Something happened from nothing

>something happened from nothing

Other urls found in this thread:

Two nothings collided and there was something

0 + 0 = 0


Prove there used to be nothing.

Prove there was always something.

Define something and nothing

Something = absence of nothing
Nothing = absence of something


Define equals
Define of
Define absence
Define (You)

>Not actually posting the image

Who makes this claim other than religious people claiming that God came from nothing or always was then created everything else from nothing.

big bang

God is something, user.

Have you never taken a course in cosmology dumb ass? It's not only religious folks who say shit like this.

Our universe was literally created from divine inspiration, God is not dead.

Ah yes. From this picture we clearly see the power of memetics and propaganda at work.

Depressing, isn't it? A literal culling of intelligence in favor of puerile repetitivism.

How many times do I need to write this. A state of "nothing" precludes the existence of any and all physical laws that would enforce the precept of "something cannot come from nothing". In other words, when there was "nothing", nothing (e.g. laws of thermodynamics and conservation of matter/energy) was keeping "something" from spontaneously creating itself, and so it did and here we are.

This probably happened a bunch of times until something stable showed up, which also answers why our physical constants seem so fine-tuned.

Bing Bang describes the evolution of a singularity, it does not presuppose where the singularity came from.

>nothing (e.g. laws of thermodynamics and conservation of matter/energy) was keeping "something" from spontaneously creating itself, and so it did and here we are
Wtf am I reading

Laws of thermodynamics and the conservation of matter/energy constitute "something", do they not?

This is a very not rigorous yet interesting point of view. And god knows it's not usual to see one on this board (or anywhere for that matter)

>something happened from nothing
>this makes sense because something happened from nothing

No. You're proving too much. Unicorns also constitute "something". Do unicorns exist "outside works of fiction"? There is a tremendous difference between the "mode" in which "things" like the "laws" of "thermodynamics" (can be said to) exist and the "mode" in which things like the post you're reading right now (can be said) exists.

Are you starting to see the problem? Look up Parmenides. By your account nothing can be said to be non-existent. Your net is too broad.

>something happened from the infinite anything
wait fug it makes sense

So something (god) came from nothing

But what did nothing come from?

God has no start, therefore you didn't have to come from something.

>God is not dead
Yes he is, and I killed him. I fucked his face and busted a nut down his throat, and then turned him to swiss cheese with my demonic mac 10. Your move, christfag.

The universe had no start, therefore didn't have to come from nothing.

Religious people actually believe and can justify this.

>There is a tremendous difference between the "mode" in which "things" like the "laws" of "thermodynamics" (can be said to) exist and the "mode" in which things like the post you're reading right now (can be said) exists
I disagree.

It didn't.

I killed Christ as well. His blood is on my hands, and I am forgiven. I'm glad that you are forgiven as well. I don't know if you heard though, after killing Christ he rose from the dead, and he's alive and well because even death had no power over the original OG.

Something cannot come from nothing. That is not logical, it is not cause -> effect.

Our universe doesn't operate with illogical chaos. If it did, we would not be having a conversation, which requires massive amounts of cause and effect to occur.

Something did not come from nothing.

The something has always been here. This is the only logical conclusion a rational person can come to.

Proving God exists (he does) isn't useful though. It's like trying to prove water falls out of the sky to someone who refuses to listen. There's no reason to waste time and energy for that.

Quite true, because God had no start, therefore didn't have to come from something and God was the start of the universe. Checkmate, atheist.

Big bang doesn't claim something came from nothing.

That's not a "checkmate," you're just arbitrarily creating a convenient exception to deal with your cognitive dissonance. If you weren't a dumb religious fuck, you'd realize this.

Where did that something come from?

>No. You're proving too much. Unicorns also constitute "something". Do unicorns exist "outside works of fiction"? There is a tremendous difference between the "mode" in which "things" like the "laws" of "thermodynamics" (can be said to) exist and the "mode" in which things like the post you're reading right now (can be said) exists.
That's literally just word salad.

