilderness but I'm scared a crazy person with a gun(serial killer) might try to kill me and I won't be able to defend myself without a gun.


get a gun??

People talking about things they know nothing about on the wrong board is always a problem

Literally the first time I've heard of him, in that area I've drawn from CS Pierce, Thomas sebok and even Noam Chomsky as influences in the little I've said. I understand Chomsky and Derrida did not get along from my cursory glance at my accused idol

Get a conceptual grasp of basic probability

‣there's bacteria in soil that has anti-depressant properties
‣being in the sun and making vitamin D cures depression
‣exercise cures depression
‣sounds of nature have shown to have a marked effect on depression

combination of factors

>the chi of the universe healed him

Because other people are shit.

Placebo effect.

The chances are actually pretty high. You do realize how common murders are in the US, right? Especially if you're alone in a place like a forest where nobody will find your body.

Not possible.

'Epigenetics', biosemiotics,
Old guard sign denier please go

>have depression
>have the energy to go into the wilderness
uhm... no

Because you started living like god intended you to live.

You were not made to sit in a small dank cubby in the baement for your entire life.

I recommend going on frequent nature walks and discussing what's on your mind or some philosophy or theological literature with a friend. It really helps you reach that human telos plato was describing.

Plato's biology would set you straight if it was taught in a classroom

I would also reccomend gardening (if its something you are okay with doing). It really sates the soul.

But how many people are in the wilderness? Very few, you are more at risk to be murdered sitting alone in your house. Bayes rule and you come across another person in the wilderness, chances are they are not a murderer and your probability of being hurt would still only bump up a fraction of a percent.
Learn how to use GIS to plan your hike and a variety of navigation tools in situ, then go off trail, where they probability of a stray murderer looking for a victim or any other person drops to almost 0. I'd be more worried about a tree falling on you or twisting your ankle. It always makes me cringe to see people afraid to walk around in their own home.

Aristotle was a better biologist than plato. The biology that is currently taught in class rooms is also shit

Don't think what you're saying about chances of me dying in my house compared to a forest are true, but ok.

>being this btfo'd
>still replying

jesus christ kids

>Gets away from people
>Surprised that the depression went away

Did you really even have to ask why?

> Catch beautiful fish and fair chase backpack hunt beautiful animals while enjoying the beauty of nature for weeks in my soundproof bedroom.

Kay. Thanks Veeky Forums.

>Technology is AWESOME!!!! rick and morty xD

>I watch rick and morty
the absolute state of Veeky Forums.

Is this seriously what Veeky Forums is like? Honestly it sounds like a bunch of whiny, sequestered, academian
-ridden, cartoon watching people that have never actually done anything in the wilderness in their entire lives but think they know everything about everything because they can form a testable hypothesis. Please tell me this isn't every Veeky Forums user?

If I were a serial murderer I would mostly lurk little inhabited places just because it is the safest way to get away with murder.

their chi must be unbalanced. like samurai jack

Probably because it was a new an exciting experience for you, filled with a lot of stuff to do that you've never done before of which you had an open mind to. Sure maybe it's more "natural" but humans have been forming communities disjoint from nature for a very long time now. I find that monotony ruins the mind, emotionally and otherwise.. maybe that's it.

>theyd never find me
>like four people in the region
good idea

removal of technology and circular thought. you have to focus on present tasks.

also in reality you didn't actually have depression, or at least not a particularly strong case of it. depression doesn't just disappear.

nature is awesome

you don't get frog aids if you dont fuck frogs ;)

and here you are, posting on Veeky Forums

spending time in nature has real benefits. reducing stress, improving mental function.

realize that this never happens, for starters

Depression was invented by (((big pharma))) to sell us more Zoloft

Big pharma was invented by big placebo to sell more avacados.

>giving it a (You)

Avocados was invented by placebo to sell more big pharma

Placebo was invented by big zoloft to sell more depression.

Who are you trying to convince?

