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Literature #93
Hi user, is Stoicism or Epicureanism the better philosophy? Maybe I'll go on a date with you if you get it right (;
Post books
Suggest me some well-written, thorough books on The Holocaust
Latin Novels
Sup Veeky Forums, what do you think of my nonfiction collection? Could you recommend any other similar works?
Veeky Forums, I see you try so hard to separate yourself from "normies." Who are they...
Red-pilled books?
If all the great philsophers of all time sat together at a round-table and discussed philosophy ad infinitum...
How come the Ancient Greeks were so brilliant while the rest of the other ancient civilizations were so stupid...
I'm 50 pages in; when does he get good? He's boring and writes long winded passages like a cavern and its arteries
Why did Nietzsche dislike stoicism?
How do you know when you have transcended from pseudo-intellectual to intellectual?
Analytic Philosophy
The Borthers Karamazov
How can I easily read ASSTR stories on my Kindle? The site doesn't really play well with article mode
When did you realize elitism is necessary when talking about literature?
Are there any books that criticize the left-right political spectrum...
Would literature be different had Hitler managed to emerge victorious?
Which edition of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man to get?
Does Veeky Forums pass the white male reader test? How many of these do you own/have you read?
Mfw there are no legitimate arguments against moral nihilism
Classical literature
Adults Who Read YA
Je deteste David Foster Wallace
Were they faggots?
Self help books are all garbage right?
Why is this book and author so vehemently hated?
I bought this on impulse.. did I pleb out Veeky Forums?
Do you think technology is destroying human society and human perception of the world?
Dante's courtly love for Beatrice continued for nine years, before the pair finally met again...
Is literary fiction a genre?
Be 21
I need some advice, I want to read philosophy, but I wonder if there's like a select your own adventure sort of deal...
Impress me
Only read philosophy, hard sci-fi and religious texts
Who's your favorite black philosopher?
What are some essential serious books to read on the occult and practical magic?
Cynical & Depressed
Is this a good line?
Should the race or sexuality of an author play a role in your decision to read them or not?
Which work of fiction would it be most advantageous for humanity to adopt as a sacred text used for moral instruction?
Heart of Darkness
I consider poetry to be an abominable use of the written word. Words, sentences, grammar...
If there was a rapper (a bit like Lil B) who read classic literature and philosophy and then wrote songs about it would...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
So are there any fantasy authors that are worth reading besides Borges, Calvino, Le Guin, Tolkien and Wolfe?
Is this your brain after 50 years of academic philosophy? Do you aspire to be as intelligent?
Has anyone read pic related?
Tfw your 1000+ page encyclopedic postmodern novel will be remembered as the best novel of this century and will be...
Last thread died. New recent purchases thread. Feel free to repost from last thread
There are no books as enthralling as the Bible
Why does it make people invisible?
Anti-Capitalist literature
It's a fact that being well read correlates with embracing a liberal view on race...
How far can we take irony?
Why does Veeky Forums jack off to this hack? He's utter shit
Maman died yesterday, and it was definitely yesterday
How much of Shakespeare's legacy is manufactured
Poetry thread
Has anyone done more damage to poetry as an art form than these two?
Rabbit, run
You wake up
Socrates: Would you agree that [unprovable ad-hoc conclusion based on a misunderstanding of language]?
Thoughts on this essay I wrote for a nonfiction workshop?
'Jesus wept.'
La littérature française
Who's the best fantasy author since Tolkein?
"David Foster Wallace" is trending on Twitter as we speak
Why is eastern "philosophy" so popular among hipsters nowadays?
What's the best way to start reading stoic philosophy and Veeky Forumserature?
At what age did you get interested in literature and why?
Why does Veeky Forums rarely discuss plays and playwrights?
How do I write a philosophical essay?
Is Zizek an Accelarationist?
Help I'm craving for porn right now and i want to quit to be virtuous and to stop tricking my brain up...
Just lol @ non-theists on Veeky Forums who deny the gospel of the Bible
Trump can't change his mind only I may change my mind
What's your favorite Murakami book?
Purple prose
Sorry to be an edge lord but Is there any good obscure/edgy books that is actually good and thought provoking...
What's the best Japanese Veeky Forumserature? Asking for a friend
I'm afraid of sharing my ideas because someone might steal them
Books helped me overcome my existential sorrow and realize that existence is nothing to hate
I am a lawyer who works 80 hours a week. I want to quit and write novels for a living. Help me find the courage...
