Anthropic Principle

Is the universe made specifically for us humans?

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>Asks legitimate
>get called s religious nut
I never implied Jesus

Legitimate question*

No, you are simply not that special... grow up

How many times does an intelligent species evolve in the universe? What about on the same planet?

short answer: no
long answer: no fckn way, no

If any of the universal constants were even slightly modified, life would be impossible. This is known as "the fine-tuning of the universe".

Of course not. If the human race is wiped from the planet, the planet will not cease to exist. Time and existence will go on with or without us

Do the different human races count as being the same species? Chinese schools teach students that the Chinese people evolved separately from everyone else.

I personally would consider the different races to at least different species, but I believe non-Nordid races are hybrids. Mainstream science however, considers the different human races the same species, which is pseudoscience.

What I meant however was different species of entirely different biological class of intelligent species(going by mainstream scientific taxonomy.)

Well, yes. Dolphins are highly intelligent. Who knows what they could do if they had hands.

life would just be different

Dolphins aren't an intelligent species. I meant intelligent species capable of civilization, both primitive and advanced. Plus dolphins are the same class as humans, mammalia.

how is that evidence for the anthropic principle??

c'mon man, it's obvious
It's similar to the way god made bumps in the road to perfectly just fit the puddles in them.
Otherwise Jesus would trip on water sticking out of the road, or something.

Idk what you mean but concluding "it's God" isn't rational, im sure there's plenty of possible mechanistic reasons why there's "fine tuning", a sentient creator being just one unlikely possibility

No, it was made for stars.

On all the metrics humans are a laughably trivial sideshow.

>I meant intelligent species capable of civilization

Give hands to dolphins and they just might.

Stars can't last forever. Intelligent life can survive until the heat death of the universe.

My astro prof said something like the fine tuning constants can be explained by the rapid inflationary period right after the creation of the universe, why the universe stopped inflating so rapidly is more of a mystery or something like that, I don't remember
Maybe it's just random chance again, seems like it -> many different universes with different parameters, this one happens to be the one we exist in, big deal

Intelligent life can exist as long as there's an entropy gradient to take advantage of.

Which essentially means stars, inclusive of their tail stages.

>doesn't get the joke
you must be fun at parties

The anthropic principle must have been formulated by someone with no knowledge of evolution.

Anthropic principle applies to any biological possibilities along our path.

Go back to noshing on Dawkins dickcheese, brainlet.

This world is fucked up.

Thats all I really know.

Willful flight should be possible, yet it doesn't work.
It should work. It doesn't take too much effort to make it work. Yet ironically, no similiar, lesser or greater effort seems to make it work.

Christ's own effort in duping fish and bread or walking on water or turning water to wine too was nothing that couldn't be surpassed, yet no similar miracles occur in this modern era. Not only christ but every religion and ancient history describes strange events or miraculous or even apocalyptic acts and godlike entities, yet they do not exist now.

The world got fucked up at some point. It's not just you. Neither is it just me.

ITT: No one actually knows, and the best scientists who actually give a damn about good science will also shrug and say, "We're assuming everything anyway and relying on the coincidence of circumstance to support our theories, but we assume our ability to perceive 'evidence' is meaningful and we've got no evidence to support either side," but we'll argue about everything like we've actually got universal facts to back it up.

>leaves Earth's magnetosphere
>dies of radiation sickness

Yep, totally fine-tuned for our own comfort.

Intelligence can survive beyond stars. Intelligence can turn brown dwarfs into fusion candles and extract energy from black holes.

>nobody knows

You mean you don't know.

>muh sci-fi magic
Fuck outta here

Only when all criteria is met a species can evolve to the point to which we have evoled. Therefore it is optimized for us and vice versa, rather the latter.

Oh yes, of course.
Big fucking place with speed limit, spacial warping, vacuum, high energy particles, fast micrometeors and extreme temperatures is the perfect place for humans.
Feels right at home.

Since the time scale here is billions of years, it's not that radical.
The way of life has become unrecognizable in just a few centuries.
That's like comparing the height of a dining table to the distance between NYC and LA.

Pretty much what the other person said.

But my point remains, as I already allowed for "late-stage stellar evolution", aka black holes. And don't pretend micro singularities are a substitute for stellar remnants, they'll evaporate by hawking radiation long before stellar or galactic core size ones.

Presuming - and it is a big presumption, hence rating the "fuck outta here" - we actually know what we're talking about.

It's obviously made for the ultimate creature of the earth, the golden retriever.

By us.

A majority of the planet is uninhabitable for humans.

Humans can live anywhere, with technology.

Species, by definition, can all interbreed.
Orientals and Caucasians and Negroids and bushmen are all human.

Only idiots need to boost their self-esteem with claims groups which are less technologically advanced (and whom they'd like to enslave) are "sub-humans" and "mongrels". So it's morally right.

England (White Man's Burden), Germany (The Master Race), and America (Blacks benefited from being property) have all had that mind-set at some point. All STILL have remnants. Sometimes I think they're especially concentrated on Veeky Forums.

I'd like to see a reference to that "Chinese schools teach..." meme.

Us humans are made specifically for the universe

>Only idiots need to boost their self-esteem with claims groups which are less technologically advanced (and whom they'd like to enslave) are "sub-humans" and "mongrels". So it's morally right.

why isn't this thread deleted yet
how long until we star disucssing horoscope here, fuck off

Dogs can interbreed, even if the result is fucked up and requires a caesarian section. Some dogs are smarter and superior to others. The same applies to humans.

How would we know outside of belief? Say we find intelligent life that is vastly different from us. Why would that count for or against the principle?

when the universe was smoll more collisions occurred between particles releasing more radiation which expanded spacetime quicker, it stopped inflating rapidly because hydrogen atoms began forming and they are bigger and slower than electrons, protons, neutrons. since no force was acting on the overall inflation it's been slowly accelerating for 13 billion years.

humans are a good try at a species that could dominate the earth, were all the fun stuff happens from heights ranging 0m to 2m from the surface. (the sky is empty and useless, underground is a hot mess, the waters are too homogenous). it makes sense to have a symmetrical body plan for balance and efficiency, if we had 8 arms and legs we would have to spend all day eating, if we were 1 legged hopping animals it would lack the redundancy to survive biplanar predators.

elves, giants, dwarves, goblins, orcs, halflings are all obviously real in the sense that they were competing hominids which we wiped out. given enough time some insect creature will replace us, like beetles.

sort of
>what is the humanoid hypothesis regarding evolution
in this universe a humanoid shape is the most efficient and will be selected for as the dominant species
>reptilians would be evolve from raptors had they not gone extinct

How different?

thats incredibly fucking stupid.

Life is just a self-replicating function with the allowance for variation. Would DNA work? no. Fuck it might be something unrecognizable to use.

superiority is subjective
smartness may not be genetic, you can train fish to do simple arithmetic

>How different?
They invented the slam dunk before fiat currency.

You are just self-organized emergent part of universe with evolved brain, organ that allows you to implement even higher levels of ogranization in your local environment (civilization).

>universe made specifically for humanity
>humans can exist only in an infintesimal part of said universe and all the rest is assolutely lethal for them

user, I...

>Slam dunk before flat currently
So outright better than our own.