How should gender dysphoria be treated?

How should gender dysphoria be treated?

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like schizophrenia

like it's dress-up, because that's what it is.

Like something very bad

With genital mutilation

Stop bumping shitposts, you idiots.

Why do you keep Justin bieber pics in your computer OP?

Like any other mental illness. It's not special. Only retarded liberals treat it like an lgbt issue.

Death penalty

it's a legitimate question

psychfag here. its unique in the sense that it is categorized by only a misguided sexual identity. there are very few cases where the individual morphs their thinking without having been raised that way (by, "that way," i mean having been raised with the notion that one can be whatever they want to be; a popular notion in first world countries). it doesnt impact intellect or the ability to obtain knowledge so it could really only be classified as a personality disorder. in every aspect of the typical case, transgenderism and transsexualism should be mental disorders as they contain enough qualities to be assigned under a type of mental disorder (i.e. abnormal, causes physical or mental suffering if not acted upon, etc. etc.). I feel that it actually should have been indoctrinated a long time ago but its much easier to sweep this type of issue under the rug and trust that people won't fall for the 'lol i CAN do anything i want' meme. now it is a lot harder to get through because theres so many suffering individuals that its becoming, not more normal, but at the very least, more acceptable. the really difficult consequence about this is that the medical field has designed hormone treatments as well as operations to "help?" these individuals obtain their wish. the repercussions of indoctrination for transgenderism and transsexualism would put people in the medical field for sex changing at a great risk and, possibly, out of business. i feel that the factors halting the progress of classification is more of a bureaucratic issue as opposed to an ethical or social issue.

Give my man Tyrone a call and set him up with the guy who thinks he is a woman. Tyrone knows exactly what to do. He goes like "So you think you a woman huh? Well, I gots something for yous right here thats gon make you feel like a real woman" and then he uses his mighty BBC to get the job done.

This always ends the same way, the tranny with his destroyed ass starts crying saying "IM A BOY IM A BOY STOP STOP IM A BOY IM A BOY DON'T DO THIS TO ME IM A BOY"

I don't give a shit what adults do to themselves, but children should not be given hormones or cosmetic surgery.

But this statement actually makes no sense because the age of adulthood is completely arbitrary. Why is adulthood at 18 and not at 19? Why not 20?

Why can't a teen at 23:59:59 on the night before his birthday get hormone therapy but one second later he suddenly can? Do you happen to be retarded by any chance?

If society was more up front about their genitals we could have pretty men and women dressed however they want without worrying about traps or surprises later on.

But I'll leave that one for Veeky Forums to figure out.

>If society was more up front about their genitals we could have pretty men and women dressed however they want without worrying about traps or surprises later on.

Nope, this is retarded. If we did not worry about surprises then straight men would be pissed the fuck off. You know, the only reason we treat women nicely is because we want to fuck them right? So imagine this scenario: We treat a "woman" right, buy her drinks, give them our coat, and eventually get them to our room. Then after a long day of hard work I am expecting to find a wet pussy in which to put my dick but surprise, "she" has a dick too. So an entire day went by and I accomplished nothing.

That sounds like shit. It should be illegal for men to dress or look like women because of the financial expenses this could bring to straight men like myself.

it's like you don't even read...

"If society was more up front about their genitals"

So you go up to the "woman" and she immediately tells you she has a dick and hopes you have one too. You do, but you're not cool with that because you're looking for some wet pussy so you move on immediately rather than wasting time, money and energy.

Meanwhile the lumberjack at the end of the bar sends you a drink and lets you know he has a wet pussy and additional uses for those suspenders.

>they contain enough qualities to be assigned under a type of mental disorder (i.e. abnormal, causes physical or mental suffering if not acted upon, etc. etc.). I feel that it actually should

> goto dinner with feminist
>partially agree with her beliefs during the meal
> insist on paying
> she pays to make a point

You won't get a second date but you also won't be hungry

damn qouted the wrong post

I get you now. But that would need a huge cultural change.