Recommended reading for an 18 year old?
Give me some comments about the works of Dostoevsky that are useful for faking having read him
Ending was a bit weak no?
I'm halfway through it. Any thoughts on this book concerning the current political climate?
American Psycho
Name 1 writer or philosopher who didn't have a tough life
Can war be just?
What's Veeky Forums's endgame?
What books do you own but have not read?
Will this entertain me?
Tfw imaginationlet
ITT: Post books you're not sure about reading and other anons advise
What is the most Veeky Forums religious text?
Who was in the right here?
Critical Theory and Post-Structuralism
Are there any living contemporary Russian authors worth reading?
Hey lit, i wanna start reading again
What's your defense for intelligent design user?
Could anyone recommend a novel that compares to 2666 in scope, character, and surrealism?
Good books on mental illness? Can be fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Pic related
Things only Anglos believe
Define "spook"
Send my poem to 35~ publishers
ITT: Post a picture, get a recommendation based on said picture
So I think I might buy a typewriter
Stephen King had the most influence on American culture than any other writer
What constitutes genius
Who is the death grips of literature?
Write what's on your mind
Tfw can't read more than 10 pages in one day without giving in to the desire to just watch anime and play video games...
Tfw just read Tsukihime
Red pill me on e-readers. Are they worth it and which one is the best to get?
Where do I start with the works of this philosopher?
ITT: books that managed to break you
Right wing intellectuals please help me out
What are the books to read about capitalism?
What is Veeky Forums doing for a living?
When I was in college, I fell in love with my English professor...
How ascended are you?
Fit lit discord
Where does Veeky Forums stand on the oxford comma?
Define and defend equality
Be /pol/ack
This is the most beautiful work of art that my soul has been able to witness
MFA programs in the US actually pay you to become a writer
So was Yozo a sociopath or what?
Was it ever explained how he turned into a bug? I didn't bother finish this snooze fest
This fucking guy
Crime and Punishment is his best work, right?
Your nationality
Tfw you empathize with and understand Raskolnikov
How long does it take you to read a 400 pages book?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Was George Orwell wrong about his thoughts on Tea?
What would Socrates think of the type of irony used here on Veeky Forums?
What do you think, Veeky Forums? Not bad, eh?
Worker's movement
Veeky Forums anime
Which 20th Century Irish novelists are worth checking out beyond the big 3?
Stop feeling resentment
“The truth is you already know what it's like...
If my woman is dumb, does it mean i'm dumb too?
High brow literature
Help me get my lazy ass to read
They were frauds all along!
Leo Tolstoy and Dostoevsky looked so fucking wise it was ridiculous. Beckett looked like some sort of dark wizard...
His theories may be even right, but he remains a fat fanatic and an incredibly boring thinker
Help me remember a word
Thoughts on Charles Bukowski?
Did German Idealism lead to the rise of the Nazis?
Poem thread? Poem thread
Why has Octavia Butler been relatively obscured from science fiction canon...
I am so bored with life. nothing seems special or fun or sacred anymore...
Everything Marx theorized was based on the idea that capitalism would crumble
Explain this
What does Veeky Forums think about birds?
Move house
Bookshelf/litroom thread
Hey Veeky Forums
Things pleb readers do
/reading habits/
How to
Recent Purchases Thread
Does Veeky Forums speed read? Or are you subvocalizing mongoloids?
Nabokov was a pedophile
Do people on this board seriously advice "starting with the Greeks"...
How can I tell if I'm a pseudointellectual?
Do you read multiple books at a time? Do you read part of a book, and begin another, leaving the other book for later?
Is he the Rimbaud of our times?
Hello Veeky Forums...
Why do we treat bad the people we love?
Is morality absolute or relative? Discuss your stance and what that may entail in how we look at literature
ITT: post your favorite novelist and your favorite porn star...
Start with the Greeks
ITT: Convince me to learn Greek and Latin
The man I'm infatuated with is your standard chronically depressed "nihilist"
"I think Kafka was right when he said that for a modern secular non-religious man bureaucracy...
Begin learning French so I can understand French texts in the original
Is there something similar to "Life is Strange"?
