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Science #93
So what are all the retards that deny global warming/climate change going to say when it hits hard ?
Daily C"""S""" hate thread
Winter Intersession
Can you explain why this is the case?
Will women basically be replaced if we give artificial uteruses to sex robots? How will women live life in the future?
So what's the verdict? Is climate change a hoax or what?
Why does Veeky Forums never give him the credit he deserves
Perpetual motion machines don't exis-
How do I ask for undergraduate research? Literally what do I say and to whom?
What diameter would a rotating space ring need to have 1G and a 24 hour rotation period?
Such as?
What's the biggest dome we can build on the Moon from the structural standpoint?
Sciene popularisation
Who here probably has ASD?
Use of algebra
Vertical farms
Does a straight straw have one or two holes?
It's up
Is willpower initiated by trying or trying initiated by willpower???
Globies BTFO
Why do people believe that interstellar travel is a possibility given humanity's current aptitude in physics...
Why the speed formula is v=d/t instead of v=t/d, how do i derive the correct formula??
Anyone use one of these or something similar for math/physics notes? If so...
What does Veeky Forums think of my dissecting kit?
Propositional Grammar Parsing
I have this idea that since the brain creates and controls the whole body, it also creates disease...
What's objectively the most intellectually demanding game of skill?
Global warming® called off
How do we get normies to read papers instead of news making bad summaries of said papers?
Veeky Forums can't solve this
Now that the dust has settled
Can people with an IQ of less than 130 truly be considered human?
I got a B in Calculus I with Analytical Geometry...
Sexual submissiveness
Post-College Success
Why would people need to brush their teeth? Sure you can show me examples of bad teeth from lack of brushing...
Biologically speaking, why do men watch more porn and visit strip clubs much more often than women?
Brainlet question here pls no bulli
Why is it that mathematicians love abstractions and generalizations...
Give me your most powerful mathematical theorem...
Why do we group numbers by 10
Attempting to make a language where each letter has a meaning and so that each word is actually a description of itself...
Finitist autism
Height variance and environment
Academia is biased against the poor
What's the best metal and why is it aluminum?
The other day I used 1L of milk for 235g of mashed potatoes powder and it was perfect
Help me out Veeky Forums. Does this look like a negative binomial distribution, Poisson distribution...
This is why infinity as a concept is retarded
Can... can any biologists tell me what the fuck kind of mold this is
Scientific misconceptions
Easy Way to Learn Coding?
Ask an electrical engineer anything
I have 190 IQ, I've been thinking about this problem for a while and I think I finally solved this
Any med fags here? I've had a pilonidal cyst for years and sometimes it's worse than others
/mg/ math general: 2-adic Edition
Why is mathematics aways written in first person plural?
Has psychology ever exceeded astrology-tier pseudoscience...
What are his significant contributions to science and mathematics?
I like mathmatics but
Define "the scientific method"
Is maths discovered or invented?
Is this movie becoming a reality ? Are we doomed to devolve into shit brained retards ?
Veeky Forums approved guides
Tell me about your software you need for work
How do we reverse/stop aging?
We literally went to the moon. how fucking cool is that?
He's majoring in anything other than chemistry
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
How many atoms are in a kilogram? Provide sources if possible
Study finds women don't enter stem not because men have a bias against them but because women have a bias against the...
How to help?
Scanning my old high school notes
Short iq test
If You think the law of conservation of mass is a thing, then I feel sorry for you, chemist
Makes you think
Stop believing in determinism
On a neurological level, how do brains learn?
Official IQ of 146. Studying Computer science
Aren't social sciences the true complex, hard sciences? not in the undergrad sense...
Nature is beautifully poetic :)
He hasnt done LSD
Post you are mathfu
Does this curve apply to math? Can anyone be an "expert"...
What causes low IQ?
Vacuum in space
Ask an unemployed math PhD anything
Bigots btfo
People are dumb as fuck
Who needs mathematicians in the era of cheap, fast computers with numerical methods software?
Brain teaser time... prove you aren't a brainlett
Your move, brainlet
I found a pattern in prime numbers:
Only the geniuses get this one
If the earth is a sphere and the moon is another sphere rotating around the earth...