You know, in my experience it seems that people (and specially women) do not want to even believe they have a sexuality or sexual organs until they are already in the bedroom. When you go talk to a woman it seems to me like they think you wanna be their friend or some shit because the last thing they would do is address that there is anything sexual about the encounter. But then when you take them to your room they are ready to swallow gallons of cum and get spanked like a slut. I really do not understand this aspect of women, why pretend they are so pure when their faces have already been covered in jizz?

My point is that women would never tell you they have a vagina. And telling you "I'm a woman" is actually too vague in a social justice world where "woman" could mean anything from a biological woman who got surgery to have a penis, to a man who had surgery to get fake tits and get his cock chopped off.

This will never happen. Plus in dating people already lie a lot. If people saw that being honest about their gender turned a lot of people off, they would start lying just to get free drinks and shit.

Hey baby, were you born with a Penis or is it just me?

Social change doesn't happen unless we get enough people to do it with us. I don't want to waste time on a pretty male any more than you might so we may as well just lead off with it. Any resistance we get we can blame on forthright honesty and respect for the people that like to be pretty (male) or handsome (female).


I agree but do you see how rude the question "were you born with a penis" would sound to a real woman?

Suppose you got lucky and you are actually talking to a woman and then just ask her that. Women always like to read between lines and shit so she will suspect that you are asking because you think she looks like a man, and then she will get angry and walk away.

If we are the pioneers of this social change we risk losing TONS of pussy.

I want to "treat" her boipussy if you catch my drift

>pedofag who argues about the arbitrary age of adulthood

Next you’re gonna ask why 15 year olds cant get a drivers licence in america

Hey, I never even mentioned the age of consent or anything regarding sex so please stop pointing your projector at me, the light is hurting my eyes. Also, I asked a simple question. Why can't someone get trans surgery at 23:59:59 before their birthday but one second later it is totally cool to get trans surgery? It literally makes no sense.

>implying its projecting to assume someone who argues about the arbitrary age of adulthood is a pedo

Its a slippery slope and i have seen scum like you make those claims enough to spot it before its said.

And to answer your question: because its the law
There needs to be a strict specific rule in place for mentally ill people like you to follow. It honestly should be older than 18 but thats the decision that modern society has come to accept.

Laws arent about when it should be ok, they just define when its criminally young. Its crossing a Threshold.

you're on Veeky Forums, your chances of talking to a real woman are already reduced anyway. You have nothing to lose basically. Any potential person with a vagina that is seeking a person with a penis will be thrilled that you have one.

It's not a neg on the person you're asking if they have a vagina or not, it's a compliment to modern aesthetics that you have no way of telling the difference without just being honest about it. Remember, you're not asking what they identify as. So whether they're a woman or not is irrelevant. If she gets mad, it's not really you she's mad at. You didn't create this situation after all, you're just adapting to it.

> I really do not understand this aspect of women, why pretend they are so pure when their faces have already been covered in jizz?
its kinda men's fault due to the fear of rejection in the past that society has made that normal especially if you're "ugly"
i've been taking the honest direct route and got rejected a shit ton but finally have a gf now who was cool with me saying i thought she cool to hang with and i wanted to fuck her on the first date.

society can change but it'll take time.

Jesus Christ. I actually agree with you that age is important, but only because it is correlated with crucial neurological development (up to a point). Using the law to justify your argument, and assuming everyone whose unaware of critical brain development periods (like yourself probably) is a pedo, is just straight up retarded. Much of law is complete arbitrary ad-hoc bullshit, and it only works in the pedos' favor when people like you make such retarded ass arguments, because it makes things based on actual science look ridiculous. You might as well be arguing that it's bad because "God said so".

I agree with you as well
Im not a psych major but i do know about the brain development periods to an extent. I dont in most cases use the law as its own justification either but with the mentally ill its futile explaining anything rational to them. Saying “god said so” is logically invalid but somehow still holds weight with many people, which makes it useful in arguing your point regardless of truth.

If the mentally ill tranny lover really wanted to actually learn about why 18 is the age then they should do research instead of asking an anime image board.

Arguing using the law or god saying so works cause retards want to get bossed around. But it isnt an effective argument on people with actual educations who think logically.

