Anti-Capitalist literature

What do you guys recommend, apart from what's on my list?

Other urls found in this thread:

What's that site?

Anticapitalism is dumb as shit. Capitalism has to be followed to its end to give birth to the next thing.

Real niggers are accelerationist like Marx.

Might as well read Revolt Against The Modern World.


I suggest you take the redpill instead.



American Foreign Policy and Its Thinkers by Perry Anderson

The Agony of the American Left by Christopher Lasch

The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul

>paying for anticapitalist books

insightful, but didn't age well, the rich are the ones who have super busy and productive lives, now it's the poor who have too much leisure as they try to find a full time or even part time job

>What is intellectual curiosity
>What is independent thought
>"muh how can you complain about slavery. You're shackles were made under slavery, peasant!

wow, it must be difficult being that retarded.

Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler

yeh yeh ok, that's nice, right, but the doesn't make it any less funny, faggot.

It's true though.

All these little antifa kids should be out shilling for globalist corporations.

Which I guess they are doing, in a way.

There's some more detailed ones out, but this is good for starting.

The image you posted is a good response to arguments like "haha look at these protesters with their smartphones and shit", but buying anticapitalist literature from capitalists (especially major international multibillionaire corporations like Amazon) is a bit iffy, especially when you can get them for free by pirating, loaning them from a local library, or at least buying them from some smaller local left-orientated bookstore/organization.

I guess you're right. If you know of any co-operative bookstores or left leaning distributionaries I can purchase these books from it'd be greatly appreciated.

My point stands because user was being a bootlicking faggot.

>No Kropotkin

Good list though.

wtf is accelerationism
is it a meme

this list is tight af

Read Lenin

You forgot theories of surplus value

Das Kapital ist a terrible book for newbies. It's high-level economic theory, it's endgame stuff really and there isn't much of a point to read it without some deeper knowledge on history and theory of economics.

Read some secondary literature that gives you a broad overview over these topics

The Conquest Of Bread is an indispensable theory book for anarchists

or you could follow these lectures:

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy by Schumpeter. Agrees with Marx that capitalism will collapse, but doesn't agree with the manner in which that will happen and what will take its place.

According to Marxist theory, the downfall of capitalism will be brought upon by the inherent contradictions at it's core. Accelerationism is the idea that the more you exacerbate these contradictions, the quicker the revolution will come.
This is done by voting for right-wing politicians, supporting unregulated markets, shit like that.

Its a relatively retarded idea in real life in the 21th century.

Might work if it could really be pulled through but it can't, authoritarian capitalism exists and the porkies have so much power over politics that they'll keep their system running until it is stopped or - literally - civilization collapses (and that collapse won't create space for a communist utopia)

>Check library catalog online(includes another dozen or so libraries they trade with)
>Only have Lenin and Marx
>Buy books or wait forever for them to be shipped from universitys

Is this bourgeois suppression of ideas?

Empire by hardt and negri

no logo by klein

hegemony and socialist strategy by laclau and mouffe

I get nostalgic for the late 90's sometimes. these books really seemed to capture the zeitgeist of the far left in that era

>civilization collapses (and that collapse won't create space for a communist utopia)
Pre-civilised societies pretty much were communist utopias.

You can get any book you want free. You're just not looking hard enough.

Got me there, though that could be argued.

*modern civilization collapses due to environmental factors, or running out of energy, or war, or something nasty like that

I can't see this creating any large scale utopia. Maybe there'll be groups living in an anarchist small scale organization.

But maybe everyone is ded or maybe we just lose industrialization and get some sort of fucked up feudalism again, once the amount of people is small enough to find space for that.

The end of planet's life is literally more likely if we follow accelerationism and we don't disrupt the system.

the "alt-right" remind me of the left in the late 90's minus video games and other assorted infantile faggotry. I miss those days

>watching a vhs of riots at the genoa G8 summit whilst pouring over "sublime object of ideology". men were men. women were women. skunk was acapulco gold crossed to columbian gold crossed to afghan, ecstasy was poor quality and the internet was still cool

LMAO @ This entire thread and it's posters. You guys are MAX plebeians. You should first be Capitalists before renouncing it! Especially the bourgeois college scum in this thread.

The rest of you plebs need to read the works by E. Michael Jones. "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and then his anti-usury manifesto "Barren Metal". Of course the weak minded beta bitch boys in this thread will immediately recoil at the orthodox Catholicism and anti-Jewry stances in both books.

>The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul
Only intelligent person in this thread, even though the book specifically says that technique is advanced regardless of political philosophy inherent in a country so don't know if you actually read it senpai.

Dude, you're living in the PDF world. Photocopies or bust.

