Interesting. Bear in mind that correlation is not causation; the presence of that allele is simply the lack of alleles that may be detrimental. The only way to know would be to test it in mice.
Other urls found in this thread:
>yeah let's test higher cognition in mice
so, is CON2 a full gene locus or just a shorter nucleotide stretch comprising some sort of chromosomal marker?
>the presence of that allele is simply the lack of alleles that may be detrimental
No, that hypothesis is inconsistent with the evidence. If that were the case, you wouldn't see the linear increase up to the dozens of copy levels.
>tfw in 30-50 years gene edited 12 year olds will be 10x smarter than you
in a few decades, Chinese kids will be smarter, taller, and whiter than you.
what's the difference?
t. brainlet
I didnt bother reading the paper, fine.
Ur a fag
>tfw gattaca
most likely they will be black skin to objectively reduce risk of melanoma at the tiny drawback of having to eat more vitamin D (which will be in everything anyway due to crops GM'd to produce vitamin D)
you will be surpassed by niglets
>T. I-get-my-science-from-Breitbart poster.
Do you have a source? I don't want to be surpassed by nigs
Why is this place infested with /pol/?
it could still be only a binding site for a transcription factor that in turn switches other sites off
>all by me
geez, i wonder
Can /pol/ please go home?
>What happens if we splice like 100 copies of CON2 into an embryo?
Probably macrocephaly and a series of lawsuits, followed by a blanket ban on genetic research.
There's more than 1 gene which has been associated with brain development and distinguishes us from even our great ape cousins.
>the emergence of hominin-specific NOTCH2NL genes may have contributed to the rapid evolution of the larger hominin neocortex accompanied by loss of genomic stability at the 1q21.1 locus and a resulting recurrent neurodevelopmental disorder.
This is how we make a race with the PHENOTYPE!
Non viable embryo?
>most likely they will be black skin to objectively reduce risk of melanoma
That might be a good argument if you completely ignore cultural preference for lighter skin and A E S T H E T I C S
This bothers me often.
We were SO close to be born super humans.
Those kids will also have a life spawn of a 1000+++ years.,,, Oh boy,,,
t. doesn't know the difference between an allele and a gene
dark skin is more aesthetic.
light skin is valued due to economic dominance of lighter skin peoples, and maybe you can argue that the conditions that breed light skin also breed wealth. But in the absence of social forces, women prefer slightly darker than the average guy from their ethnic group. In other words, as dark as they can get away with without being socially shunned.
However, none of this matters since social forces matter more than biology. The pure white Mongoloid race will exterminate all lower forms of life on earth.
>Genetically modified humans that can do your job 10x better than you
>AI that can do your job 1000x more efficient than you
The future is gonna suck for our kind