Global warming® called off

New research shows diminishing solar activity will offset rise in temperatures. Best rebuttal alarmists could come back with is >b-but you can't say that

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No, both humans and nature contribute to global warming. But don't worry, doesn't matter if you're a libtard or a conservatard, there is nothing you can do to prevent earth from turning into Mars within less than 100 years.

>earth turning into mars due to global warming
>not venus

>diminishing solar activity
like less sunspots? 11 year cycle

Read the article doofus

noyou brotherman


It will turn into Mars way before it turns into Venus. It's much more away from the sun than Venus but it managed to become a dead dry rock with radioactive surface.

>It will turn into Mars
When? In billions of years?

>researchers in the UK think that the UK will experience a "mini ice age" in 2030
>therefore GLOBAL warming is false

You're fucking retarded, stop posting in this board you fucking troglodytes. You don't deserve to breathe he same air as the rest of us.

>thinks only the UK is affected by solar activity

>thinks he belongs on a science and math board
Go away sub-human.

Like clockwork. In few years we'll start hearing about global cooling, again.

Make me, swarthy manlet

Is that all you came here to say? Fucking kill yourself.

Global cooling/Global warming/Climate change/"insert the name of the next iteration here" is a hoax. Why are you defending it like a zealot? You're no better than the religionfags you probably claim to hate. You just replaced god with the state and the priests with scientists.

You refuse to accept that you've been indoctrinated to believe this shit and lash out when someone dares to defy your dogma.

You're pathetic.

Pretty sure your group is the one doing the lashing out and the projection, fuck off and find some other place to ruin.

>some ad-hominem that proves nothing
>some more ad-hominem
>final ad-hominem

should I understand that we might dodge the next Ice age?

Fuck off, poltard. You're intruding on a discussion about things you don't have the intellect to understand. Let people with actual knowledge post. Barking dogs are not welcome here.

Mars is the way it is because it doesn't have a magnetosphere.

global warming is the best thing to happen in human history. if there is a an event that forces humans to work together to survive, then we will finally be a species that isnt complete shit

What the fuck? That article cites this:
But they basically says the complete opposite. It's like the authors didn't even bother to read their own link.

Jesus Christ, why does anyone read Murdoch's garbage?

It would still be global warming. Had the greenhouse affect not been in effect during such a solar event, everything would be much colder.

>comes from the board that believes an international cabal of Jewish people control the world
fucking end yourself mate-o


you idiots realise the sunspot activity has been steady in the last few decades right? And we've had rapid warming anyway? At best this would reduce the rise by a few tenths of a degree (based on IPCC models that doesn't account properly for things like carbon released from permafrost)


>ctrtl+f zharkova
>0 results
the article doesn't mention that shit you posted you retard kys

the article isn't about sunspot activity you literal retard
>hurr at best this would mean a few tenths
says you, the neck beard anime fag, the actual researchers disagree

Sunspot activity is a proxy for solar activity. Please don't post if you have no idea what you're talking about. What the article is claiming is that a Maunder minimum will reverse global warming, which no researcher ever said.

>You refuse to accept that you've been indoctrinated to believe this shit and lash out when someone dares to defy your dogma.
>he says, while lashing out at people that defy his dogma



There’s unironically more evidence for that than global warming

so far, the countries most affected by climate change are exactly the targets of /pol/
Middle east, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.
Then they turm back and complain about borders and refugees. Lovely.

Climate change impacts on water resources are a significant concern in the regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea an area including southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Levant region of the Middle East (Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey).

in the middle East (somewhere) there's an extraordinarily large aquifer of ancient water (can't remember what it's called) but because it's such an arid place the aquifer doesn't get recharged and it borders salt water so there's a risk of saltwater intrusion
Over there ttheres like no regulation on how fast they pull from the aquifer so they're just depleting a water source that's thousands and thousands of years old without any regard for what's gonna happen when it runs out

> here some evidence that I don't even know how is called that allows me to put the blame on the people living in the entire Mediterranean basin
come back when you know what you are talking about


ru fkig dum I took a whole 3000 series class on this shit

fixed it.

All around the world at subtropic (23.5-40) latitudes. California included.

Yes, I know, thank you.
I had data only for Mediterranean basin


ok ok

No scientists ever said we'll be in an ice age by 2000

and, snow has always been "rare", both in geographical and seasonal aspects

There was a time when there was overwhelming scientific consensus that homosexuals are all mentally ill.

Global warming will be all fun and games for the consumers even while the oceans lose all multicellular life, and the only snow and ice left is in Antarctica.

Then the climate will shift into an equatorial atmospheric super rotation mode, and then it'll be game over.

>equatorial atmospheric super rotation
what is that?

something like the lateral bands on the gas giants maybe?


psychology has a reputation for a reason

>There was a time when there was overwhelming scientific consensus that homosexuals are all mentally ill.
that coming from a 'science' that uses oneiromancy as a valid method of study.

Its theoretical Earth-like stable state atmosphere in which winds at the equator are westerly instead of easterly. It occurs when North South temperature gradients at mid-latitudes are sufficiently weak. Some scientists have suggested that such a state was present during the Eocene and Miocene.

Yes, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun, and Venus all have equatorial atmospheric superrotation, suggesting that Earth's atmosphere may be the exception, not the rule.

Jupiter, Saturn, the sun or Venus have no oceans.
In all examples, you have mostly materials with the same thermal conductivity.

It's a theoretical climate. It happens in the climate models. It might explain weird climates records from millions of years ago when CO2 concentrations were 4 times higher.