Does Veeky Forums really hate Harry Potter or is it just a backlash against its enormous popularity and the perceived...
For those of you who majored in philosophy, what job did you get after graduating?
Fact: no well read man is a racist
Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia
Philosophy is boring
So according to Harold Bloom the greatest contemporary novels are:
/litmu/s test for patricians
Reading Stirner destroyed my life, fuck you Veeky Forums
There are no comfy lit jobs anymore or in fact any lit jobs that pay a decent wage apart from a small number of...
Your favorite truism
I kinda want to start writing a light novel, but I'm too self-concious that it's very similar to the homage/inspiration
Have you realised that the information age, with the huge amount of reading material...
Spent almost all my free time since 2012 on mindless internet browsing
Realistically, how do men and women fall in love respectively?
Fiction has a gay character
TL;DRing the world's longest piece of English literature
What is his endgame?
What version do you read Lit?
Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?
The hard problem of consciousness
*steps out of the shadows*
What is unironically the worst book you have ever read?
Write what's on your mind
What exactly did he mean by this?
So can we all agree that this is the best short story of all time?
Hi anons
When they use "she" instead of "he" as a generic pronoun
Goodreads thread
What was the greatest artistic achievement of the 20th Century?
Something in the literary department, and just online writing in general, has annoyed me over the years
Who had the best prose style of all time?
The Epics
If God isn't real the can athests answer why only we are the truly self conscious (no animals is self conscious on the...
Immediacy-- what are some novels that stylistically convey immediacy in
So what are the actually good news sources? CNN and the MSM are for useful idiots, pol and Reddit are propaganda...
Do you read manga, Veeky Forums...
Afternoon, Veeky Forumsizens. Which one should I read first? Also, What are you reading atm?
How do you deal with libertarians who think liberal identity politics is the same as marxism?
Is mathematics just philosophy without sophistry?
In exactly 3 month I'll be defending my thesis at a university
So according to Harold Bloom the greatest contemporary novels are:
How do I write a financially successful novel, /pol/
What are the books about Africa I need to read
Kayne West is the modern day vision of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch
Fuck your dfw and your pynchonu. He was the only american genius of the late 20th century
Does it cause you much distress to know that NEETs have the time to read much more books as you?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
JR by William Gaddis
Can we get some separate CRITIQUE THREADS; this one is poetry, another can be a short story one...
Best prose in spanish
I'm not taking it anymore, Veeky Forums
Any of you guys ever publish anything, either self or through a legit publisher?
Why do people claim to be atheists in the West? They were all raised on Christian moral value systems and abide by them...
Who are some of your favorite contemporary conservative authors?
Is communism a meme or not? I have been feeling lately that capitalism a shit...
1940s-50s Books
ITT: Books or series thereof you will make sure your kids never read
What is some 'psychedelic' literature...
Recent Purchases General
Veeky Forumsizens
Hi /lit. I'm a good looking, fit, intelligent guy who has been handed everything on a silver platter my whole life...
Hey guys, so I was thinking of giving a girl I'm dating a book of poetry...
I'm a fucking idiot
Why is Les Misérables or general Hugo so rarely talked about here?
This site has nothing to offer anybody...
Everything Wrong With Capitalism
Everyone says that you ought to be your authentic self. But what if your authentic self is an asshole...
How can you effectively write about something you haven't experienced?
Hobbies thread
What does it take to be a man?
In your best prose, write a short essay on Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (RIP)
Is he right?
Why is he so based?
Post the first line of your story/book
Was Ophelia pregnant?
Is this the scariest novel of all time?
Longtime lurker here, I guess. Are there any good books by women besides Jane Eyre and Virginia Woolf...
Hard determinism, soft determinism or libertarian free will? Which one is it?
Book Depository sent me a second copy of a book because the first one didn't arrive in the set date. And now...
Why is all asian philosophy so shitty compared to western philosophy?
Fuck your dfw and your pynchonu. He was the only american genius of the late 20th century
Can we have a covers thread?
I am a secular and skeptic atheist. What should I read after these gents?
My time with user has come to an end. During our time together...
How many pages do you read on daily basis? Is 50 enough to stay lit?
I've heard Faust described as one of the most important works in western literature...
What are some books that'll improve my cinematic taste
Goethe - Where to Start?
He only reads but doesn't write
Did he seriously believe in God or was it just satire?