Where are my statistician fags
How close will it be for 2018? I will say one minute
Frogs Levitate in a Strong enough Magnetic field
Which video games had a positive impact on your learning & development?
What are the top 5 hardest STEM fields?
What if light is curved?
A young, fresh and cherry STEM student walks into the halls of a sterile English department with his head held high...
I need evidence
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
Who can solve this?
Why are mechanical pencils not allowed on the GRE?
What do you think about cheating in college and exams?
How do you understand calculus? I can use the equations but I don't get the concept at all
I saw this cute meme that tries to get young people into caring about climate change and I had a thought: Why do we...
Veeky Forums shoud have a philosphy board
0.(9) ≠ 1
Excuse me, just the best pop-math channel coming through
Where the fuck is everyone?
Why can't we eliminate rural America and "The Bible Belt"?
Computationally expensive stuff required in my PHD
Thoughts on Wildberger Paywalling Calculus
Tfw wasn't born a child prodigy
ITT: the greatest scientific mysteries that troubled academics for ages
Triboelectric Nanogenerators! Energy Crisis Solved!
Let's discuss AI, personally, I think it will kill us all of we don't constantly supervise it...
How do we raise IQ of African population?
Why don't psychologists accept a more environmental/behavioral view of people over the usual idea of cognition causing...
Most overrated "genius" ever
It's almost here lads
Get told I should not use "he" but "she or they" in my thesis
Veeky Forums Space Program
Graduate with CS degree
How old were you when you realized that gravity is completely made up and just a summary of other interactions like...
Hello, Veeky Forums, no dark matter guy here again
You're playing a video game, and your weapon has a 5 percent chance of missing. In your next swing...
What are you reviewing over break, Veeky Forums?
Mfw got a B+ in vector calculus
Just purchased this textbook and the abstract algebra textbook from Lang...
Calc I
Should we massacre all with an IQ lower than 100?
Why are math teachers almost always women?
SpaceX Iridium 4
Next semester a female is teaching me Calc I
Debes posse solvere hoc problema. (i.e. You should be able to solve this.)
"Biohacking" in the form of nootropics, conscious-altering psychedelics, etc...
Is CRISPR the cure to cancer and ageing?
Is the fact that the left is pushing the "trans woman ARE woman" meme on normies and the fact that normies are...
Earth chan
MUST INCREASE IQ by 1 percentile
What is the most fundamental thing in the universe and why is it information?
Why is the race based intelligence gap so taboo?
Where are all the aliens?
What's the minimal amount of math you need to actually use it in the real world?
How come only a minority of the world has ever contributed to actual civilization?
[math] int_{0}^{frac{pi}{2}-1} sin(x+sin(x+...))dx [/math]
Let me preface this by stating that I'm not a climate change denier, I believe in anthropogenic climate change
Is this a typo?
Mochizuki BTFO by based Scholze
What do you think of my chart
The absolute madman
Is there anyone on this board who's actually NOT doing STEM?
IQ measurement
What Does Veeky Forums Study?
Any medical doctor or neuroscientist out here? I need help
NASA Missions
Year 2018-1
American Universities
CS major here. I see all the hate against my major, and I can acknowledge that it's for a good reason...
How many holes?
Books to start
Be interested in math
Is deepmind the best AI company in the world?
Hello Anons
Looking at STEM jobs. Why are scientists, mathematicians, programmers so liberal, but engineers, not?
What's your lab like?
Can reconstruct faces, eradicate deadly diseases, transplant organs, built synthetic hearts...
Do you think it would be beneficial for humanity to switch over to base 60? And also switch to the metric system...
Programming languages for biologists
Fields medal with low IQ
Time Skip
Human speciation: how long would it take?
If X/X = 1, why the FUCK isn't 0/0 1?????
In the future of this hyperthectical scenario...
Is Von Neumann inferior to continental philosophers
Post your classes for next semester and your major
Be black with 3.1 GPA
Totally not homework I swear...
Anyone create 3D visual images in their mind
Mfw Legendre is pronounced "Leyondge"
Would you rather be given 25 million €/$/£ taxfree or given a one-off chance to learn and understand the complete...
Hey Veeky Forums, i have a question about limits
Nofap is placebo
My cousin is in denial that climate change is caused by people, and that it's a really big fucking problem...
