Books about drugs

Is there other books that speaks rationally about opiates? I know Froid wrote a lot about Cocaine but I'm only in interested in the use of opiates both recreational, mentally, and medicinal in the human history. Codeine addict here.



for nonficition: Chasing the Scream, first and last days of the drug war

the last opium den by nick tosches.

Yes, I realize it is Freud, we call him Froid here in Argentina for whatever reason.

Peter Pan

it's about a little boy who never grew up.

Trainspotting the movie? isn't Requiem for a dream better?

Also, isn't Chasing the scream more about politics and the war on drugs?

Looks promising. Thanks.

Just ask me. I'm addicterino'd to heroin.

why are argentinians so niggerishly stupid?

The book is very good. Either is fine, haven't seen the second, but the book sequel "Porno" is hilarious.

Chasing has several chapters investigating the effects of opioids in high and low society, it's interesting info

Stupid, maybe. Nigger, not.

Henri Michaux wrote a great book about mescaline.

Junky, William S. Burroughs

I'm both envy and sorry for you.

This looks great but I cannot find it so I might have to buy it, looks very interesting from what I read on Wikipedia about it.

TBQH, I only do it once every two weeks or so, but I look forward to it and plan that weekend around it. So it's not a physical addiction (or an expensive one), but I recognize that I'm playing with fire and could 'fall off' at any moment. I've been doing this for a year or so without any problems yet, but it's definitely silly.

I am basically useless intellectually for that weekend and I definitely don't do anything truly interesting, though it does make it enjoyable/interesting to do mundane tasks like laundry, bike maintenance, etc. It's quite odd in that you feel as though you're thinking normally (without the thought interruptions or recognizable warmth/stupidity of alcohol) and, for the most part, are thinking normally, but you just plan all your activities around the amount you have left. It's an interesting 'vacation'.

Most strange of all is that I literally have no real sense of what it makes me feel physically, and yet I always look forward to it and want to do it, despite it not conjuring in me memories of the feeling or even the last usage.

It's a truly bizarre drug.

uh... can we get some examples of this?

Freud is pronounced like Android, but it is spelled Freud. Do people in Argentina realy spell it Froid?

First, I meant no offense.
I'm at the point that I feel sex/orgasm are nothing compared to the warm and pleasure opiates/opioid gives. I did Oxycodone when I was young and worked as a sysadmin so I could afford it illegally.

I also do Codeine once a week, and those are 2 days I mostly shitpost, play comfy games, and sleep or read ebooks drowning in pleasure on my bed.

I wouldn't do Heroin, I KNOW I would get too much hooked up.
I'm only non employed Java/Python programmer that works on my own.

I'm interested how opiates were used in society mostly in the renaissance of Europe, and how and why the ((globalism)) forced a ban so hard on these drugs in particular (at least here).
I know a lot of individuals that do opiates/opioids and also function as a positive citizen for the society.

Diary of a Drug Fiend by Crowley has a lot of good insight into both Cocaine and Heroin. Although the third half is only hamfisted preachy bullshit about magick and cults.

Yeah. We are that stupid.


The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley talks about psychedelics and how they can open your mind - quite a trippy read.

I think it's because once you're physically addicted, it starts to become the most important thing in the world to you. The problem is not with people doing opiates as much as it is people suddenly not having them when they're accustomed to it. Think of all the things junkies do to get high - you want as few people acting like that as possible.

The way you and I use is not really harmful, but once it goes a bit beyond that it causes problems for both ourselves (especially) and for society at large.

I don't know that strict prohibition is the best way to go about it, but I think it makes sense to attempt to keep these drugs out of most people's hands.

Dont listen to that user, im from arg and most (worthy) people spell and pronounce it the right way. Perhaps 'froi' (an-droi) would be accurate in the sense of exaggerating the accent, but it's awfully similar.

pic related

encyclopedia of psychoactive plants
blitzed : Drugs in Nazi Germany

I knew about PIHKAL/TIHKAL, but the others books seems very interesting, thanks

Problem is, even using it once a week the tolerance goes up, like any drug
I think I'm lucky because I get very high on just Codeine, meaning I have more than 2 alleles of CYP2D6; and even if you don't take recreational drugs it's certainly an interesting topic, the liberalism that spread US and France before WW2 helped a lot to advance civilization but also banned what nature give us.

>27 posts in
>no one mentions pic related

it's a reddit book