How come Harold Bloom has read the whole canon multiple times, yet hasn't produced any poetry or writing of his own...
Babi's First Philosophy
I want to believe in God, what do i read?
Write something meaningful in your native tongue
/nrx/ neoreaction general
Is there an ancap-core? I'd like some must-read recommendations, please
Traffic Cone Jokes
Socrates Life refutes itself
What's the Veeky Forums recommended e-reader?
This is fucking boring
Seriously, what exactly is a five for this dumb bitch if she rates Les Miserables a four...
Was Harry a chad?
/ag/ - Autodidact General - SORT YOURSELF OUT
If your IQ is above 120 you should consider a career in the sciences else you would be holding humanity back
Words/terms that are pseud alarms
This man
Share your edgiest, most contrarian literary opinions
Hi, since you guys are supposed to be the smartest board, I come here for some kind of insight about a problem of mine
Was Tolkien writing a racist anthology?
What the hell type was he? INFP..? INTP...? INFJ...??
Greatest Writer
How could we possibly ever get out of ideology? If we did would it be for the better?
Veeky Forums, I need your help. My idiot dog ripped up two books I left on my desk while I was at work...
Tfw I want to write books about black people
Why do all the online book communities like Veeky Forums only read fiction...
Is Jonathan Franzen too good to be meme'd?
What are some essential psychology books?
Was it a metaphor?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on the writings of popular scientists like Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins?
Ordered 5 different bible translations and 3 books of apocryphal texts
Write what you genuinely wish more people understood
Hal/Henry V is secretly Shakespeare's greatest character. Certainly his most admirable
What's some literature that decipts the rotting of the old and the rising of the young?
What is the Veeky Forums equivalent of this?
The Road
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud...
Have to do a 2000 word count essay
Rate the first sentence of my novel
Would you ever date someone who doesn't read?
Writes sci-fi
Is there any artsy book which is well written and deeply profound that also has scat porn scenes...
What did he mean by this?
This guy is currently kicking my existential ass
Gay conversion therapy
Your opinion?
>Chinese """"""""""philosophy""""""""""
French author Michel Houellebecq predicted the r9k/incel phenomenon in 1994
Always hear that women are discriminated against in publishing
Read any nice homo books lately?
Should I read it?
How important is it to graduate Oxbridge if you're British and want literary lifestyle?
NYRB Thread
There are no new philosophical questions to be raised
Alright Veeky Forums...
Was dostoyevsky the underground man...
Non-meme Stirner thread
Though I adore it and cherish it in a way I don't really understand what rimbaud did for poetry...
Do you believe in God?
The label "pseud" is interesting, because...
Recent purchases. Dollar bin on fire edition. $6
Do you believe the world around you is real?
Communism vs capitalism
I am almost done with Blood Meridian. My favorite thing about it is the insane plot. It's just....amazing
Name ONE book
A Mournful Humanity
Rate my opening line
Define your terms so that I may detract from the original discussion and centre on your definition providing my own...
Must read books for every human being
I'm going to take a break from reading to play some video games
Is postmodernism done for?
Pynchon's self-insert character fucks an 11 year old
Why is nobody waking up to the fact that culture is dead?
Book is over 600 hundred pages
Have you done DMT, Veeky Forums?
Stephen King's under the Dome: 2009
Find 1 (one) flaw with these books
Why is Hamlet such a huge figure in literature? Bloom seems obsessed with him as the pinnacle of character
Name one philosophical/sociological piece of work that can top this...
Have you put your favorite author through the face app. Imagine if he was this sexy. He never would have killed himself
I know you read his shit faggot stop pretending
How THE FUCK did Jackson manage to make masterpieces out of these generic fantasy pleb shit books?
I picked up Ulysses earlier today and I'm about 40 pages in
Why the hell would someone waste their time reading fiction if there is so much to learn?
Moby Dick and Critics
Would you read Grimes book Veeky Forums?
The rampant growth of theism on this board is amusing. Don't mean to be a fedora tipper...
Haruki Murakami
How does Veeky Forums feel about people reading on the train during their commute to and from work? Is it patrician?
Philosophy is for the unenlightened
ITT: God Tier short stories
What is the verdict on the LessWrong guy?
