Is reading meant to be fun?

Is reading meant to be fun?

satisfying, not necessarily fun

sometimes, but not all the time

When i consider the two posts above my thought is, well, then reading is like life.

Activities that are fun in the long-term are usually more rewarding and satisfying. And from a pragmatic standpoint reading is more useful than other activities

I don't really enjoy reading and I can't understand why people say they do. What I truly enjoy are the stories that literature has to offer, and the depth the medium can achieve. Saying you enjoy "reading" is the same as saying you enjoy "watching"(Movies). What you truly enjoy is the story itself, regardless the medium it's presented with.

No. Its meant to be physically painful, If you aren't bleeding from at least one orifice when you finish a book then you did something very wrong and are a pleb.


It's fun in the way that having tea with your grandparents might be fun. It's not a hedonistic joyride, but it's satisfying and relaxing.

Besides, if there's a purpose to this world, it's certainly not to enjoy ourselves.

I rarely have fun when reading.
The only times I can remember laughing have been when reading Dostoyevski, Plato, Aristotle, Hamsun, Kant and Epictetus.


Genre fiction: yes, designed for fun

Litretature: no, designed to elicit aesthetic experience.

Might want to read up on what separates writing from literature, or 'what is art'.

if i went to my library and got a book about aesthetic theory should that be a good starting point?

>not stories

I usually have fun when I read, fun with genre fiction for being vehicles for stories that could not exist within our world, fun with historical because I like to see how the past has effected it and fun with philosophical works for making me think about who I am as a person and of others and the world
I don't read much literary fiction as opposed to genre fiction though, really should.

is this bait? the first time i've legitimately thought someone needs to go back to rebbit.

yep, reading is meant to be fun. for sure.

>reading for plot

I guess you are new here then

Ciao. Vuoi far amicizia?

I doubt he meant just the plot, these days the word "story" is more synonymous with the general writing, or at least that seems to be how a lot of people use it.

The simple act of looking at ink on the page and internalizing it can bring a kind of pleasure.

But what fun can you derive from reading?

art is entertainment suspended on string and pole user

i know that place


I don't enjoy any of the activities I do regularly and would call my hobbies: reading philosophy, working out, studying math. What I enjoy is the feeling of bettering myself and knowing I am closer to enlightenment every day while remaining healthy