>in ignorance of facts or evidence, provides no argument, only blind ideology
How does it feel to be the luddite here?

a sad, sad sea lion

There have been studies relating the quality/timing of light reaching your eyes during the day to depression. And apparently being outside all day sets your circadian rhythm right and you get better quality light as well and this helps with depression. Idk any sources, just look into it.

like im dying of a superficial wound

>live in the wilderness for a few days
Full of mosquitoes.

>live in the wilderness for a few days
Full of mosquitoes.

Carl Young explained it well.
The "God Problem" (our lack of actual self-worth or signfigance) caused by being treated like cogs in a much greater machine (our mechanical society) has divorced us from our humanity and left us with nothing.

Even the Romans had this problem when their populations became too big. They were just cogs in a machine, statistics. Replacable, Unoriginal, and worthless if they don't serve their function. By working for the "greater good" they had lost their individuality and an element of their humanity. And for that reason they moved to philosophy to cope with the pain of being an item in a list: Cynicism, Stoicism, Etc.

This is probably why Christianity was so appealing to the Romans, because it gave them that worth of the individual human life, and also provided the idea of community, without sacrificing either for one of the two. In Christianity, you were an individual saved by the sacrifice of a God who though you were worth dying a humiliating death for. You and this God walked together alone on a journey to better oneself, and gathered in communities to celebrate this God and to lift each other up You worked in a community in the sense that you supported one another while each going on your individual journey. It had and still had only 3 virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love.

This is why i'm a so-to-speak regressionist, if progress just gives us lousy rockets, feminism, and god-awful moral busy-body humanitarians, then i want no part in it. Same problems are seen in the philosophy of communism, which reduces the human to a cog in a machine.

This idea also tied into Maslows hierarchy (pic related), where Self-actualization is the first and most important need, from which all others stem (don't be fooled by the structure of the hierarchy into thinking self-actualization comes last. People will lose their lives to fulfill a purpose they have set out for themselves). If we do not find our Telos (our purpose. e.g: a door's telos is to open and close) and fullill it, then we may as well be dead, for in that state there is nothing to live for.

The wilderness was beleived by ancient cultures to be a place of great spirituality, because it brought almost anyone out of a rut, clarified their mind, and gave them a renewed spirit. Surely then nature must be close to the human Telos, for nigh every man can be healed by the salve of its glory! In a sense it is in the human telos, for we are partly animals, and we can never fully divorce ourselves from our nature. We should not divorce ourselves from the virtues of our nature (such as the love of nature, hunting, farming, exploring the lesser unknown, finding the numinous, etc.), however i am not condoning that we seek out that which is monstrous in our nature (hatred, murder, etc.). but i digress. The human purpose/telos exists partly in fullfilling our animal nature (the good parts, the bad parts bring ruin) and theother half, i would argue, is in the phenomenal human, the super-conscious, that which trancends our animalistic nature. To fullfill this end (by weilding self-control, patience, love, etc.) of our nature, we are ensuring that we hold the other half of what makes us human, our mind. As socrates put it "the unexamined life is not worth living". Even the dumbest of chan-tards knows this, that a life lived by merely getting by, of only serving our instincts, is one wasted. Therefore, we must as humans not merely seek to sate our animalistic nature, but must trancend it also; we must seek to sharpen our minds, use them.

tl;dr - read some books on philosophy and go on nature walks often with a friend to discuss such ideas. Be christian if you want as i would recommend it for the good its done, but if you don't want to do that then just ignore my christ-fag recommendations and listen to everything else i have said. This entire series of posts are an amalgam of St. Aquinas, Socrates, Plato's cave, C.S. Lewis, Carl Young, some christian theology, and many other great minds that have clarified one of the most pragmatic forms of wisdom known to man: The human life and purpose defined.

If you don't watch Rick and Morty then you probably don't understand it.

fuck off back to /tv/ faggot.