Yfw some retarded right wing lolbertarian thinks 1984 is a critique of socialism
Why do all these 'edgy' new centrist anti-marxist intellectuals all ignore libertarian communism and just criticize...
Post comfy books to relax with Inbetween big works
Matthew > John > Luke > Mark
Why is philosophy a failed field?
Be me
Why do the works of George Berkeley, Spinoza, Leibniz, and other 17th and 18th philosophers...
Good night, sweet prince
What does Veeky Forums think of the Qur'an Code? Does any other book also have this...
Is this worth reading?
Write a story in 10 words
Have you taken the breadpill yet mateys?
For Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel...
Literary confession thread
Did John Wayne died?
Is there any audience in writing plays anymore?
What are the most literary filmmakers?
Dionysian Art
My university has an incredible library
What philosophical position do you hold?
Can Graphic Novels ever be as deep and meaningful as real books...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Can /phil/ be created already...
Do you like to drink when you're reading serious literature...
/shb/ - Self-Help Books general
How the fuck did this guy get so popular? 99% of his shit is trivial
Studied literature and philosophy
Perhaps the very worst thing about reading through A Song of Ice and Fire is when you come to one of the bits in the...
Post sentences from Books and othet anons try to guess it
North Korea
Best translation of Don Quixote? I plan on reading it first in English and again in Spanish. Say why you liked it...
I just began reading The Ego and Its Own, and I'm already considering not finishing it
Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace
Is someone born into the middle class capable of producing great works of literature?
Guys i just realised multicularism and modernisation has failed by so much
How's your novel coming along, Veeky Forums?
Is Pride and Prejudice recommendable?
Shelf Thread - Penguin ed
/atg/ - Autodidact General - SORT YOURSELF OUT
What's the best Marxist literature to read after digesting Capital?
Reading to become a better writer
Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad
ITT: Books that make you uncomfortable, whether it's because of the subject matter...
James Joyce is not a good writer
Why haven't YOU read the Bible yet, user?
Veeky Forums Humour Thread
Is he the most emotionallt complex and yet understandable character ever? Does he represent us Humans?
ITT: Celebrities who are surprisingly Veeky Forums
Jesus this guy is pretentious
How the FUCK do I come to peace with the time we live in?
Speaking of Spinoza he [Nietzsche] says: "How much of personal timidity and vulnerability does this masquerade of a...
Penis measurement time
Be me
Do you write notes in your books?
1000+ pages of filler or what? Is it worth the time?
Give me one example where a C doesn't just sound exactly like either an S or a K
Books (besides right wing /pol/ shit) in which the jews are up to no good. Pic related is one
Has anyone read a thousand books?
If trees didn't exist what would stories be printed on?
What are some good books that will inspire me to write good lyrics to songs? i want to write some music
Thomas Aquinas Works
Suicide is a terrible option because, in all likelihood...
Where to start?
What should I be reading to get ready?
Do you guys study with music?
Why do so many philosophers talk shit about women
Hey Veeky Forums, how do you guys go about pretending you're smart in real life?
What does it take to become a writer? Incessant reading and writing, obviously. But what else?
What has reading taught you?
Is this accurate...
ITT: Patrician comedy
Why were the Greeks so fucking great? What the is it about them that allowed them to become so amazing...
Which books would you recommend to a filmmaker?
Why can't the philosophyfags get their own board? They're the cancer that's killing Veeky Forums
Are this and Slaughterhouse V worth reading?
How accurate is this Veeky Forums
Stop using big words
You guys said I could jump into it. I'm on page 20 and I don't understand a single fucking thing
Verbosely using adjectives that end in "ly" throughout your writing
How has reading improved your life?
Tillerson reported that Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957) is his favourite book
How much time on average does Veeky Forums read every day? I like to read a book a day because it give me KNAWLEJJJ
Who /cultured/ here?
Reddit plebs hate this. What do Veeky Forums contrarians make of it?
Recommend me a good Ducht book i can read to get mental gains next tot my lifting days
What's wrong with purple prose? How is it different from good description?
Which books did you stop reading midway through? Why?
Christian books
Why can't we italicise on this board? Other boards have their own little things relevant to their subject, why not this?
People from the midwest think they're ever going to understand literature
He doesn't write love letters to his gf
Be me
I ask you today, O men of Veeky Forums, whom may be considered greater: Those who control a state...
