Why is physical beauty a sign of good genes & health?

Why is physical beauty a sign of good genes & health?

What, are you serious?

Because we perceive the [math]\mathbb{PHENOTYPES}[/math] brought about by good genes as beautiful. Not the other way around.

Why does Hydrogen sulphide smell like rotten eggs?

>Why is a' a sign of b'
Semiotics, duh

this woman is hideous, not only does she look retarded and that she has forehead cancer, something something.. would not bang 2/9

>2/10 would bang*

Yeah, I mean, just look at her bony elbows!


I think the better question is, why uglier nations are also dumber and live like animals eg. indians, arabs, niggers

"Good genes." Brainlet spotted. Be more explicit next time you faggot. What do you mean by "good?" Do you just value beauty, superior physicality, or intelligence?

This too.

Makes more sense from an evolutionary perspective. If beauty was paired with bad traits then the species would quickly descend into those bad traits.

That bitch looks too thin, not strong enough to bear children, how the fuck is that healthy?

maybe our brains evolved such for us to recognize good genes and health, which we merely perceive as beauty

>he doesn't have the [math]\mathbb{PHENOTYPE}[/math]

It isn't. I'm the sexiest person I know but I think my lungs are failing me

got any source on that

Are you starting with a definition of beauty and then defining good genes and health based on that?
Or are you starting with a definition of good genes and health and then defining beauty based on that?
I agree with But also keep in mind that the pressures for survival are constantly changing. The "correct" criteria for beauty may also change with the survival pressures.

feedback loop

it is about the hip bone, you have to be very thin for it to have any effect on the baby

because the reason we find someone good looking is because of their good health/genes. Good health and genes lead to good bones and skin and other stuff. We find it attractive because they have a higher chance of creating fit off spring

High level meme

shut up

Don't tell them to shut up they might engage you. Wouldn't want to unintentionally initiate a feedback loop

>implying you wouldn't hire

Is this beautiful?

It's a sign of health for sure, but also a lack deleterious genes (not necessarily 'good' genes)
Like, an attractive person could be a carrier for some genetic condition, wouldn't show up in the phenotype

It's more a sign of wealth.

>wealth isn't a sign of good genes
think again

Isn't this beautiful Veeky Forums.

yeah because trump and george soros are beautiful right

more like
>I'm literally a wild animal that wants to fuck the prettiest thing with holes so I'll chose the prettiest one despite any other characteristics that hole might have but I do not care because I was raised by conservative dumb parents that still think vaccines gives children autism
so,no,they aren't,there are a lot of pretty people in bad health conditions.
I'm ugly but my health is completely fine right now and "muh good genes" is wild animal tier reasoning

I would put my penis in his/her penis going hole but not hire



Why is carbon monoxide colorless/odorous?


She's fucking hideous and pro-ana hate those kind of bitchez, ain't into skinny whore.