I have a fantasy of making love to a woman out in the wilderness. It will be deep in some temperate forest with a waterfall or national park nearby for the theme. I will choose a spot with dense forest content with little to no game in the area. She would be facing a tree standing as I slide my penis in her vagina. I would kiss her neck as I hear the gentle bristle of the tree's leaves above us and the birds singing songs of the afternoon. We will be bare naked with our clothes set aside in a vehicle next to us just in case we are spotted by some hikers. There's a small chance that we orgasm at the same time with me ejaculating sperm inside her with the walls of the vagina writhing in dopamine pleasure. I will tongue kiss her and tell her how much I am pleased for her cooperation. I have a feeling this will never happen naturally so I might make plans to pay a prostitute or escort if she complies. In the end it might not be as good as I envision it but I'm still a virgin who gets severe social anxiety when I talk to attractive females. Being a sperg is fucking hell and the depression hasn't gone away. Suicide seems inevitable somehow even though I try everyday to find a simple reason to live. I still talk monotone with a slur and stutter to my speech that makes me sound special ed while I avoid almost all eye contact because it makes me physically uncomfortable. I have little motivation to finish anything I start even if I get paid. I also don't find my body image to be any special and I'm borderline overweight. I take an anti-depressant (bupropion) but has not helped with the underlying problems at all. Thanks for reading my blog.

Get schwifty user


it's really amusing watching lower iqs pretend to enjoy watching rick and morty. if you're a high iq like me you can see it in their eyes they are struggling to enjoy it not even being aware the jokes that just fly over their heads. they'll laugh here and there to give the impression they get it but only by accident will they laugh after a joke. and you can tell it's fake. as if the fact that they laugh at the unfunny parts or over do it when i chuckle in my presence. when i laugh out loud (or lol as it's commonly referred to for those who don't know) they give me this dumb look like they're begging me to explain it to them. it's like they don't even understand that if i explain the joke it's not like they'd get it anyway.

Depression and many other mental disorders that social organisms catch are a result of chronic contexts. Depression is readily cured by a change in context, easily brought on by doing something that isn't considered "normal" in toxic post-industrial societal decay.

seeing sights, smelling smells, hearing sounds, feeling things on your skin, using your body and mind, getting fresh air and sun, visible progression


sitting in your boring ass room and staring at a screen all night


But the latter has funny sarcastic humor and edgy cynicism!

>Not Possible.
>in the US

>You do realize how common murders are in the US, right?
Do YOU? We have a pretty shitty rate compared to first world countries but it's nothing to be concerned about unless you're white and in an "ethnic" neighborhood

I assume you didn't use technology much if at all in the wilderness?

Here's the REAL answer:

All life on this planet has something called the "circadian rhythm". From algae to humans, all life has it. Humans have a vastly more complex form of it though (because of our pineal gland).

Basically, the circadian rhythm is a cycle our body goes through every 24 hours, and it depends and is entrained by the sun. It is an oscillation, a cycle of different hormones and processes that happen at specific times of the day.

The biggest influence on the circadian rhythm is visible light, visible light, when it hits our eye, gives valuable information to the pineal gland, AKA the third eye. For instance, when light levels are low, and the pineal has already been sensing light all day, the pineal will release melatonin, which triggers sleep.

Our circadian rhythm has an extremely large effect on hormones. For instance, we are more insulin sensitive during the day.

When your circadian rhythm is disrupted, it is very entropic to your body, and some processes either aren't triggered, or are triggered at the wrong times.

Right now, the entire 1st world populations circadian rhythm is completely disrupted. Blue light at night from screens is destroying our melatonin production. This likely is why the obesity epidemic is so bad.

Having a broken circadian clock also can cause depression. Being in the wilderness all day removes the influence of blue light, and it also gives your pineal gland a constant feed/flow of information about the time of day, meaning your body can be extremely tidy and efficient with it's signalling. This is the way humans operated for 100,000s years.

+ sunlight on skin, and less stress from modern lviing, better air, and the beauty of nature.

No, you're trying to hard to look smart. I think OP is right. A lion isn't happy in a cage, and when humans are in the forest, they are calmer and friendlier. Have you ever met someone in the forest? You should try it, it's one of the best places to meet people. I usually wander in the forest until a dog runs up to me. Guaranteed not too long after a girl will come skidding after it, wondering what the dog suddenly ran off to find. They get disarmed too, because they didn't expect to encounter someone so suddenly, but the peaceful atmosphere of the woods doesn't make them afraid like it would in a dark alley and you can talk to them easily and get them to confide much more than they would typically. Doubtlessly the forest magic is also working on me even if I don't realize it to also make me converse easier.

