Do you write notes in your books?

do you write notes in your books?

To regret it not long after the fact.

I write my notes in notebooks. There is no need to molest books.

the patrician's answer

I write notes on lined paper. I don't know why anyone writes notes IN a book.


Also when I read my notebooks I make new notes on the notes in another notebook to get a better understanding of what I've written. Sometimes I feel really clever. I wonder if I should go for a third layer.

You're so postmodern, wew!!!!

I did in The Sound & The Fury to keep track of details I learned about characters and their relationships with one another.

also when reading a library copy of Crime & Punishment someone wrote things like "holy shit" and "fuck him" on certain pages, and I liked their commentary so I did it too

>also when reading a library copy (...)
Fuck you.

>has a collection of 20 notebooks saying nearly the same thing in each one

you could publish your diary, desu

my diary, desu

I write notes in notebooks. What are you, retarded?

Since I'm weird, I usually scan my books. If they have interesting sections, I print those to make notes. Those notes are usually just underlining or checking. The texty and sciency notes are then in fancy LaTeX documents that I can properly print, staple and lay between the pages of the book.

Only on very necessary occasions, like if there's some good point about what a cunt a woman's being I'll write "thot" with the thin end of my highlighter.

Polite sage.

Or not, why sage anyway?

>writing in notebooks
>not in a notepad file on your favorite electronic device
What are you, retarded?

Once I was reading from the library a book of essays by Benjamin Whorf and there was an argument in the margins about how claims of linguistic relativity. It spanned six or seven people. This was back when you had to get library books stamped, and based on the stamps, it took place over ten or so years.

I WRITE notes in notebooks. I TYPE notes on various electronic devices.

Even if handwriting recognition and storage were better than they are, I would prefer using each various method on the platform on which it was more natively suited; in any case, notepad files are currently text only, and for good reason.

I only annotate in/highlight materials for school, I write in my journal if I have something to talk about/contend with when I'm reading for leisure

> Annotating Stephen King novels

nothing i say or think is important or insightful or prescient enough to write in a book

nobody is going to leaf through my old hardcovers and marvel at the subtextual masterpiece i uncovered with my yellow highlighter