Dude life is meaningless lmao
My first time creating a brain expanding meme, let me know what you guys think
Write a novel
Is he, dare I say it, the most overrated author of all time?
Abandon Academia. Become an Autodidact
Send three of my recently completed poems that I put a lot of theory and craft into our to publishers
Help me Veeky Forums
I wrote what I thought was a really good poem but my professor hated it
Books where characters play 4D chess?
Write the worst opening line you can think of
Rate my shelf
What does your girlfriend read?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What are some good Christian novels?
Vampire literature
Let's be honest. Did Plato say anything that isn't obvious to modern, educated white people?
Will moving away to some remote area so that I distance myself from distractions help me become a better writer?
One of these threads
Are there any good books on the dangers of marriage and men going their own way (MGTOW)?
What philosophy books should a person start with. Or what philosophers should I start with
Is stealing immoral if its out of necessity and from someone who has too much anyway?
There is one answer to this
How do you enjoy literature after being spoiled by video games...
Give Me Your Top 10 Writers
Should I read this?
Give me the 'death to America' starter pack
Welcome to the library
Language Tiers
This is the most perfect piece of literature to ever exist
I'm working all day long every day to become a violin virtuoso and a great composer, and I'll be honest...
He thinks that Gregor Samsa actually turned into a Cockroach in the Metamorphosis
You wake up in bed with your teenage sweetheart and you're 16 again and summer just started
Is Oblomov the comfiest character of all time?
Wittgenstein Guide Updated
Books on dealing with being hated
Let's see if Veeky Forums knows anything
Do you have an ugly soul or a beautiful soul, Veeky Forums?
Well lets see it
Female character dabs her mouth with napkin
Qui sont les meilleurs poètes français?
What is DFW's best short story?
Read most of Nietzsche's stuff
Debate Thread
Reading critically
If all humans and other sentient observers stopped existing, would the universe have any meaning?
New sincerity is garbage. we should embrace irony
What is the point of poetry?
Well, looks like we got ourselves a reader
Do I need to read anything before going into Stirner?
Imagine if Nick Land was your dad
Tell me how you feel about this image, Veeky Forums
High school literature
Mfw ever since /fitlit/, Veeky Forums's collective IQ has dropped by 20 points
ITT: Rank your favorite authors works
Existential crisis
How often do you feel retarded?
You have 10 seconds to improve this sentence
Anybody else likes his stuff on psychology but thinks his blatant ideological agenda is fucking bullshit?
ITT : tell me your best joke Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums approved visual novel?
Tfw ironically a Maoist
You are my information prostitute
Why does Veeky Forums never recommend poetry?
Thinks he's intelligent
Im depressed lonely and on the verge of suicide what book should i read>
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority...
Literature functions as a self-contained, self-referential aesthetic object...
She's deleting our comments!!!
What do you think of this?
Overnight Critique Thread
What are some good books about the culture of capitalism?
Why are the majority of opening lines in stories and novels cringe-inducing?
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place
How do you concentrate while reading?
What is the best book to understanding Assad, Syria, and ISIS? Or has it not been written yet?
D R E A M S C A P E - Veeky Forums Collab
Stephen King, Tom Clancy and Stephenie Meyer majored in English
Is the Trivium a meme?
Redpill me on e-readers
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Let's talk about majors and careers
/fitlit/ thread
What is some essential reading for people who are smart but lazy?
The very fact that Kant and Hegel can't put their philosophy into layman's terms means it is bourgeoisie horseshit for...
Any news?
I'm having a hard time understanding Nietzsche. I just find his style to be really confusing...
Self-help books are bad meme
Will she ever return?
Write what's on your mind
There is literally nothing wrong with hedonism
Hey Veeky Forums did you know you're sexy? ;)
Which book could be its counterpart?
Why nietzsche called women cows?
What was the worst book you had to read in high school, Veeky Forums?
If your favorite band is the Beatles, then your favorite ice cream is vanilla, your favorite artist is Van Gogh...
Redpill me on jap literature
Hey Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums approved podcasts?
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent
My favorite directors are Godard, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Antonioni, Resnais, Melville, Fellini, Malle and Bresson
It was all a dream
In your best prose, describe being eaten
Hi, /lit, /sci here. Is this legit?
The Foundations of Critical Thinking
Plebs please ignore
What exactly is wrong with this sentence?