Fucking fly already!
How will you react when spacex or nasa will say that they plan to have a woman be the first to set foot on mars?
Is it possible to win a game of minesweeper on expert difficulty without relying on luck even in the smallest amount...
Laboratory Safety
Does human races/populations exist?
So i did an IQ test and this exercise was the only one i couldn't understand...
Rank these majors best to worst
Is mathematics invented or discovered?
Universal Magnetic Reversal
Does popping your neck actually pose any Health threats at all?
Really amerifiats?
Is it really that hard to get a job in biology or other non Engineering/computer science fields...
99% cant get this right
Why do you weebs care about incoherent cranks like mochizuki while my boy scholze is revolutionizing number theory?
SpaceX Just Proved Themselves Hack Frauds
Bitcoin Mining on Track to Consume All of the World’s Energy by 2020
Brainlet feels thread
Can Veeky Forums solve this?
Vocal fry question
/mg/ maths general: Shimura curve edition
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
How do we stop the obesity epidemic?
Mechanical vibrations final exam gets cancelled because of a little bit of snow
There's nothing wrong with eat-
On Omnipotence
My friend says that aliens don't exist because we'd be able to detect planets with a noticeable amount of oxygen...
Creativity thread
I've had extremely low energy for the past couple months...
Irrationals vs rationals
The goat either IS or ISN'T behind the door. If you take out the choosing door part, it's clearly 50% chance...
Puzzle Time!
Should humans try to selectively distinguish certain breeding stock so that more highly intelligent children can be...
He can't even solve this
Should giga-brainlets be publicly shot if they say shit like "it's just theoretical", "its only mathematical"...
Why do different dog breeds have such differences in temper? Aren't they the same spiecies?
Why is Dirac not more fondly remembered?
I'm not a flat-earther, this just really intrigued me
The fuck is a vector space?
Can anyone beat my SAT/GRE scores?
There are 7 million people in this planet with >145 IQ
Anthropic Principle
If biology/life relies on our 3D universe's physics and considering a 4D (or higher) universe would have different...
The smart kid
Is 130 iq decent for a black person
If we share 50% of our DNA with a fucking banana...
Climate change
Please, does anyone know any application about differential equations in physics / engineering or anything interesting...
Definition of Mathematics
Fell for the EE meme
Mochizuki's papers on ABC conjecture and IUT theory have been accepted by the journal "Publications of RIMS"
What's with Americans and IQ ??
Redpill me on Topological QFT
What are the best drugs for studying and learning at a faster pace? Have you used any...
Prove that you exist
Negative Temperature
Why do so many retards still think the earth is flat ?
Is monogamy exist anywhere in the animal kingdom, or is it a purely man-made thing...
Chemistry is not hard, its about good comprehension though but I cant seem to be bothered it doesnt appeal to me...
Funny numbers
So we're wired to have sexual desires. All living organisms are. Where does it come from...
If you can disprove 4 color theorem in Paint I will give you one bitcoin
How can i determine the probability to win one prize lottery where
So, brainlets?
Another record breaking cold winter
What is probably the healthiest diet...
Is anyone else's brain filled with a constant barrage of bullshit? I can't quiet it down and I'm losing it
Tfw aced my PhD without studying
Eurofags shoot water up their ass after taking a shit
Your subject
Quantum computer
I'm not smart but i know you guys do drugs. I have never done drugs...
Number theory exam
Tfw actual brainlet
How do you prove the distributive property?
Tfw self studying CS and math just to make loli games
Can we have an mbti thread without brainlets who cant think rationally screaming "HURR HOROSCOPE PSEUDOSCIENCE XDDDD"...
IQ and race
Does choice of college matter much for STEM degrees in the US...
Prove that every even integer above 2 can be expressed as a sum of 2 primes
Are we still on schedule for the technological singularity in 2045?
He unironically cares about endangered species
Is the science fiction behind higher dimensional travel broken?
Are human brains turing equivalent?
American biology teachers have to give a disclaimer and a safe space to christcucks before starting the chapter on...
Is Chemical Engineering the most well-rounded STEM field?
Best Math & Science Youtube Channels?
