What exactly is wrong with this sentence?

What exactly is wrong with this sentence?

In the story “x,” The Author illustrates the character’s exaggerated power that they possess, as well as their ---->misconstrued self- perception.

pls, I need to know

Did he give any specific criticism?

It's not obvious to me what "misconstrued self-perception" is supposed to mean. Are you trying to say that the character is delusional?

Probably wanted you to word it more simply, but I don't see how it would be hard to understand

I suspect the word 'misconstrued' is used incorrectly.

His main criticism is that the use of misconstrued, or "misconstrued self-perception" wasn't precise enough. And well I get that, but it can literally mean Misinterpret. So I fail to see why it's such a big problem.

>using 'their' as a plural pronoun

>4 posts in and nobody has noticed the obvious yet
I hate this board.
The problem is "the character's exaggerated power that they posses"

You don't need the "that they posses" because it's redundant and awkward. You already implied that they posses exaggerated power before stating it.

Oh, and I mean that the characters misinterpret their position or situation

Yeah that was one slight problem, but his main issue was the misconstrue thing I mentioned

A thesis is an argument and an introduction to the points you will make in your paper

If you're saying I'm not doing those things, that's not the problem he had with it either. He had a problem with my second point.

Remove "that they possess," use he or she to refer to the character unless they're a glob of cheese or another genderless object, and use "misinterpreted" instead of misconstrued if that's what you meant.

>the character's exaggerated power that they possess

this is bad writing

Yeah, that's probably what he would've wanted. But it's just strange because the dictionary definition tells me that misconstrue is a misinterpretation. So It being a synonym should make it convey the same meaning.

try using "distorted self-perception" instead

or just different wording entirely

I get that I fucked up the "that they possess part" but he oddly didn't seem to have that big of a problem with it. The main problem he had was with the construe thing

you don't interpret your own self-perception

the interpreting is happening at the level of perception, not outside of or after it

someone writing about the character's self-perception would be able to misconstrue it, but the character themself cannot

What class is this for? If it's university level, my professors would have torn me a second asshole for that.

Construe is usually referring to one person construing the activities of someone else, so it's not a great word for self-construed interpretation. Misconstruing someone else's intentions works, but not doing the same toward the self.

> this is bad writing

this is bad critique

this is bad post critique

It is a university.
This is probably it. Throughout the paper, I tried to describe this concept of comparing their own self-perception to how an omniscient objective observer would perceive it. I guess I didn't convey the right meaning in the thesis entirely.