Homework must be submitted in docx format

>homework must be submitted in docx format

Other urls found in this thread:


>code must be submitted in printed hardcopy

Do either of you even study at a university? Because neither of those things are real problems.

>professor refuses to help you because you didn't write pseudocode first but it turned out the bug stemmed from overflow, which pseudocode wouldn't have helped find, and the prof could probably have noticed that in 5 seconds if he'd just perused the code

>homework must be published in Nature's latest issue

>all equations must be specified in reverse polish notation


he isn't in charge of fixing your shit, asshole

Not in my book they don't

Yeah it is. His job is to assist in people's learning, which includes providing helpful hints in the event of a glitch.

>math class with graded assignments
fuck you I took this major specifically so I could avoid doing work

ah yes, the engineer mentality

>proofs must not contain any patriarchal or hetero-normative theorems/axioms

>be sitting in the comfy seat at uni
>some wheelchair asshole rolls up like a fag
>asks me to move
>don't want to
>fuckin bithc goes crying to the professor, prof makes me move
>everyone in class acting like I'm the bad guy
>just wanted the extra space for my thinkpad and second monitor

fucking disableds are insufferable, selfish bastards

he didn't even have to attend class, all the lectures are recorded and posted online anyhow

>all supporting statistical evidence must be at a 3-sigma level or greater
fucking commies

god i hate wheelchair fags

>be born paralyzed from the waist down
>try to live my life as best I can, got a job, go to school
>some bipedfag is lounging in the handicapped designated seat
>literally will take me 20 minutes to attempt to sit anywhere else
>ask the kind stranger politely to please let me sit there
>doesnt move
>explain to him that this is for physical handicaps, not mental ones
>call over the retard wrangler letting them know a sperg is out of line
>enjoy my comfy chair

>>explain to him that this is for physical handicaps, not mental ones
oh damn

>Final grade depends on more than just problem sets and exams
>quiz section attendance mandatory

i prefer being able to circle in red the shitty parts of your design

>getting free points for doing something as simple as putting your butt in a seat

>losing points for something as simple as not putting your butt in a seat

Points aren't earned, jackass. They're lost. You sound like a typical "lol C's get degrees bro" faggot.


>10% of your final grade is participation

>discussion takes attendance and only goes over homework problems people had trouble with

>homework must be delivered into the professors dreams in the form of a vision

>Students must state their preferred gender pronouns at the start of each class

I like graded assignments more than just one last test. Did Linear Algebra last semester, and the teacher would give us shit if we didn't do the homework assignments so i always did them.
Learned shitloads from it.

t. EE

>I see you've used the terms "Master" & "Slave" in your code
>I'm going to have to fail you.

Please provide somewhat believable stories, no way that happened.


"Professor, I for one think closed formats are stupid. Open formats open doors to people who want to study how office programs work, and because of their free and open source nature, their policy naturally bends toward neutrality and quality being the only incentive. This is why I trust free and open source software more and am going to submit my homework in LaTeX instead, the one true format used worldwide by researchers and teachers in non-shit universities. Hope you enjoy my stuff being centuries ahead of all that Comic Sans garbage you asked for. :)"

Is there any problem with just converting your submission to .pdf before handing it in, regardless which software you used to create it?

No. Unless they're pathetic loser cucks, teachers know how to add notes to PDF files.

When I was in college, everything was hard copy. LaTeX master race anyway.

who is that weak jawed faggot?

dyke jew

There is NOTHING worse than having to read other people's code

>Homework must be submitted via copy and pasting into the text field of an email

"user I can't open your file. Resubmit it as a Microsoft word document if you want credit."

>its only half real

>weak jaw
user is this you

no this is

>wasting my time in a brainlet level course that requires attendance

undergrad detected