Salt water is a lie
Why at this evolution point humans wont start development of medicine that will reduce sleeping time to 1-2 hours per...
I figured out a super easy formula to find all prime numbers, and have a simple proof
Guys, i need your help. I just fucking realized that the reason i always had complications with maths was because
I found this test is the best one to spot the brainlets. They just can't solve it
Brainlet test
Why is all curves so attractive to man?
There are people posting on Veeky Forums RIGHT NOW that can't prove that every compact metric space has a countable...
Final year of physics undergrad
How will the "inevitable" heat death ever happen if the second law of thermodynamics isn't even strong enough to...
Can I teach myself linear algebra in 2 weeks...
Tfw in CC
What is your favorite number and why?
Black Hole Entropy
Tfw too smart to get a gf
Is anybody on here smart enough to answer this?
Is it possible to manually erupt Yellow Stone with a couple of explosives such as a few MOABs?
What is masculinity?
Is khan academy good?
A couple interesting articles from NYT, one was a headliner:
haha what side effects? :)
Do you agree, /sci?
Hidden Figures
Daily reminder that mathematics isn't just True with a capital T...
What got you into Veeky Forumsence?
Is it increasingly harder to make new discoveries...
You are sat down at a terminal that prints out a "1" or a "0" at regular intervals and told that if you can correctly...
How important is linear algebra to Computer Science
ITT: Post shit-tier textbooks
Do your own homework, high schooler
I'm a 23 year old high school drop out, is it too late for me to learn math/science and get a degree?
Would it be reasonable to make a final worth 70% of your class grade as a professor...
I'll leave the shitty 10 year old sticky that isn't useful for anything other than pointing to the modern mediocre wiki
Just Got Accepted to Medical School AMA
Literally give my students the final questions, just without the multiple choice answers inserted a week ago
"evidence-based" and "science-based" banned in CDC reporr
I need to solve this for a job. There is no "1" nor "-1" on the answer card. Please help me
ITT: Redpilled scientists and mathematicians
How smart is Veeky Forums?
How could one super smart genius destroy human civilization all by himself?
Have you ever thought
So when did you realize that space travel is inherently impractical and we should just focus on earth and shit?
DUDE what if we're like just stardust MAN?!
Is this a scientifically accurate ranking?
How to get good in Physics
Do we live in a simulation??
How long would it take you to die if you fell down a bottomless pit?
Finished first college final ever
Well? which is it?
Artificial intelligence
Late stage learning
How is looking at the sun without eye protection worse than looking at a 300 watt lightbulb a few metres away?
Brainlet here. What happened before the Big Bang?
Are lectures a meme?
Why do americans believe in intelligent design?
Berkeley Personal History Statement
What are some interesting graph analytics you could do on bitcoin blocks...
What is a practical application of using the focus and directrix of a parabola?
Is she right?
How do i get something into orbit with a sugar rocket?
Dragon Resupply Mission 13
Math is not a "science"
Be me
Does anyone have any studies showing how much more intelligent republicans are than demoshits?
Why is it square root 2?
Post the antfarm you had as a kid
So what do you guys think of the James Webb Space Telescope? Any chance we might make a huge discovery with it...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Are there any people who've left long lasting impressions on you due to their intelligence? They were quicker, sharper...
Programming the Blockchain
Is it possible for a person's entire frontal lobe to stop functioning?
The suns core is cold and it has been proven
How can so many people ruin their hormonal balance willingly just so they don't have to use a condom?
Hey guys
What STEM (E) job puts you in close proximity with WOMEN?
Is high school a meme? Does it really determine your success? If you have low grades are you a brainlet...
The one question IQ test. If answered right the person/s receive an IQ of 1,000,000,000
You are stuck on a deserted island with 100 women
Anyone else here frickin' love science!?
Mars Meme
African math teacher
Well Veeky Forums, what are you reading over winter break?
Is earth flat?
Becoming an autodidact
ITT: YLYL Veeky Forums edition
Why are people repulsed by each other's smell? I mean...
Game design is as hard if not harder than engineering
I just did an IQ test (from the Mensa website, norwegian division)...
You should be able to solve this
Best pens for writing out math?
Can someone explain to me why we know that we are destroying the Earth...