When you say god which one are you referring to? I've seen a post worded almost exactly like yours claiming it proved Jehovah. Are you a witness?

Fallacy is special pleading, for future reference.

God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Son is Jesus Christ.
God is 33% Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is a Jew.
Therefore, God is 33% Jew.
God fucking dammit I knew it. The Jews are behind everything.

You're understanding of the trinity is wrong.

Your understanding of the difference between "your" and "you're" is wrong.

Your understanding of being new is non existent

That's not a "uncheckmate", you're just arbitrarily creating a convenient exception to deal with your cognitive dissonance. If you weren't a dumb atheist fuck, you'd realize this.

Atheism is preferable to unfounded belief in a sky god. Your move, looney tune.

So you're saying I'm not new? Cool, thanks.

You're implying that we live in a closed set if there's no God and that there are no flaws to our mathematical systems. God is infinity

It isn't unfounded.

Humans exist with intelligence. Intelligence exists.. it's not super far fetched to assign intelligence to the universe.

An apple tree produces apples.
An intelligent universe produces intelligence.

The intelligent universe can be called god.

A universe without life is much more likely than a universe with life. If there was no God one would expect a universe without life. One would expect a universe with intelligent life if there is a God. There is an unlikely universe with intelligent life therefore there probably is a God.

You produce shit. I guess you're shit.

That's doesn't follow logically at all though.

>A universe without life is much more likely than a universe with life.
This just has fallacy written all over it. How the fuck would you prove your claim?

I'm a Christian. I don't think I got what I said from a source.

I made a "proof" for God existing once using concepts established in science. I think it was mostly correct, but as I just mentioned, now I think proving God exists is pretty dumb. People believe what they want to believe. Telling people what they don't want to hear doesn't change their minds.

I now know God exists, but my experiences which give me this knowledge aren't really scientifically reproduceable. So again, not useful and pointless, especially with people who insist God doesn't exist.

Rather than prove God exists, as I am a Christian, it would be a better use of my time to follow Christ, as it were.

After having read Christ's words in the four Gospels out loud (I wanted to know if they were wrong), I concluded everything he said was logically. It may be of note that he never tries to prove God exists, nor does he really spend time proving he is God on Earth.

If you know what the truth is, there's no reason to argue about it, if that makes sense.

Peace to you.

Yes, I produce a lot of shit, and I am shit a lot of the time.

I produce correct words sometimes too, perhaps because they were inside me, neh?

r/the_donald underage phoneposting redditors invaded during the elections and literally tripled the traffic, it's no secret.

[Refrain] And also with you.
Lift up your spirits!
[Refrain] We lift them up for the Lord.
Let us give thanks the to the Lord our God.
[Refrain] It is right and just.

>If you know what the truth is, there's no reason to argue about it, if that makes sense.
You are so smug in your humility

I agree that it's not worth having an argument that will not obtain results but I hope that at the very least you understand that religious freedom is more important to a society than any particular religion and that law should not be passed based on the religious beliefs of some of those who will live under those laws.

>I made a "proof" for God existing once using concepts established in science. I think it was mostly correct

I know it sounds smug, but I don't take satisfaction in it.

It's just stating a thing as it is. That's what truth is.

I am also not humble, just for the record. Neither am I good, but that's the great thing about Christ, sinners go to paradise.

I agree with the comment about freedom. Notice I didn't say believe in Christ. I think people can rationalize things out for themselves. Just more reason not to argue about stupid shit and prove obvious things.

If God does exist, it's an obvious thing from some given perspective.

I think free will (including religious freedom) is a big part of why we're here. Go fuck up and learn the truth for yourself.

I also suspect most everybody figures out the truth at some point, so again, proving it is literally meaningless. What the fuck are I told You so's worth in heaven? Nothing. Doing is way more important.

Maybe that's useful to someone. Thanks for the response.

One of the few cases where the Reddit spacing meme is spot on. Go back there ``PLEASE''.

