How fast was superman going here?

How fast was superman going here?

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pretty fr*ckin fast


In this film clip Superman appears to circle the Earth aproximately 2(min)-10(max) times per second.
The circumference of the Earth is 24,901 miles.
So Superman was traveling at most,
14,940,600 miles per hour.

Oh shit I forgot to multiply by 60 again
So he is actually going
896,436,000 miles per hour.

Interesting to note the speed of light is
670,616,629 mph so Superman is indeed traveling VERY fast in this film.

Except his orbit has a greater circumference than Earth's

The radius of his flight is way bigger than earths though.

he's going faster than the speed of light, and somehow that turns back time without the time paradox of him existing twice in the same timeframe somehow.

This is literally one of the worst written clusterfucks in all of cinema.

Nothing can move faster than light, brainlet.

How do you know? Prove it to me, right now, that the speed of light is the speed limit in the universe. Do it, I dare you.

Wich is why he should have said "at least" rather than "at most.'

Superman can.

not fast enough to dodge gay rumors

Unless he decided to let Miss Tescmacher's mother die, and everybody else he saved while saving her, then he DOES exist twice in the same timeframe. Since this is not the modern murderer Superman, we know he did not break his word or decide to let a lot of people die. His being in two places at the same time is the whole point.


30 speed

>How fast was superman going here?
Slow as a bitch.

>Of you could perceive the world in that speed, even light would appear frozen to you.

So he's lying because he'd technically be blind as no light would actually be traveling to his corneas? Or would everything be flashing like an epileptic gif?

No, it doesn't make any sense. Time still happens at the same speed, he just sees the world in a really high "framerate". Even though most of the frames are just the same image because the data from the new image are still traveling through the nerves from the cones and rods in his eyes to his brain.

he can catch the light with his eyes like a net moving through the sea on a trolling vesel. but what would he see? just a blur of photons i presume.

I think the bigger problem here is that it wouldn't be possible for information to transmit from his brain to his various body parts to control his motion. It woudln't even be possible for his neurons to communicate at that speed.

The only choice is to just hand wave it and say "comic book magic"

>The only choice is to just hand wave it and say "comic book magic"
No fucking shit? And here I was thinking that super-hero comic books were reliable science textbooks.


There are plenty of fictional stories that have things which are impossible in real life but are internally consistant within the rules of the fictional universe. Nobody likes plotholes.

I'm just saying that Supermans speed doesn't even work in the context of the DC universe