How do you deal with it?
Studying by my own
Why is the felt experience of consciousness not taken seriously by the scientific community...
Is there an intuitive way to think about implicit differentiation?
When you call your prof mom in class
Computer """science"""
It's the 21st century, what's wrong with incest?
Claims high iq
This has been challenging to me:
Whats the demographic here?
Languages still a major barrier to global science, new research finds
Likely hood of extra solar object U1 to be an extra terrestrial craft
I finished the whole calculus sequence using Stewart. To move onto analysis should I get Spivak or Tao of Analysis...
QUICK Veeky Forums
Does negative one twelfth equal infinity?
Anyone else like this?
Failed Calc?
Is "alien technology" only Science Fiction?
Tfw you walk out of an exam and immediately realize a mistake you made on one of the problems
Feels thread
Intelligence is environmen-
Who here unironically a genius?
A guy on research gate wrote:
America to the Moon
Virgin - Chad
200 IQ
Tfw tested 125 IQ, not completely retarded
Why is SpaceX such a fucking joke?
Should old people be denied entry to post-secondary education? When some old single guy is accepted to a college...
I saw the related gif on /wsg/ and it made me wonder
Will the world get us before we do?
Fall semester grades thread
Science data
So what's a hobby that goes well with maths
Does quantum uncertainty deny determinism?
When you see your exam scores
Med school is a meme
Is Mechanical Engineering dying? It seems like all the jobs are gradually shifting towards digital electronics...
What's the secret to not being a brainlet?
What drug do you take when you want to get some sleep???
Is sleep paralysis just our minds trying to wrestle itself out of the simulation machine?
Where's the line for the Nobel Prize?
Abstract algebra final
Sleeping pill with delayed caffeine?
MRI Photos
Libtards think the world is gonna end because it gets 2 Fahrenheit hotter
Does Veeky Forums listen to music while studying? What kind?
How did the Ashkenazi get such high IQ's?
What's the absolute closest two Earth-like planets could orbit each other ala. Pluto and Charon...
He fell for the "CS is a meme" meme
Veeky Forums university entrance exams
Hi Veeky Forums, why arent you investing in Bitcoin and trying to make money?
Is there a youtuber worse than numberphile?
Electrical engineering is so hard user! Way harder than you physics science shit!
What do you guys think it is?
Want to learn Math & Science
Is this a good calculus textbook?
Autism and Schizophrenia
Can people detect a loser-type?
Electron Rocket First Orbital Launch
How do you study, Veeky Forums?
Do virtual particles exhibit wave/particle duality?
Your move, brainlet
Feel free to discuss if you want I am dumping some pictures about flat Earth facts for those interested
You have more than enough information to answer this
I'm tired of these debates on IQ
TFW 3-hour final
Is the speed of gravity of any practical importance
Information is never lost...
Dividing by a number is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal
How do you maximize your points in coin flips?
Rei vs Asuka Psychology
How do we kill myopia, Veeky Forums?
Is Race and IQ the Global Warming of the left?
Can we use genetic engineering to make willing slaves...
Which is better career wise physics or applied math?
What's the point of space? We can't go there
Pick 5 people living or dead
Something happened from nothing
Fell for the math meme
How do we remove the humanities scum from higher education?
Celebrating musky elrond instead of people working on agi/life extension
How should gender dysphoria be treated?
There are obvious physical differences between races...
Exams in february
Start to learn math as a hobby
I am a high school student who will soon finish school. Mathematics is my favorite subject...
I think I figured out the universe
Theoretical computer science course
Almost every number that exists is a normal number, so much so that the set of non-normal numbers has a measure of zero
What does Veeky Forums think about "the end" of physics?
Cold Shower Meme
Is the EM Drive bullshit or not?
Veeky Forums - ylyl
I think I suffer from
How do I make a wormhole?
What happens when we die?
/sqt/: when you realize dumb simple stuff and you're impressed edition
/mg/ -- Anti-LEM edition
Evolutionary speaking, why are we attracted to asses?
there are undergrads here who don't know Coq
Accidentally sexually harassed a colleague
Haha DUDE why didn't people in the past just fucking love science?!