How to talk with pseuds, also pseud stories general
Can I read him in spanish?
What book will help me get laid? No PUA nonsense etc. thanks
Best gay authors and/or works about gays?
I've never read Ligotti before, is this a good starting point? Are his stories really similar to Lovecraft's?
Shit book covers
What should I read before WWIII starts and we all die?
Mfw the bible is the greatest work of art, both politically and commercially, that will ever and has ever been created
Veeky Forums Survey
Other literature in the common vein of:
I fucked up Veeky Forums
Is it me, or freud doesn't get the respect he deserves on here?
Just become who you are
Redpill me on Max Stirner, Veeky Forums
If you claim to understand this man then you have completely misunderstood him
Lolita by Viktor Nabokov
*reads Evola once*
Tfw finished another chapter
Thomas Sowell
I started reading the Pope translation of the Odyssey at the suggestion of one of the Greek guides and I'm seriously...
No jordan peterson thread
Ok, I'm mad
So, Veeky Forums, I know this debate is kinda endless, but what field would you consider superior...
Tell me about yourself and why you come to Veeky Forums
Post random shit you wrote and we'll judge it
What literature should I read before the draft? I'm not prepared
In terms of pure technical skill
Stephen King Discussion
Based Eric Hoffer
Using Dennett's definition of qualia, how is it possible for us to not have a soul?
Why are drumpftards unable to appreciate the intelligence and beauty of Harry Potter? Is it because they can't read?
Tfw realised - I mean truly realised - that there is no moral basis without God
What work of literature best encapsulates the American Dream?
The case against burning wood is every bit as clear as the case against smoking cigarettes. Indeed, it is even clearer...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Why do liberals love 1984, but have brave new world?
Open a book
What are the escential Plato dialogues? Do I need to read presocratics before jumping into Plato?
Hey Veeky Forums recently I've been getting interested in existentialism and I know a little bit but still need to read...
Who is you're favorite poet and why? My favorite poet is fernando pessoa...
Why do I find Bertrand Russell's writings so appealing and valid?
Karamavov Prerequisites
Be a fucking genius
What is the nature of desire in Buddhism?
What's the shortest poetry you know?
Right Wing Literature
Thoughts on french as a language from non-native speakers? What peeves or irks you?
Be reading this in public
Reminder that, for humans, everything is mind, and theres nothing else than consciousness itself...
Reading on PC
Is democracy and equality and egalitarianism ruining literature and art
The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic...
What are the most fucked up books out there Veeky Forums?
Come up with an argument against hard determinism
Is an authority figure needed to redeem ourselves or is it possible to absolve ourselves from within?
What Veeky Forums should I read to become more versed in architecture?
Post yfw ayn rand was right all along
Aristotle on manlets
This is it lads. I've decided to kill myself. I can no longer live in fear and deal with my hypochondria...
Recommend me a GOOD short novel, or five of them
Why is earnest hemingway seen as a symbol of manliness when he killed himself like an emo little bitch?
*subverts western society
Philosophers who got everything wrong
Any books on cuckoldry?
Wow Grammarly is useless
What would he think about Japan and the world if he was still alive today? Is it for the best that he killed himself?
Forced to take English Composition 2 in college as part of a liberal art 'foundation'
Why is this book regarded as a classic? I enjoyed reading it but I don't think there's any depth to the story...
Has the intelligentsia of today moved to youtube? I have watched some videos by sargon of akkad...
What is the most adequate phallic symbol? The whip, the sword, the spear? The rifle?
Was this the most Veeky Forums of suicides?
I can't wait to read some poetry by walt whitman, once my book arrives...
If life is suffering and finite, why not just be comfy...
Philosophies, theologies...
My prose is very simple. For some reason...
Tfw you think you've written a unique character but discover a TV Tropes page that almost perfectly describes said...
"Academia is to knowledge what prostitution is to love."
I don't want to write anymore. What are other activities you guys would recommend?
Hallo Veeky Forums
"who-e debel you? You no speak-e, dam-me. I kill-e." -Queequeg
walk into your local library
How do I be more sincere?
Hey all
Academia is officially dead
Is there any poetry which is explicitly homosexual?
What's some literature that explores the importance of intuition and non-scientific inquiry in understanding the world?
What is the literary equivalent to the pipe strip?
