Literary confessions thread

Literary confessions thread

I am redpilled and against women and nonwhites. This reflects my choice of literature which is comprised solely of white heterosexual males

Reminder that women should not be allowed to choose their own partners

I don't read books that much.

I'm terrible at ascertaining subtext. I had to Sparknotes Cat's Cradle.

I strictly read philosophy now because it's more straightforward and it feels like I'm using my time more productively. Doubt I can get much better at analyzing novels anyway.

I still haven't read infinite memes yet

Unironically satire kino, marred by the slew of imitators that followed.

>i don't care that we have the same mother
>tonight I'm gonna fuck my brother

I read more Visual Novels than proper literature. I have a tick where I worry about reading too fast and missing the proper rhythm of the text.

me too

trying to be "better" about this. I have a number of really interesting books I could be reading, but between jobs and freelance writing, I'm sometimes just too exhausted at the end of the day. And I hate complaining about exhaustion, but we're confessing stuff here, so yeah.

she's a beaut


I read "The Enemy Beneath" and thought it was worthy of a sequel.

Damn reverse non-whites with whites and you sound like an Islamic Black Panther

i have impulse control problems at the library

My only true love in life has been literature and the pursuit of knowledge. I get pleasure from nothing else.
Also, I am a woman.

I refuse to read fiction books that use a historical war as a setting/plotline


I was pretty decent at writing throughout highschool, but hardly ever read anything.
Currently majoring in English at the university of Iowa, because I fell for the college meme.
I'm getting good grades, but feel like a complete retard surrounded by people who are actually good writers.

I didn't mean to reply to your post. I'm just drinking, because idk what i'm doing with my life

It's pretty good. Really confusing at times and the end leaves something to be desired because you kind of have to reread it. Anyone who says they "got it" the first time around is lying or trolling. Anyone who says there's nothing to get hasn't read it or is trolling. Idk. If you are the type who can gain satisfaction from individual scenes and chapters even if the entire story is kind of muddy I say go for it when you have time.

My confession is Portrait by Joyce was really hard to read and I never knew what the hell was going on because I don't know about 20th century Irish politics, which is crucial to the plot, I guess.

I loved portrait, and would seriously recommend filling in your knowledge gaps and giving it another go. Its worth it.