Tfw barely passed Calc I
21st century
How do other STEM majors manage to study without wanting to claw their brains out and commit suicide?
Why is there no worldwide regulation to make sure we are hiding enough in our universe?
What are the benefits of radians?
Does anyone else on Veeky Forums work with Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
Too scared to take an IQ test
Musical ability ,is it too late?
Why does Canada seem to have a different grading system than the US? why is 80% is considered an A?
Where are transfinite numbers located on the number line?
Is the category of all axioms a small category or a large category?
What's the best undergrad degree for a neuroscience PhD? Aside from ayy lmao psychology
How can you use time in an equation of time doesn't exist?
Veeky Forums, Is 1 infinitely larger than 0?
Will Gays Dissappear Due to Natural Selection?
How much programming should I know before learning machine learning?
Our body is made up of cells - individuals who make up a greater whole through specialized functions and contracts...
Math help with Ballistics
Will it really be cheaper to launch a 150 ton payload to orbit in the year 2027 than it is to launch a 20 ton payload...
Is playing chess actually beneficial apart from improving your ability to play chess?
Stop pirating books and papers
Why do sci calls IQ a pseudoscience?
I have 2 questions about evolution:
The fact that so many textbooks still name π as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" geometric...
Unfortunately it has been proven true that quantum mechanics is indeed 'spooky action from a distance' as einstein...
Serious Question: What would Veeky Forums choose?
Bill Nye Saves The World Season 2
Some math
Thoughs about Mouse Utopia Experiment
Hate studying so much
Is it even possible anymore to have an intelligent discussion about this Veeky Forums?
"According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically...
Women prefer big penis
Nerds into fat cows/THICC becoming a meme
Microwaves are dangerous because the radiation can make the food unhealthy
/Autodidact general/
Stupid chemistry things
Lab Workers
Undergrad complains about how difficult one of their classes are
Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics seem like very good guidelines when developing an advanced artificial intelligence and...
Youtube channels that increase intelligence?
Finals season is here gentlemen
What's the most powerful theoretical bomb?
Assuming that there is an interstellar civilization spread out across a volume of ~100 light-years...
How do we get the youth into science
Suppose you find yourself in 120 BC, naked, and with a motherboard in your hands
Ask an English major anything
So, is race real, Veeky Forums?
Redditfags have already solved it, but I'm not impressed by their {15 - n | n ∈ a, 1<n<15}. Can we do better...
Cool/Insightful Quotes
How do you construct the set of real numbers from integers?
Name a method of collecting energy that doesnt involve turbines
What is the most off-putting scientific theory or fact you've heard of?
Academic sharing
Why do people shit on biology
ITT Shit they told you in school that is actually false
I am going to be 30 when I get my BSc
You should be able to solve this. What's the end result?
I still don't get it
Favorite prime number I'll start
When you wanna be a pure mathematician, but you gotta pay the bills
Explain the psychology behind whiteknighting and twitch top donations, hell even to camgirls
Why is nutrition so controversial? Is the whole field really that divided?
I am totally fucking lost
Depleting oil means we're never leaving this planet
When will University die?
How would you solve the California problem?
Where do computer engineers rank on the hardness scale? I'm thinking of majoring in it, but math is not my strong suit
Scientifically, what should be my life purpose ?
If we detected an astroid heading towards earth with a size that killed the dinosaurs could we prevent impact?
Can anyone redpill me on particle accelerators...
6th mass extinction
Having a Twitter is becoming a necessity in the academic world
So, Veeky Forums, was math discovered or invented?
What are some arguments against the simulation argument? If simulating a universe was possible...
Would you rather date an engineer or someone with a liberal arts degree?
Why do engineering majors like to shit on other non engineering STEM majors? I thought we were in this together?
Is english the most efficient language in the world?
Is anyone here actually smart? can you solve this american math question?
Who would win in a fight?
I really want to learn physics from the beginning. Is there any kind of chart floating around on here of books to read?
/textbooks/ for brainlets
Class has a 30% pass rate
Why do geneticists insist on denying that polynesians migrated to the Andes?
Almost 2018
The meme is real
Post alien looking species
What fields are currently pre-eminent and what fields are going to be in the near future?
