Goethe - Where to Start?

Where would you start with Goethe and how would you continue? I am interested in both his literary and his non-literary works! Does someone by any chance have one of those beautiful Veeky Forums charts on him?

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Auden translated The Italian Journey (available via Penguin) and his edition includes a fine biographical essay. I'd start there. Then I'd read the first Wilhelm Meister in either the Princeton edition or Carlyle's translation. Goethe's quality is consistent. Don't bother with any of the lyric poetry unless youre learning German or a speaker.


There is no reason to start anywhere other than Werther.

not OP but already read Sorrows of Young Werther where do i go next? and how do i get good translations?

Faust is so much fun

Why does Goethe look like Q?

Werther and then dress like Werther and then kill yourself like Werther

He's eternal

You know it's that Puella Madoka Magica bitch


was he an overman

>Drama and Prose:
Götz von Berlichingen (drama, 1773)
The Sorrows of Young Werther (novel, 1774)
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship(novel, 1795–96 but he started writing in 1770)
Iphigenia in Tauris (drama, 1779)
Faust Part One and Two (1808 and 1832)
Italian Journey (Essay diary, 1816-17) together with Roman Elegies (poem collection, 1914)

>Selected Poems:
Heidenröslein - Heath Rosebud (1771)
Mailied - May Day Celebration (1771)
Prometheus (1773)
Ganymed (1773)
An den Mond - To The Moon (1778)
Der Erlkönig - The Alder King (1782)
Der Zauberlehrling - The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1797)
Gefunden - Found (1813)
Marienbad Elegy (1823)
Vermächtnis - Legacy(1829)
Die erste Walpurgisnacht - The First Walpurgis Night (1831 - 43)

Oh and Walpurgisnacht is a ballad. This might be helpful:



>published scientist in several fields
>wrote god tier poems, plays and novels
>architect, landscaper, politician and musician as a hobby

He's the closest thing to one

His book on color is pretty much a meme tbqhwyfam.

>Wilhelm Meister in either the Princeton edition or Carlyle's translation
Why is this so hard to find? All the reviews say it's not the complete version.

It's in two parts, really distinct novels, the Lehrjahr (Apprenticeship) and the Wanderjahr (Journeyman Years). I recommended the first one. It's Volume 9 of the Complete Princeton Goethe in English, and is available as a paperback (which is what I have). If you wanted to read them back to back the second novel is combined with a piece called Conversations of German Refugees, volume 10. If youre near a University library u could just check out the Carlyle, to see what u think. The novel begins in Frankfurt (as did Goethe's life) and is considered semi-autobiographical. I'm sure either could be purchased pretty cheaply via ABE.

What is his expression trying to convey?

Greatly appreciate you, user.

an extremely high level of consciousness

>What is his expression trying to convey?

He would rather be enjoying Schiller's boypussy, than sit there and pose for a picture.