What book most dramatically changed your perspective of the world?
How do I get a /lit gf like this?
Well? Were they right?
Continuing with the Greeks
Read contemporary literature
Escapism is the next literary movement. Prove me wrong
Best literature for insecure men who feel the need to act in an excessively "Masculine" manner?
Are reading glasses a meme?
Prehistoric Horror
Recent Purchases Thread
Honest question: why does "magical realism" trigger Veeky Forums
If you actually believe that 'the best people lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity'
Who was your favorite character from this?
Why are conservatards too stupid to understand Harry Potter?
Borges was racist af
Can you be a Christian without believing in god?
How to write good conversations?
We all know that the vast majority of Veeky Forums hates videogames...
Name the best writers of the past fifty years
Write what's on your mind
Is there any web app that lets me paste an essay (250-750 words) and informs me about grammar errors...
What is the Berserk of Veeky Forumsrature?
All the best things have already been written. Therefore, writing anything new is pointless
Who's the Right wing equivalent of Chomsky?
Brainless faggot here, how can i introduce myself to philosophy? I'm interested in nihilism, pessimism, existentialism...
Be cashier
This true?
ITT: discuss your literary ambitions
How do you get a Veeky Forums gf?
Continuing from thread (image limit reached again) >>9331714
Man is the animal
Books about drugs
DFW had 300 self-help books in his library
I realized today that I'm lonely. That I'm entirely cut off from other people and don't have a single friend
I met Don DeLillo on the D train this morning. He was sitting alone in the last car...
What's the most important in a book:
Persons main criticism of a book is that the main character is a "self insert of the author!"
Marxist threads stay up in peace
Millennial are drones
How come being a cuckold is the top fetish amongst intellectuals?
So far I haven't been unable to understand how to improve my writing...
80 pages into Finnigans Wake
Pepsi is Veeky Forums for sure
How do I write good characters?
Why are DFW and Infinite Jest memes?
BEARDS and Veeky Forums
Why doesn't Camus ever say why it is desirable to revolt against the absurd? And...
Why is Lovecraft so popular in Geek/Nerd culture? Is it because geeks are all racist deep down?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
A bad writer will never be a good writer
Why is it deemed necessary to read Dante?
For fuck's sake Veeky Forums, you've done it again
Which philosopher was best at blowing people the fuck out? Was it Nietzsche for this passage...
Was Joseph the ultimate cuck?
Tfw you realize Aristotelian formal and final causality is true
Borrow a book from someone in high school
How did you come to love writing or reading?
How to into Dick?
American literature is shit
Mfw reading Notes from Underground
Does Veeky Forums annotate in their books?
He hasn't reread his favorite book
Greentext the plot of your new novel, its not like is going anywhere
Any literature that just contains pure rage?
There are actual Marxists on this board right now
Was he right about everything?
Americans in charge of literature
Can you listen to music while reading? Or does it throw off your concentration...
Thoughts on this amazing book?
Anyone else here read this?
Is Salinger the greatest American author?
This was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking guide
How do you start reading and understanding this guy
What are some books focusing on an unambiguously sadistic female perspective?
Mfw my output had more literary merit when I was a songwriter than as a novelist
/Pol/ and Christ-cucks shut the fuck up not everything is about you
So should I do heroin?
Is there any honest reason to call any pursuit "meaningful" or "worthwhile" other than the fact that everyone else...
What books offer guidance to rid yourself from mediocrity? No cringy American self-help bullshit
/fitlit/ here, how do I work out my mind?
Simple question
Is writing as a profession dead, Veeky Forums? Are there any actually good living contemporary writers...
I'm looking to learn the arguments for and against immigration and nationalism
You didn't go to an ivy league
The futility of fighting depression
Nietzsche, Voltaire, Camus and Sartre tend to be called philosophers most of the time but sometimes are called authors
Expanding Brain Memes
What did Proust mean by this?
Should I, dare I say it, buy this box set?
What news sources does Veeky Forums read or follow?
What is "pure ideology"?
Tfw incapable of abstract thought
The autodidact meme gets thrown around a lot on this board...
What's your favorite work by this Nobel Laureate of Literature?
"Fuck them stupid Koreans."
This was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking guide
Is this the year we get a new pynchon novel?
The fifth sentence on the 31 page of the book you're currently reading describes your mental health
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games