Just graduated university
Categorifying Memes
Calculus Exam tomorrow
Ln(x) = -ln(1/x)
Why does no one seem to give a rat's ass about the side effects of birth control?
Why aren't there a lot of women in stem fields?
Did brainlet wojak ruined Veeky Forums?
Intro to Object Oriented Programming
/mg/ -- Blocks Your Path Groupoid Edition
Be in class
This is the next albert einstein, say something nice about her
Are there any scientific reasons that speak against eugenics?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What is 1+1? And why?
Hello Veeky Forums, I go to beverly hills high school, in the prestigious neighbourhood of beverly hills per say...
Why is linear Algebra so hard to understand?
What's the scientific consensus on free will?
Why does math map to physics?
Veeky Forums survey
What is consciousness, Veeky Forums? Can science ever hope to answer this question?
Remedial math
Trolley problem test
Math riddles
Anything divided by zero is not infinity because 'muh undefined'
Safe methods of castration
What is Veeky Forums's height and IQ?
The conscious experience of sentient life is a part of the universe. It exists, it is a part of reality...
So what will happen to pleb masses once automation/narrow AI takes away all the low/average IQ blue collar and white...
ITT: we write a paper word by word
Where to being with Mycology?
Will life ever be more than reproduction?
Why are the Chinese just compulsively rebuilding every Soviet space experiment of the '60s and '70?
4th degree polynomials
Being introduced to someone
Homework must be submitted in docx format
Is my father an alien?
European ashkenazi
Veeky Forums
The perfect genetic human
Are there any theories as to how an electron is able to communicate its state to another entangled electron over an...
Manlets a burden on society
Are you smart enough to solve this?
Climate Alarmism
Muh Organic Chemistry
Does Alcohol help to stay warm
Hey Veeky Forums, combinatorics brainlet here, I have a group chat with 9 people in it...
Your age
Consuming nicotine for concentration
I want to be Elon
Watch any pop sci doco about astronomy
You are not allowed to use L'Hôpital's Rule
Humans are not animals
Why aren't you sleeping on your side like the gorilla? It's the superior sleeping position...
How do we save math education?
In how the grinch stole christmas the grinch's heart grew 3 sizes
What is the answer
Evolution question
Should i?
Aint it the tooth
Prove that a+a=a-(-a)
Why is physical beauty a sign of good genes & health?
Mfw can't memorize cell signal cascades and pathways until i look at it like 5 times
How worried should I be about sudden methane release
How would I go about creating a world of tiny men?
Supersonic captive piston
Scientifically, what exactly constitutes „death“?
How the fuck do you save time on sleeping without frying your brain? Are polyphasic sleep schedules memes?
My mom decided to learn math at 60
ENOUGH. Is raw onion a meme or not?
Post strong acids
Veeky Forums was always quite bad...
Prime Formula
I really want to learn math from the beginning. Is there any kind of chart floating around on here of books to read?
Study extremely difficult science or engineering subject
How many holes are there in this shape?
Why do you all mock flat earthers? What we claim is not that far fetched. Just think about it. Give us a chance...
You should be able to solve this
Anybody else above average iq but were edgelords in high school who didn't apply themselves, barely passed...
Can you move an object a fraction of a plank length?
So just how smart is Veeky Forums?
How long will the golden record on voyager last?
Can anyone explain how to do this question?
Your move, brainlet
*angry brainlet noises*
Cigar-shaped object from another star
Whats your IQ?
How can i transition form thotlet to brainlet to big brained nibba within 8 months?
Hi Veeky Forums kiddos What is the shape of our universe?
Why do I always crave orange juice after a wank? Do you lose a lot of Vitamin C that way or something?
Any Veeky Forums worthy pens?
Machine Learning/AI
What are your thots on Economics?
Is anyone here smart enough to solve this?
How do you guys go about taking exams? Do you go as fast as possible and not worry about making mistakes...
Brain food to make me smarter?
Critical thinking
This should clear things up for you people
This has puzzled me for some time now, sci...
Why do engineers find linear algebra hard?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is string theory dead?
3D environment inside your mimd
"The Planck Length"
100% on every test including the final
Holy Shit, O.Chem
Gaussian Elimination is fucking HORSESHIT
Your area of study
Statistical likelyhood
This kills the AI singularity with superhumans
Is telekinesis/Magnetic manipulation possible
Should you bother with the humanities...
