YLYL Thread

Have fun I guess

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brings a tear to my eye
we should do that again it was fun in that thread

Fixed the pic related.


lost hard

To be fair not everyone writes 11 as ||

The font on technical drawings is standardised.
An engineer would know.
That's the reason why the picture is funny, because he doesn't know that.

based experimental mathematics
>not making one where you use a 4f optical system to experimentally do fourier transforms

That was the joke you fucking retard. Holy shit

there's like 4-5 legit proof 'types' in there



Heh, I just learned that in calculus 3, [math]\frac{\partial e^x}{\partial x} = e^x[/math]



Such a classic.

How would you not learn this in calc 1?

To be fair he is just a student likely taking his first CAD class.

what a bunch of fucking nerds, this is considered a ylyl on Veeky Forums ?

>on Veeky Forums
Fucking die or go back to /r/badmathematics

Not that guy, but I don't know about you, but at my uni, Calculus I was
>advanced HS math
Integration was only seen in Calculus II.

holy shit, hope it's j*ke

Not at all. I don't see the problem desu.

You are free to hop back to /b/ and laugh at bananas.


>Sum a bunch of positive numbers together
>Get -1/12

That's how you know someone screwed up mathematics at some point.

It's a special sum for special people


>11-dimensional moneylenders

unless they write
e = \pi = 3
with a literal equal sign, there's nothing really wrong with the statement in the op.

are you gonna argue 3 is not an approximation of e or \pi?
Among naturals, it's surely better than 2 resp. 4. So...

d(e^x)/dx is not a derivative?


How can math fags even compete?




PMA by Rudin explained






last one of the queen of sci


How did we come to this stage? My only hope is that IAS stays a meritocracy. Fuck princeton, fuck harvard, just please don't touch IAS (ok and rutgers maybe).

If you read the technical parts of her thesis, it makes sense and it is even mildly interesting. Certainly, nothing to write home about but as far as graduate thesis' go, it is solid work. The only thing she got away with is with writing it in the most retarded style possible and she does that only so that the average person can understand her thesis because she wanted her thesis to have mainstream appeal? I don't know, but I know two things:

1) Being a single mom made her brain rot, as it typically happens
2) Her thesis is okay.

As for her political views, it is not of intellectuals to judge other intellectuals by their politics instead of their work. Should less white people be in positions of power? Who knows. What is important is that she is only making a suggestion and that no one would be retarded enough to willingly give away their position of power, which means that nothing will happen unless her message reaches an ultra cuck soyboy who likes to get pushed around.

is the joke that she was getting off to what she thought was idiocy, but which actually wasn't?
Oh, and for the record, e == pi == 3, you shitlords :^)

I don't judge her political views. That's the reason i didn't cite the only image with politics. You could be Stalin and i wouldn't give a fuck. But her thesis is absolutely not a solid work for an institution like princeton, especially given who her advisor is. Compare her thesis to theses of his other doctoral students and you'll see the difference. Her work is not something worth a PhD, especially from princeton.

I gave a quick look and didn't get it, but then I started to read it carefully. Made me almost choke on my water.

Damn, I wish I was you.

I wonder what Mary would've had to say about this.


It's lacking the elevator proof

>Masters 90k starting
>PhD 100k starting
Then why would anyone ever do an PhD

>Why can women with children do PhDs while I can't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>and also write ironic CVs when all anyone cares about is the PhD anyways REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Lmao, never cease to amuse me, /pol/

this is amazing


What the fuck is wrong with this board

1 should always be written with a serif.

How many of you are using a font that allows you to immediately recognize the difference between l and I?

Reminds me of this.

Are you complaining about nerdy science jokes on a science board you autistic?.. The other picture is in better taste though

Which one's that?

I cringed so hard

This is tangible autism.

Should have used a logarithm before...

what's even worse is the image is WRONG

>it's not very effective

implies it HAD an effect, but it wasn't sufficient. Taking the derivate would have NO effect on e^x.

fucking cringe


>'Chemical fee' chemistry set

If I wanted a joke I'd ask for your IQ

And thanks to this meme even more idiots will then get d(e^2x)/dx wrong.

well there is an effect actually, see d(e^2x)/dx

are you really that thick
I love you user but you father and I are worried about you

Why wouldn't this work ?

It would work, but it's still an extremely stupid idea ((c) by Veeky Forums)

he was talking about partial derivatives ffs
just the notation

skrattar du förlorar du, you fucking faggot

>Veeky Forums)
Epic brohoof dude! /) XDD

Research or a career in academics. Getting a PhD to get a job in industry is fucking stupid.

Unless you want to work in fintech or biotech.

>though would have short-sold "Rubber Ducky Sunscreen" on principle if it was publicly traded

CV status: trashed

>e aprox pi aprox 3
>not e aprox 3 aprox pi


Looks the same to me.

These threads are bringing in newfags who repost the funnies on /r/Veeky Forums, /b/, and /pol/.

you alright there bud?

>she doesn't differentiate between gay and straight white males
Wow, way to minimize gay oppression you dumb nigger.

had a chuckle, but I don't think that's a serious paper



prove it

>proof by obviousness
>proof by definition
happens all the time
>proof by simplification
happens all the time
>proof by clever variable choice
unironically happens all the time
happens all the time
>proof by authority
literally every day

in all cases, therefore, etc. [math]\mathbb{QED}[/math]

Yea, that's the worse thing you fucking asspie.

blow me