>"The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and then his anti-usury manifesto "Barren Metal"
>beta bitch boys
>college scum

what is it like to have your entire being so over-coded with epic meemees

everything on that list can be pirated in seconds

It would be better to read the Marx-Engels Reader than to read the entirety of Capital. Also:
What is Property? by Proudhon
Evolutionary Socialism by Eduard Bernstein
The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin
The Minority Report by Beatrice Webb
What Is to Be Done?; Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
The Accumulation of Capital by Rosa Luxembourg
Their Morals and Ours by Leon Trotsky
Religion and The Rise of Capitalism by Richard Tawney
The One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere by Jurgen Habermas
The Shallow and the Deep by Arne Naess
Profit Over People; Manufacturing Consent; by Noam Chomsky
No Logo; The Shock Doctrine; This Changes Everything; by Naomi Klein

You're reaction couldn't have encompassed my description of beta bitch boys couldn't be more apposite.

Are you typing like this on purpose as some kind of post-ironic sort of thing? I really hope so, otherwise you should seek help with formulating your thoughts via language.

>Naomi Klein
There are much better critics of capitalism who have made many of the same points as her, and who are not low-IQ college dropouts.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Get with the times bugmann, read book!s


Capital is a black hole, purely virtual, yet sucking real things into its vortex.

Sacrificing real things for this unreal thing is the grave loss, and capital will never beget it's own demise. Marx said this himself in capital volume 3, that Capital is self-revolutionising, in that it sucks up everything into it's own reflexive subjectivity, he even calls Capital a Subjekt.

ikr kekekek
its like we're speaking the same language, two sides of the same coin.... two arms of an agitated spastic restrained in a cardboard box full of internet catchphrases.

everybody is laughing at us tho. why are they laughing at us?

I mostly stick to literature that attempts to maintain a solid sense of coherence.

>Small souled menn reacts vehemently to book suggestion.

because you called me a "beta bitch boy"

if you cut me do I not bleed?

That accusation was addressed to no one in particular. You are the one who thought it applied to you! At least you are capable of self reflection.

I think our storage of data and knowledge is so decentralised and plentiful these days that we will have shit up and running again in no time in some shape or form.

It's not like we'll forget how to make fire or something like some abos.

But what if people don't learn to read because they're too busy surviving? A lot of our current production is highly specialized, and is the product of decades of education, so if that system goes away, a lot of out knowledge is practically lost until we can reorganize mass primary and secondary education.

Yes, I've read Ellul and agree with his position that there is no intentionally putting the cat back in the bag. That didn't stop him from being a Christian anarchist though, did it? We can always hope some of us survive the collapse and learn from our mistakes.

It's a shame some of the best critiques are anti-semitic, and therefore anathema to polite society. Remember that Marx himself got into trouble for writing about the Jewish problem early in his career.

Maybe something to clean the toilet bowl now that you've bought so much paper?

>It's a shame some of the best critiques are anti-semitic
E. Michael Jones has repeatedly clarified that he is not anti-Semitic. It's actually contrary to Catholic doctrine to judge based on race. Either way, it is about time that critique of Judaism is not met with baseless accusations of antisemitism. It stifles debate about an interesting and influential people.
>We can always hope some of us survive the collapse and learn from our mistakes.

Possibly, so long as we aren't flooded with immigrants by then. That's another Pandora's box. Once you've swamped a country with foreigners it's hard to rebuild after hypothetical collapse.

Well, it'd be likely that there'd a class of people who spend time harvesting old knowledge and then the people who must focus on the work needed for producing food and shelter. You don't need a particularly modern civilization to afford a class of people who make everything more efficient. And even if we lost technology, if we still had a good amount of knowledge, things like food production might still end up more efficient than 2000 years ago. But an old-school hierarchical society... is no communist utopia, I' afraid.

It really depends on the type of collapse. of course. We could indeed use a lot of our knowledge no matter the circumstances. But the catastrophe could either be so bad that large scale survival is totally impossible, or it could be only so partial that it creates a dystopia of sorts.

I will never be an accelerationist, 'cause relying on this small possibility isn't very appealing to me. It seems p u r e i d e o l o g y to be able to imagine something like that, but no change in our current life.

I wager that all those books are online for free at marxists dot org

Agreed. Accelerationists are usually armchair radicals who scoff at organising with actual workers e.g. grassroots.


>wtf is accelerationism
>is it a meme

Accelerationism is a prime example of a meme.

the author is a hardcore AnCap theorist and invented most of their lexicon but communists would benefit from his strategies in practice

>hegemony and socialist strategy by laclau and mouffe

This was such a hard read. Was it me or is it on purpose?
Apparently the strategy is the one who currently is working for Melechon in France.