The idea of working as a cog in the societal machine gives me incredible anxiety. I have had several breakdowns over the idea of work and the philosophy of submitting indefinitely to an employer simply so I can make money. I concluded that man is a tribal species and the size of society now isn't suited for him. This seems to be your point, and I agree. But I wonder also if I performed all of these mental gymnastics just to escape responsibility. I can't tell if I'm lazy or if there's something wrong with my situation.

I think that the core of this lies at a simple concept: achievement.

If you go into the wilderness and start with nothing then even gathering up some rocks to make a fireplace or finding some hole to call a shelter feels like a great accomplishment that actually highly impacts your quality of life, so your brain decides to reward you with dopamine in hopes that tomorrow you will go out and get more supplies and do more productive things in general.

But if you live in a modern city then there are two possibilities:

1) You are [math] \geq [/math] middle class. Then very few of your actions actually have a big impact on your quality of life. Today you could go to work and do great, get everything done and even do overtime, but does that really impact your quality of life? Not really. You are still getting your paycheck regardless of that overtime and odds are that the extra bucks from the overtime are not really a big difference for you, so your brain has no reason to reward you.

2) You are poor
Then maybe there are many options for you to rise up and greatly impact your quality of life but because you live next to so many rich people your brain only perceives you as a failure and would rather have you die.

Observing this I would not be surprised if the UN or some other organization designated some territory as "human reservation" so that people tired of their shitty modern life can just go live in the wild like a caveman and enjoy the simple pleasures of having your day be:
1) wake up in a cave
2) go out and hunt or eat whatever you find
3) find a woman to rape
4) go back to cave to sleep
5) repeat

Did you leave your GF at home?

Describe the feelings the anxiety gave you.

Don't know why you couldn't do that. There's hutterite colonies, but I don't know if it's feasible for long term, maybe you could just do it as a week long white people tourist trap. Indians in the far north still do that sort of thing but it should just be a back to nature sort of thing where I have a nice plot of land for the white people to run around in the nude and I make sure there's lots of plentiful berries growing.

Elevated heart rate, bad urges and unwanted thoughts, excessive crying, general fear and maybe some anger or frustration

Your subjective experience is worthless to anyone but you and your submission to it as a dictator and arbiter of truths needs to fuck off and die. I wish people would stop imposing their subjective experience and derived beliefs on objective reality instead of the other way around.

Agreed but in combination with restrained autonomy in development.

People are raised to be the equivalent of shepherds dogs, they are denied their true nature for the sake of society, incompatibility with society being as a decisive metric to which to calibrate human behavior, calibrating to that point makes many 'mentally ill', it's the wrong starting point and now some fag will jump in and go on about >muh neuro-plasticity means there is no 'human nature' and 'normal behavior' is whatever we want it to be

You didn't have to interact with people or deal with any of normal bullshit that's just a part of day to day society.

I went camping for a week in the middle of nowhere
>no cell signal
>no means of contact except for a satellite phone
>nearest town is less than ~100 people and a logging town mostly, 11 miles away, small town 35 miles away
>realize there is no static in my ears
>0 light pollution, went when it was about to be a new moon

had the best sleep in years for that 1 week, we got up early to start hiking early and ended up spending the afternoon relaxing. Saw some sea otters, a whale in the distance, showed friends sea creatures they'd never seen before. Nature is great

Pic related might be formatted incorrectly but my lg g5 managed to catch the milky way


I wouldn't worry about it

Huh, I have the same disgusting feet as this guy. Feels good

picking CS as a career was a mistake

You can also get frog AIDS if you share a needle too.

Be Stiff Spud Boy.

You had a Vitamin D defficiency. Going outside helps.

Thats called a Vacation son.
Daddy used to have them dont you remeber.