Winter Intersession

Now that January 2nd is really close.
Will any of you Veeky Forumsentists take one class in this term or are you just going to fuck shit up and take 5 classes in Spring and still chill in Winter vacations?

I will take Art 104: Intro to Art (without doing any art and just theory) personally.


15 brainlet
Bears = 10
Heads = 5
Chickens = 1

Both wrong, that single chicken is undefined. So it would be 15 + x = y.


how can it not be 1?
if two chickens are 2 1 should be 1
It's not like you got them from a discount

>take 5 classes

That's nothing.

>how can 11 not be 2?


Also the answer is 16.

15 or Unknown, depending on whether 1 duck is half of two ducks or not.


The single chicken is clearly defined.

5 + 2x + 2x = 9
Therefore x = 1


nevermind. 15
realized it was one chicken

I'm taking 5 classes

Anyone that didn't say 15, is a bloody brainlet

first row: x + x + x = 30; x = 10
second row: x + y + y = 20; 10 = 2y = 20; y = 5
third row: y + z + z = 9; 5 + 2z = 9; z = 2
final row: y + 0.5z * x; 5 + 1*10; 15


The 2 ducks together indicate multiplication brainlets

prove me wrong



Answer is 16

That's a multiplication sign in the equation, not an additional sign.

5 + 1 x 10 = 16

Sorry, got confused by your autism,

5 + 1 x 10 = 15

5 + 2 × 10 = 25, I feel icky without paranthesis though.


How is everyone getting the chickens as 1? It's clearly 2 since 5 + 2 + 2 = 9.

Sup OP, I am taking an online history class so I can graduate on time. It's piss easy. Maybe 250 pages of reading total and ten pages of writing. Almost makes me feel like I'm not getting my money's worth.


There are two possibilities here.
1. We accept that one chicken is unrelated to the two chicken as a variable, just like w is unrelated to v in maths.
2. We could say that, since there isn't any sign indicating an operation, the two chicken are actually multiplying each other. So two chicken is actually chicken squared. Because chicken squared is equal to 2 one chicken would equal root 2. Then the solution for the last equation would be about 19.14. This solution just feels a bit weird because there are no clear relations between one and two chicken.

Now with this out of the way could we please just discuss OPs question?

Poor OP, just wanted to discuss the winter intersession and all the replies are about bears and chickens. To answer your question though, my school doesnt offer any classes relevant to my major over the winter intersession, so I think I'll just chill for winter break.

The answer is indeed 15 (because heads are worth 5, pigs are worth 1, and you multiply before you add in the order of operations).

I can't believe Veeky Forums is this uneducated.

>5 + (1)10x = ?

Made me think

1 fuck face instead of two is an undefined term so we can't know. You can't just assume it's half of what two fuck faces is, the same way you can't assume that half of an "8" is equal to 4 .



you are not wrong, but those childish facebook problems are not meant to be resolved here.

What colleges do this?
Our semester ended December 8 and resumes January 8. That's not enough time to take even a 1 credit class.