Avoid encouraging the breeding of r selected humans, avoid reproduction with sub-optimal genetic distance, avoid hormone perturbating foods, discourage single mothers, make military and school for men one.

tl;dr : Glass the juice

if it floats their goat, they can do whatever they want. if they get salty, let them be. if they wanna dress up like grills, let them.

they should be given chemical castration and/or have their reproductive organs removed, so they can't procreate, erasing them from the gene poll, for sake of our society.

I can't tell if this is a really smart joke with an ironic twist or a genuine moronic opinion with a much deeper sense of irony

im not a smart person

>Testosterone shots until they reach 1000 ng/dl
>Vitamin D + k2, Magnesium, Zinc, boron supplementation until they are on the optimal levels
>Sunlight exposure and exercise

user they wont be able to reproduce because they arent biological girls.

The only time this happens is when a m-to-f and a f-to-m tranny meet and end up getting the f-to-m pregnant

Then you get a news article about a “””guy””” being pregnant

Have you observed an extensive amount of transexuals having sex with black men? For the sole purpose of this clearly scientific anecdote of course?

With penis enlargement surgery

Same as they treat other body dysphoria, I suppose. Do they usually chop off a person’s foot in such cases?

With a daily dose of 2mg of pimozide.

just goes to show how witch-doctor tier neuro"""science""" is.

I don't ,please explain in full detail

Through therapy, sex-reassignment surgeries, and hormone treatment.

identify the source and then cause, so you're not going after symptoms.

>divide and conquer

As a mental illness

Transition has been shown to be the most effective treatment.

I'm fine with that but only for the extremely high suicide rate.

An explanation that gender doesn't exist

100 lashes

50gm of Pb to the temple

but cant they?

The exact same way it is.

>have mental process that tells you what gender you are
>don't notice it because >99.5% of the time it works
>but occasionally, it gets switched
>given its 40% of something stupidly high, it sucks
>it sucks a lot
>no cure
>can only treat the symptoms

I just don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about it. It's not even a sexual thing, it's not a choice. Kind of saddens me when people bully them.

>prognosis is much better when they are the right shape
>meaning getting treatment before puberty means that they'll be indistinguishable from their cis-gendered counterparts (when clothed)
>extremely difficult if not impossible to get misdiagnosed by a competent doctor

But I suppose you know better than the doctors who specialize in this sort of thing.

>its 40% [suicide rate or] something stupidly high**

my bad

Yep, gender disphoria sucks and transition helps.

I don't understand why people get so pissy either. I'm not demanding that they stick their kids with hormone's, I'm just a consenting adult and I want to do what I want to my body.

I know I have a mental illness, but it's never going to go away and this is a medically advised method of treatment that has had success with many others in my position.

He makes a cute girl, guess I'm gay now

How can your brain tell you which nonexistent thing you are?

With collisions:

I remember seeing a research paper that said some anti-psychotic medications such as haloperidol, or pimozide have seen some success in treating gender dysphoria. I've also seen mentions of SSRIs being used, but I don't know to what extent they were helpful.

In my opinion, first line of treatment for these people should always be therapy, maybe CBT. Should exhaust all possible treatment methods before ever encouraging someone to go through with an irreversible surgery that is more mutilation / self-harm than anything else.

I don't understand why you go straight from therapy to surgery. A majority of transgender people never have surgery and have no interest in it. The most common thing is taking hormones.

Hormone therapy is usually a requirement before physical gender transition surgery. I believe it'd be covered under

>exhausting all possible treatment methods before encouraging surgery

With that said, I would still generally suggest CBT and therapeutic medication before hormone therapy. Ideally, the goal should be to allow the patient to live a happy, healthy life as they are, where hormone therapy, while it may help is certainly not very healthy.

Not Veeky Forums.

dick in ass

Why should you get a choice in whether people take hormones or not?

Heat treatment. 20 mins @ 2000°F should do the trick.

Do those doctors advocate for trying all children as adults as well?

A battle royal

Because it is damaging to their health.

Are you gonna force people to abstain from alcohol and cigarettes too? What about driving? Something being damaging to one's health does not imply it should not be done.

