why don't we learn more about these women in science classes the same way we learn about Newton and Einstein?
Hidden Figures
idk. what did they do?
Same reason why science classes might mention Black scienceman but not David Blackwell.
You need to become a meme to get name drop in science classes.
They were queenz you bigot
what did they do?
If this is what is takes to get niggers interested in career options other than athlete, rapper, or drug dealer, then so be it.
The same reason you don't learn about any other random administrative assistants.
The only way they could justify that movie is by playing on the difference in meaning "computer" had back then compared to now. Today, "human computer" sounds like a compliment. Back then though "computers" were just women who did trivial arithmetic so the men actually working on these problems wouldn't have to waste time on it.
Katherine Johnson in particular gets reinterpreted as some sort of scientific genius, but in actuality her biggest career move was being allowed to stay on as an aerospace technologist after NASA discontinued their pool of human "computers" in favor of digital computation. She never did graduate school, was never an actual engineer or scientist, and remained in that same technologist position for the rest of her career.
Note that educational requirements always increase over time and with that in mind consider the fact NASA's current requirement for aerospace technologists is only that you obtain a bachelors degree with a minimum 2.9 GPA.
I don't recall ever being taught the history of science
and what did Einstein do that was so special?
Wrote 3 papers within a year that turned our knowledge of physics and cosmology on it's head
Why the racism?
>Facts are racist
You're discrediting the achievements of WOC in science
Ok, /pol/, that's enough. Go back.
>She never did graduate school, was never an actual engineer or scientist, and remained in that same technologist position for the rest of her career
I like how you try to point out this information as if it was bad thing. Not everyone needs to achieve the highest level of "credentials" to succeed in order to contribute to science. And the fact she was able to make it into NASA period is accomplishment a lot of people in science community can't achieve.
Also you know who else didn't make it to the highest levels of "credentials" but still contributed to science? Charles Darwin, and last time I checked he did it with a fucking Theology degree to his name.
I hope there's a hell for people like him.
I've noticed /pol/tards love to do this when confronted with facts and logic.
They think "it scares the people who know facts and understand logic away"
I really hope there's a Hell. Especially for people like you. I wouldn't mind being there, miserable and depressed, as long as I could see your kind get impaled, and skinned and tortured for an eternity.
It's just a fucking mouse user, get a grip. They're vermin.
Shitty /pol/-tier bait thread.
Some of us have a thing called empathy. Some of us are good people, or at least try to be. What enjoyment would you take out of torturing an innocent little creature?
Vermin like the whites are.
So you just let mice run around your house you filthy neckbeard?
>fails to realise how racists he is
If you look at any un-biased (aka non pol) version of racism, you'll easily see that only people in power (aka whites) can be racist
I don't live in a place with mice, so...
>he doesn't brutalize animals
>lol brainlet
Fine, I'm a sub 110 IQ brainlet. If you're the 200+ IQ AKA best humanity has to offer, then we're really bloody lucky...
>moralfags are just as sadistic as the people they criticize
Really makes you think
Explain to me how whites are in power in Zimbabwe
Never denied that. But there's a difference between being sadistic against sickos and being sadistic against innocent people or animals.
Ah so you're a 3rd world nig nog. Say no more
No there isn't. That's just a lie you tell yourself to maintain moral superiority.
No, Yuropoor actually. But apartments don't have mice.
>But apartments don't have mice.
My morals are that we should all suffer exactly as much as we inflict onto others. An eye for an eye.
top brainlet
Nah, I'd argue there is. Just like there's a difference between killing with intent or killing in self-defense.
Systemic sexism.
Yeah, like that dipshit Archimedes, bet he didn't even go to college lmao
You're right. Self-righteous sadists are worse.
Well they don't around here, and I'm a literal Yuropoor. Do you live in the Ghetto or something?
Fine. I'm a worthless brainletwho's concerned about mice. What have you accomplished then oh great, cold & calculating mastermind?
Guess we'll all be going to Hell then.
nothing. the conclusion you came to is that of a brainlet stop being passive aggressive
Why doesnt he do the same to the whites i was wondering. Well, after all that rat is white as well. And whites are vermins as well who dont know their own places.
Interesting posts there chum. I mean, I'm not denying it, but for such a smart lad you do seem to have a limited vocabulary.
Tit for tat
>that is what i attempt to do.
Whites colonized africa, drumpf-tard
When we talk about contributions, we talk about innovations and improvements on our overall understanding of the universe. These women literally did the same thing that I could get my laptop to do today, except my laptop would be faster and more reliable. You can liken their contributions to science to the contributions a script kiddy makes to hacking; they are only working within the actual contributions made by innovators before them.
They colonised africa because they were weak.
>doesnt realise how disgusting colonisation is
You should be ashamed of your ancestors if you are white, because they were parasites.
Yes, I hate my white heritage. I was on your side dumbass. Whites are a plague.
Sorry, i just hate ignorant racists. I was saying that only to crumble their undeserved pride.
But for you id say research some things about your heritage. Being proud about your own cukture is not bad but you should also be aware of the wrongs your kind did.
They were doing it to each other back in the day, like literally ever other culture. The difference is white people were vastly superior at it.
>white pride
No, whites have done nothing good. I've been working on a plan to kill as many of them as possible before I inevitable end my disgusting white life. It's still early in the works
So how come Veeky Forums is so full of brainlets?
Whos this qtp2t?
Some dude on /ic/ drew it
So whites are literally psychopaths. And they say Asians are the psychopathic ones... hypocrites, as always
At least grant them a swift death instead of playing with them
>and I'm sure I'll inflict more suffering on anyone else since I'm the self proclaimed good guy
You're just as bad.
>revelling in the suffering of animals
Those aren’t Jews user. They’re harmless.
And now that they're no longer in power for decades and white farmers who cultivated lands and providing jobs are being murdered left and right that's not racism because of some original sin?
I don't know user, I assume they're trolling because no one can be *that* retarded.
Best post in the thread.
>No criticism other than muh racism or muh we don't need no education
Just payback for centuries of institutionalized racism
>blacks can't be racist
Don't fucking compare these niggers with Newton
>These women literally did the same thing that I could get my laptop to do today, except my laptop would be faster and more reliable.
And for some unexplained reason because your laptop is capable of doing said actions today at better speed and reliability it somehow makes the past actions of individuals less valuable?
Nah, asians are WAY more sadistic and more efficient in it. But they lacked ambition, they still lack it.
So whites have an original sin for being white and stuff some distantly related people did so you don't need to judge them as a person but you can make sweeping statements on their race (and saying they are racist XD)