I'm an accelerationist and a professional organizer. Most people would rather I stay in the armchair.

anything written in the mercantile age, or prior

>Capitalism has to be followed to its end
there will be nothing left

I wonder what Verso's net earnings are, and how much of that if any is donated to marxist causes.

Not the guy who posted that book but I must mention that, the rich nowadays are indeed busy but they are certainly NOT productive. Das Kapital did predict this as well, because it is exactly what Marx defined as rentier capitalism: it is the rule nowadays that large corporations control leverage not only of land, but also of other things such as money itself, and even technology development, to the point that they create a "smart monopoly" where they reap the benefits of others who are actually innovating, building and creating value in general. They do spend most of their week working their ass off, but only insofar as they need to hold control of certain data, certain people's work and certain alliances with other rentiers; they work to propagate themselves and not to "produce" in the sense that the capitalists in Marx's time used to.

There are not many good analysis of this in contemporary literature (I have come to believe we have lost the patience required to compile theories of history like we used to), but pic related (dat small size) is a more or less decent criticism of the specific kind of capitalism ruling modern society (that of rentiers).

feudalism was actually good

it was ruined by the literal bourgeoisie, poorly-bred merchant upstarts who began buying their way into nobility

>professional organizer

>it was ruined by the literal bourgeoisie, poorly-bred merchant upstarts who began buying their way into nobility

no the merchant class came into power the same way the nobility did; through international war profiteering and arms dealing, consolidation of technology, declaration of transcendental guidance, and degeneracy of the incumbent hegemony

>I have come to believe we have lost the patience required to compile theories of history like we used to

As someone who studies history, most people (at least at my uni) abandoned that sort of thinking when post-modernism broke through in the 80s and 90s as the USSR crumbled and Marxism was largely abandoned in the academic world. Some say it's slowly coming back because everyone is tired of discourse-analysis and all that stuff now, but who knows.

Is there any anti-capitalist literature written from a christian perspective? Bonus points if its not written by GK Chesterson

Isn't it enough that they function, publish leftist books and pay the authors?
There's literally a field of theology kinda like that.

culture jam messed me up for a little, till you realize what the author wants which is even worse...

There's Ellul, who I mentioned earlier, but that's a secular work. I've never read his religious books. He's the shit though.

Getting paid to live and breathe politics and fuck shit up is pitiful? I fucking love it.

Jacques Ellul
David Bell

there's literally a kropotkin book in that image

t. rousseau

Let's become pre-civilised and see if we're all sharing and caring in harmony.

Neo-Hobbsian ideas about pre-history are wrong. It was pretty comfy. Not perfect, but pretty okay.

Seeking literature for the property of being against a thing is probably the saddest thing I've ever heard of.

Shit isn't dumb. Shit is the fiber of the undigested parts of food, which passes through your body once your body has absorbed all of the nutrients (depending on how well you chew). That's actually what fiber is, and it's important in your diet because it helps with digestion for some reason (experts say this, I trust experts). It's also sort of fun to play with and lick and masturbate while watching it come out of other people's buts.

If you can't figure out what's wrong with your logic, you deserve it, along with my scorn.

the joke
your head

>people actually pay money for anticapitalist literature
And they still think there's an outside to capitalism? Capitalism will just package your precious undergraduate ideologies and sell them to you like it does everything else.

Oh, I noticed it. I just wasn't funny enough to justify the wrongness, that's all.

Ha-joon Chang's Kicking Away the Ladder
Steve Keen's Debunking Economics

J. Sakai's Settlers
Michael Parenti's Blackshirts and Reds
Michael Hudson's Super Imperialism
Yanis Varoufakis' The Global Minotaur
Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation, or Fred Block's update
David Graeber's Debt: First 5000 Years

Apart from Marx the only thing worth reading here is Lenin, maybe Debord. Don't even BOTHER with the rest.

This all day every day.

t. George Soros

Jokes. But what, pray tell, do you mean by organising professionally?

I'm a salaried, unionized, community organizer. Can't really go into details.

Underrated post

There is no next thing, capitalism is the last economic stage of humanity. All that's left of socialism is the State, and it's on it's last leg.

marx wasn't an accelerationist. he wanted fully retarded things like the paris commune and those paris communists to seize the money in the Bank of France. Full retard, never go full retard.

Try reading Gottfried Feder

I didn't say the next thing was human.

Yeah I'm sure your boss might be browsing an anonymous korean dog soup forum

The machine economy will be even more capitalistic than the human economy. And the machines will make sure every human is a bourgeois.