Tonnes of info out there.

Google equatorial atmospheric super rotation if you're interested.

>the oceans lose all multicellular life, and the only snow and ice left is in Antarctica.
what's the timescale for this brainlet

pretty quick in a geological sense, but probably long after you and I are gone.

Do you actually think humans will work together to avert this?

I like jellyfish
pic related: the Portuguese man o' war, a deadly jellyfish
Global warming will make jellyfish the dominant animals in the ocean over fish
so prepare yourself

>um literally no you!
lel he was right

Global warming is literally a non issue. Many large car manufacturers have already announced they'll go hybrid only in the upcoming decade, renewable and batteries are getting better and cheaper, oil is a dying energy source. Quick in a geological sense also means severa hundreds if not thousands of years. You're literally fretting and alarming over nothing.

You're pretty stupid if you think there won't always be demand for liquid energy in a barrel.

All your miraculous renewable energy and electric vehicle schemes will augment consumerism and global warming, and not reduce it in the least.

You retarded YOLO piece of shit.

>should I understand that we might dodge the next Ice age?

basically this...

as the planet transitions into what was supposed to be an ice age, human activity will have changed the atmosphere so drastically that instead we will have gradual warming.

>there will always be demand for th horse and carriage!

all you fucking status quo carbon tax shills spout that same line, over and over... as if its some kind of religious mantra.

electric cars are not even close to affordable, which means they STILL require way more energy to produce and maintain. Despite all the economy of scale benefits of rich bloated consumers jumping in like its some kind of trendy fanboi cocktail party.

You're putting all your faith in a technology that doesn't even exist yet, and in all probability never will, so that you can have a clean conscience while you continue living your lavish lifestyles. Pretty fucking delusional tbqh senpai.

In conclusion, go fuck yourself.

dude people are going to burn oil until either its completely gone or everyone is dead and there is no one left alive to burn it anymore.

the only question is do we do anything about it or just say fuck it, and hope Jesus or Aliens or whatever fixes things for us.

Finding a solution that doesn't involve "growing the economy", would be a great start..

thats going to be tough considering literally no one does anything ever if it doesnt involve making more money than they are currently making and that includes the government too since its job is to help companies make money.

Of course it'll be tough.

But you're delusional if you think the "economy" isn't what is causing all of this.

You sound really mad and you made no valid points.

>wah ... WAH ..... WAAAHHHH!!!!!
>t. whiny little baby brain boy

Yeah, that's exactly what your post sounds like, hence my low effort response. Youre pretty sad.

Maybe you should try reading the post again.

Read slowly, and mouth the words if you think it'll help you understand. That usually works for most retards trying to understand simple concepts.

You're pretty stupid if you think there won't always be demand for liquid energy in a barrel.

All your miraculous renewable energy and electric vehicle schemes will augment consumerism and global warming, and not reduce it in the least.

You retarded YOLO piece of shit.

>Global warming® called off
L0Lno, the research was into the Little Ice Age,
which was neither "global" nor an "Ice Age".
Lrn2read fgt pls

all you fucking status quo carbon tax shills spout that same line, over and over... as if its some kind of religious mantra.

electric cars are not even close to affordable, which means they STILL require way more energy to produce and maintain. Despite all the economy of scale benefits of rich bloated consumers jumping in like its some kind of trendy fanboi cocktail party.

You're putting all your faith in a technology that doesn't even exist yet, and in all probability never will, so that you can have a clean conscience while you continue living your lavish lifestyles. Pretty fucking delusional tbqh senpai.

In conclusion, go fuck yourself.

Also, finding a solution that doesn't involve "growing the economy", would be a great start..

C'mon man

you're right comrade we should find a solution that collapses the economy so that we can then start a communist utopia

>You're pretty stupid if you think there won't always be demand for liquid energy in a barrel.
please cite your source on the demands of the future

>t. Ted Kaczynski

I guess "collapse" means the same thing as "not growing" in Retardlandia.

I need a source to claim that people need energy now?

Why are you even on Veeky Forums? You wouldn't be able to tell a potato from a microchip.

How exactly does whoeverthefuck that is have anything to with the post you're responding to? Maybe you can explain to us, or maybe you're just a bigot.

So how's that /pol/io working out for ya?

you're the pigot

says the nigot

of wait nigot is in urban dictionary already.

you are a tigot, i guess

Fuckin spigots


Don't you have a figgot spinner you should be choking on?

Can someone actually attempt to address this. Seems like everyone glosses over the fact that economies can’t double every 15 years in perpetuity. I feel like I either don’t understand the basic arithmetic or am taking crazy pills when people constantly think growth based economies are still the right answer.

The End Is Nigh

Assumptions of wildly unsustainable growth are vital to the arguments of politicians who want to be able to promise that people can have their cake and eat it too. People want tax cuts, but they also want a bunch of stuff that needs to be paid for with taxes. So politicians rely on magical future growth numbers in order to say that tax cuts will "pay for themselves with growth." As long as the general public remains uneducated enough to be fooled by that, we're not going to be able to break out of the assumption that constant growth is the solution to everything.


You're fucking autistic, honestly. How can you not understand that oil based fuels will be worthless as soon as we find something that's more efficient or esier to use unless oil companies lobby to prevent growth in the fields that ccould replace oil? As technology advances oil will meet obsolescene, as is the nature of advancements, for proof back horses and steam engines, how many of those are in use today?

>radioactive surface
Nigger, I...

He must think oil is the only thing in the entire universe that will never die, that's how retarded he is.