Is willpower initiated by trying or trying initiated by willpower???

Is willpower initiated by trying or trying initiated by willpower???

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no such thing as free will (or 'trying')

>thread is not about free will
>muh no freewill philosotards can't help themselves but post about it to get the attention that their mom never gave them

I think the correct order is trying initiated by willpower. Your brain must first conjure up the willpower to try. But I understand the confusion. A lot of times when you try something you get the willpower to keep doing it because of enjoyment or a feeling that you are doing the right thing. But that must be just that when you put in the effort you brain rewards you and then that fuels your next rush of willpower which then fuels you to keep trying and this keeps going until you run out of energy or get too bored to keep feeling the reward.

this is not science

Read Freud.

saying "this is not science" is not science.

Read Willpower by Roy Baumeister. It explains all of the research behind our current understanding of self-control and how it is directly effected by calories, sleep, and decision fatigue. The way they went about conducting the studies was really creative and interesting.

define "willpower"
define "trying

I will but only if you define "define"

First define "define "define""


I will but only if you define "define "define "define"""

The second. You need willpower to execute even simple tasks, like walking or grabing an object. If you can't feel anything that makes you do something, you never will do that something. That can be seen with depressed people, who can at times not have the willpower to even shower.

I should be able to but first I'd like to see you define "define "define "define "define""""

You need willpower to try, but willpower doesn't imply a trial otherwise they would be the same thing. So from the outside the only proof of willpower you have of someone else is their trials, but they can simply make the choice between doing something or not even though they are able to do it, thus the inductive reasoning that willpower is initiated by trying.

What makes them able to make the choice is willpower.

No, that is free will. You make the choice of doing something, then you spend your willpower on it. You always make a choice.

you try because you expect a reward. if your reward is less than what you expected, you're less likely to try again.

willpower isn't real. it's just the feeling you get from having enough dopamine and adrenaline in certain parts of your brain.

That's all well and dandy, but how can you possibly expect me to do that when you haven't even defined "define "define "define "define "define"""""?

>willpower isn't real. it's just the feeling you get from having enough dopamine and adrenaline in certain parts of your brain
>solids aren't real, they are just the feeling you get from having enough neurons firing in certain parts of the brain
>colors aren't real, they are just the sensation you get from having enough receptors in your eye
>physics isn't real, it's just the interpretation you make in your mind
>distance isn't real
>pain isn't real
>nothing is real

I understand you got on this Thought path because you are too dumb to see where it leads you.

Willpower and self control are affected by the amount of glucose available to the brain

>I understand you got on this Thought path because you are too dumb to see where it leads you.

this is the response i'd expect from someone with a properly-functioning reward system in their head and the limited perspective that it offers.

Tell me more about the rewards of not having a properly-functioning reward system

there are none, but you might be a little more introspective since you'd probably want to know what's wrong with you.

similar to how you might learn more about mechanics if you have a shitty car that you have to fix all the time

I'll take a look at that will power is so weird tho. For most people, if they aren't well fed and feeling good they will shut down.

But then people like George Washington can still perform at their best with Dysentery after having lost a third of their body weight.

There is still a lot of research to be done.

There is no such thing as will power. Behavior is controlled by the environment.

>Veeky Forums complains psychology isnt a real science
>unironically supports freud

Source? Like pubmed or something..

Vater unser der Du bist im Himmel,
geheiligt werde dein Name;
dein Reich komme;
dein Wille geschehe,
wie im Himmel so auf Erden.

A great philosopher said once : " do or do not there is no try ".

What is OP's picture's comment referring to by saying it'll grow back

Stabbing out his eye, with a pencil i believe..


Will power is actually the resistance to action which was evolved so that you feel the need to conserve energy.


> There is no such thing as will power
Will power is a derived concept, of course it exists the definition may be flexible..

I think most people that have to be told that probably won't get it. I'd like to point out that a flexible and careful definitions could make god exist too.


Have faith in the you who believes in himself.