Why do we go in that order for the order of operations?
Black Holes arent infinite
If schizophrenia/bipolar/depression can't be found in an autopsy does it really exist?
Can someone with ~115 IQ do computer scientist at university? Will I get blown the fuck out...
All-in-one meals
Scientifically speaking, what's the mechanism behind attracting only girls raised by single mothers...
I've never thought about this
Whats the best memory method? I find the memory palace ideal to be hard to do with abstract concepts
Should unethically obtained data be used to progress science?
UN climate change organization gives the cold shoulder to nuclear power
How can we re-purpose to generate user tailored porn?
Divine Evolution?
What impact would functional sex-robots have on society?
What is the end goal of scientific knowledge? How should we be utilizing it?
Since humans have dormant code for animal genes, like tails, whiskers, and pointy ears...
Do different languages have different psychological features built into them?
Putnam Exam
Do normies actually find this stuff hard?
tfw been doing great in my calc 3 class so I only needed a 70% on my final to get an A so I havent been assed to go to...
Your cognitively strong and weak sides
Is this true?
The IQ end to end IQ threads
Why does Veeky Forums hate mechanical engineering now?
Explain to a brainlet why Linear Algebra is important
If I emailed Freeman Dyson, would I get any response?
Climate change
Why are there fags if they can’t reproduce and proliferate their genetics...
If intelligence and self-awareness are evolutionarily so overpowered and give such a ridiculous advantage...
Can you even get more reddit than that?
Is there a good reason taxes are done in income brackets instead of just plugging income into some sort of equation?
Who has the real proof?
Math is inherently illogical
How do you feel about Quantum Mechanics?
"Even if the AI only had access to its own computer operating system...
If you were to hypothetically construct a time machine and travel back to a date in time...
So apparently Trump's tax plan that was just passed cans the waiver deduction for gradschool
Do girls grow boobs in puberty to signal their readiness to start mating, similar to sexual swellings in other primates?
Time is moving forward constantly at 1 second per second
YLYL Thread
Why would you get a PhD in maths unless you are an absolute retard?
Can you disprove a hypothesis?
I'm applying for grad school and asked my professor for a letter of recommendation to which he responded that he will...
What the FUCK did he mean by this Veeky Forums?
What went wrong Veeky Forums?
Using "proof" by induction
The chance of flipping a coin and getting ten heads in a row is 1/1024
>flat earthers
Becoming a doctor isn't a matter of being smart. Its a matter of showing up and paying attention
Daily reminder that he Earth is not a sphere because the atmosphere has no substance and water isn't land
Why there's not female geniuses at the level of male geniuses?
Hello /maths/. To get right to it, I am concerned about how often I get dubs...
Brainlet Cruelty thread
Why is this "mindfulness meditation" meme being pushed so hard at universities to deal with stress despite it being a...
Hey do I convert % into fraction %.? for instances let's say 66% in fractions %? it would be like ?/?%...
First author guesstimates three quantities in paper
Is there an up to date version of this?
Aluminum & Autism
What happens if I fall inside a black hoe Veeky Forums?
Okay Veeky Forums, I have two spaceships that I launch from earth in opposite directions...
Hey guys, really insecure highschool student here. I know some basic quantum physics: entanglement...
Was human evolution influenced by us selectively breeding ourselves? Like what we did to dogs, but to ourselves...
Explain this atheists
Group for a project is made mainly of women
0 is a natural number
You have 15 minutes to post any justification for the axiom of infinity or its equivalents. I'm waiting
Pi is 4 for the diameters of imperfect circumferences
Why the FUCK is this thing angled? i can't for the life of me understand why the flow has to be curved
Can anyone explain the science behind why jacking off in a condom feels better than not jacking off with a condom...
Is this a normal grade distribution for a calc 3 class or do I just go to a brainlet school?
The big bang and expansion of the universe. I have a question for you
What in gods name is this hell on earth, this human experience of animal instinct versus benevolent compassion...
Has anyone actually figured out why we need sleep (and so much of it) yet?
Beaty and genes and shit
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games