What's the literary equivalent to this painting, Veeky Forums?
diary bait
Anything by Hemingway
Something by James Ellroy, where the character sitting next to he girl is a closet homosexual even though he doesn't even know it.
Other male character would have IQ of table.
Girl character, how the hell would I know, I know nothing about female characters that are not stereotypes.
That could be The Big Nowhere.
the truth about the harry quebert affair by joel dicker
Hard Rain Falling
Hystopia is set near the time frame and has a few scenes in a diner. It's not great by any means, but it's better than the usual thriller, with actual good prose.
Jim Thompson novels.
Maybe Raymond Chandler? I dunno, I haven't read him but that's the way people seem to describe him.
rilke's poetry because they both were inspired by this guy
A Raymond Carver collection.
wow nice. thanks! I've already read Rilke, Duino Elegies and Book of Hours are pretty great.
Nice pull.
What about this one?
Our Town by Thornton Wilder
After Dark by Murakami
Thank you, will read that one.
Not at all, my friend.
>Not at all, my friend.
How wrong you are
I read Lolita twice, man. And unless you're talking about the pedo bartender staring at the girl's "flower", there's no Lolita in there. But I obviously I asked for literature that feels like that teenage couple in the '50s.
>And unless you're talking about the pedo bartender staring at the girl's "flower", there's no Lolita in there.
Yeah that was about the jest of it.
The Long Good-Bye (of all the Chandlers) for the former; the latter crosses Loren Eisley's essays about his depression era tramp years with a period novel about children not quite children, Christopher Morley's Thunder on the Left.
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Hemingway
Sartre's Nausea
I've had this for ages and haven't read it. Is it worth a go user?
Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathanael West.
Fits perfectly, although the story is pretty shit
Does it take place in a bar proper, or on a bar's patio? I can't remember, but do remember some external description..
Patio, I think, although the old waiter leaves the bar towards the End
I don't know if there is a english version of this book
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
That's racist
Whatever I'm tired of seeing posted over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over