First, as said, just because something is damaging to one's health doesn't mean that it should be prevented. Cake is damaging to one's health. Should we ban cake?
Second, do you have any proof that it's damaging to one's health?
>inb4 they're castrating themselves because non-trans people do that willingly all the time (e.g. vasectomies)

with a bullet

There going to kill themselves anyhow. It's more humane to cut out all the suffering and drama preemptively.

and just like all psychefags absolutely nothing of value was said



Gender dysphoria is one of those things that only flourishes because of internet. If you couldn't easily find a community of like minded enablers, you would eventually let it go. But no, nowadays you can find a community for every toaster fucker and cannabis injector, so all kinds of degeneracies get to flourish.

Gender dysphoria should be treated with 4000 cc's of intravenous nitric acid.

>Veeky Forums defends fudge packers yet sees gender dysphoria for what it is
What is this brainlet board?

welp, guess I'm gay

Cognitive behavioral therapy. We should stop pretending that transgenderism is not an illness

Anti-psychotics aren't much better

With estrogene and testosterone-blockers. I need fore feminine trap dick to suck.

(Or if you're FtM just the other way around, I don't want to suck you then though)

>Implying it can be treated

You're pretty fucked if your mind tells you that you're a different gender, since you can't actually switch.
Just "Learn to live with it/try our different solutions and use what works best"

if the only thing you want from a woman is sex - you should stick to prostitutes. It will be cheaper and more reliable.

It shouldn't be. No special attention whatsoever should be given to these people, since that's what they're trying to squeeze out of everybody else.

The other day I realized the only reason transgenderism exists is because therapists and psychiatrists gave in to these mentally ill people's sob stories and decided to placate them.

Think about it: for whatever fucking reason, rather than give them the corresponding treatments to make them feel their actual sex (i.e., testosterone for men that feel like women, estrogen for women that feel like men), they caved in and it was decided it would be best to help them in their transition to become the opposite gender.

It's all thanks to these movements that started in the 50s and 60s (a time period which of course corresponds to other liberal movements that have fucked us socially to this day) that these retards (read: feminist/LGBTQ+ SJWs) have been given the platform to espouse the "gender spectrum" belief that we see today, among other things.

tl;dr To answer your question OP, gender dysphoria should be treated as it should have when people first started coming forward about how they felt about their gender identity: by prescribing treatments that make them feel like their biological sex.

pic related, I have a friend that identifies as male. She's very smart and she doesn't deserve that fucking mental disease. The thing with fully transitioning is that the person you once knew by virtue of the transition is gone for-fucking-ever -- that person you knew might as well never have existed because, according to these people, that person was never really him/her.

with my dick

People should be allowed to behave how they want, within reason (nothing that would harm or harass other people, obviously).

With that said, the idea of giving a child hormones and blockers and psychologically abusing them is abhorrent to me. And don't give me shit about "well psychiatrists give them tests", they also think 50% of boys have ADHD and hand out SSRI's like candy, that whole industry is corrupt to the core.

If a child can't consent to sex they can't consent to a significantly life changing procedure with major ramifications.

Also the idea of more than 2 (maybe 3 if you want to categorize truly intersex XXY individuals) genders is pretty much unsubstantiated scientificially and retarded, it's pretty clearly just a specific manifestation of good old classic delusion and insecurity.

1 dose of assisted suicide

How can an arts major be so bad at writing?

Other way around user. Every psychological healthcare professional who isnt a retard lays it out like it actually is and tries to help them. The normie patient doesnt like what they hear and then leave to lobby for their retarded shit. Its the exact same situation with physical health concerns like obesity, cholesterol, alcohol consumption etc.

Left over conditioning since everyone has to wear a cloak of invis on the topic of homosexuality unless you want to be crucified by everyone you know.

I can't believe Veeky Forums is this fucking stupid. It's as though none of you faggots have ever thought about this subject critically.

>neutral sounding negative reaction that can be interpreted as rejecting both sides of this argument thus transcending the need to even have opinions
I wish I could be this enlightened

treated with respect!

JK. its a mental illness.
politicians tend to exploit those, so I guess there is an incentive to keep these freaks around.

This is the only correct answer.

Then how is it actual disphoria? If they're comfortable without the sex organs that they apparently think they should have then how is that the issue?