How many blankets do you need too survive in absolute zero?

How many blankets do you need too survive in absolute zero?

Avocato's Number times 23

that depends on how long.

About tree fiddy

Only one, but you might have to sleep with two teddy bears for extra warmth.

It depends on the tog of said blanket(s).

If the blankets start out at absolute zero you'll die before you have time to warm up.

Humans on average generate 100 watts, have a volume of 95 liters which could be idealized as a sphere of diameter 0.566 meters, and must maintain an internal temperature of no less than 35C to not be in a state of hypothermia.

You literally cant remove all the energy from a system.

Absolute zero cannot be achieved, it's fictional. You may as well be asking about cold fusion or dragon penises.

If you go into absolute 0 alive, then it's no longer absolute zero

>Implying absolute zero is possible

It's entropy which drives heat exchange, correct?

Heat is the measure of average kinetic energy of particles, correct?

Heat transfer, and the speed at which heat transfer is facilitated, is then a question of equilibrium across entropic states, yes?

So, then, in an environment where you suddenly have an object with heat (no matter how small), within a region of no heat yet particles, would the speed at which heat is transferred from particles at >0 to 0 velocity be infinite, granting the particles themselves infinite KE, and infinite heat?

how do blankets work?

30 sun masses of blankets till you start fusioning the blankets to generate warmth

i think the real question here is how many absolute zeros are = to an absolute one.

you literally don't know that

How many blankets to survive a dragon penis?

like 3

You would kill absolute zero first, but non-absolute zero would kill you afterwards.


I have a better question. Lets say I have a box 1m on each side, at 20 degrees Celsius. I have an environment that fluctuates between 22 - 35 degrees Celsius over the course of 24 hrs.

How many blankets would I have to wrap it in to keep it within 2c of it's original temperature indefinitely? The box generates no heat of it's own.

for an average size male about 7 blankets


If the box generates no heat, the steady-state solution of this scenario (which is what you're asking for since you said "indefinetely") is the box having the same temperature as its surroundings. Unless you have ideal thermal isolation (=\inf blankets) which is not possible in reality.
So even though the environment temperature fluctuates, you cannot keep the box at 20-22°C forever. It will reach the average of the environment temperature (28.5°C) if it's well isolated.
It's a first order differential equation.

Absolute zero is meaningless if it's in alomost vaccum

Spaceships are space blankets floating on almost absolute zero, so I'll go with "three billion dollars worth of blankets"

op nowhere to be found

Well since we're dealing with absolut zero that's kinda tricky, it's only a dot after all. Kind of how absolute 1 is a line and etc.

To fit a blanket you'd need a blanket of fractal dimension with not width. And of course we'd like to optimize for the most blankets. Hence the following

d/dn( (Blanket)^n ) = 0

Where n is the fractal dimension, thus

n(blanket)^(n-1) = 0 and because the blanket isn't a zero me must be zero. This the optimal amount of blankets for absolute zero is

1 blanket of fractal dimension 1.
That's maths for ya

comfy answer

Not that much actually, although space is pretty cold, it's pretty much a vacuum so there's nothing to conduct heat.

If it's absolute zero you'd freeze to death. If there's blankets, then it's not absolute zero.

Sorry, to elaborate, having blankets to survive would imply that you're using them to stay warm. Which means it's not absolute zero.

Hold my beer.

Humans can't be idealized as spheres, just like dogs. Fucking mathematicians and their goddamned calculus.

energy is dimensional, remove all energy would be like cutting a 2D slice of cheese. there will always be some even if it's so small as to be inconsequential. 0.000000001 degrees maybe but never absolute zero.

it would start at absolute zero and then reduce as it stole warmth.

A-A human for all intensive purposes is an oblong...