>that's the great thing about Christ, sinners go to paradise

>something happened from something

the dimension of that something increased from zero to greater than zero.

Yeah, no shit, right?

I was spending a lot of time trying to model reality in my mind, and I came to the conclusion that something cannot come from not. Because that is not logical.

If it were the case, then there's no point in having serious discourse or communication, since literally anything could happen.

That doesn't show God though.

Why doesn't the universe just fall away due to entropy?

It seems like the universe "wants" to exist in a rational orderly manner. You know, given all the complexity lying around for no reason.

What else exists because it "wants" to?

Organisms. In general, life does everything it can to continue life. The universe is alive. God is somewhere there.

This also demonstrates a loving God. Reality either is, or is a part of God. God loves God's self. Ergo, God loves us and everything else.

Just like organisms. A universe that produces organisms and intelligence. Hmm?

Again, this "proof" doesn't make something true. It's also not useful at all in changing someone's mind who does not want to change.

The thief executed next to Christ went straight to paradise that very fucking day.

If anybody else is telling you different about Christianity, they don't know anything about what Christ said.

Read it for yourself if you want to know for sure.

If something has a dimension of 0, how is it still something?

Furthermore if something happened from something, what caused said something to have always existed?

the real question is what "breaths fire" into the equations that govern physics. I suggest going to uni

I was on Veeky Forums before Reddit.

I don't identify myself by things. I also don't go to Churches. Nor do I typically call myself a contractor.

Christ is the only label I want. You can tell me to fuck off and die now. Doesn't matter much, I already killed God.

Check this shit out.

I think I conceptualized the observable universe. Explains most everything:

If something can have no start there is no need for god.

I pressed the power button and the simulation started.

God keeps everything in order toward higher complexity.

We have order and higher complexity in our universe. These exist despite entropy. Something causes the phenomena of order and the trend toward higher complexity.

That something is quite literally God.

Your Occam's razor doesn't work, because without God, the universe should just trend toward entropy, and the universe should have died from heat death a long time ago.

A car with no wheels doesn't go very far. Wheels aren't superfluous to the system of a car. God is not superfluous to the system of our universe.

You don't have to believe in God, it literally changes nothing. Just like you don't have to understand an internal combustion engine to drive a car. You and what you think don't define the universe.

Check this conceptualization of the universe out (nothing spiritual in it)

It may be a simulation.

God said, let there be light.

Being a simulation doesn't make it any less real. In the link above I postulated the universe operates on a double buffer to draw frames.

Know why time seems to stop at the edge of a black hole? The processor can't calculate all the collisions fast enough.

0 = -1 + 1

Even assuming that your proof is correct and that there is a god, how do you know that it is uppercase G God? What makes you think it is the Christian God?

Because Christ represents the things I described.

Most Christians don't seem to know what he said that is written in the Bible, because they won't read it. Reading it isn't super important though.

The other reason I know is because I asked God. I asked a lot of times, and after awhile I decided to quit being a fucking pussy about and talk to him like he's really there.

This reinforced by a quotation from Christ (in the Bible) which is actually much like an experiment.

Christ directly says to ask God directly for anything you want and God will deliver. I don't know any religion that suggests as much.

The key though is knowing that you will receive. Prayer doesn't change God's mind, logically he knows what everyone wants. Prayer changes the person praying so that they will receive.

Christianity is also the only game on the block offering all inclusion to paradise and it's logical.

God cares about his children. Those children are us. Those children are Christ puts it they die for lack of knowledge.

Christ also says that we're gods. We were made by God in God's image. We have intelligence, creativity, and discernment. These are god characteristics.

God loves himself, and we are a part of him, ergo God loves us. Christ is the bridge between man and God, the way and the light as you may.

Christianity also correctly asserts that all people do bad things. There are no good people here, we all fuck up sometimes and make mistakes.

It's not our fault though. In Christianity, it is God's fault as he made us. This is one reason Christ dies. God demonstrates he is willing to let us kill him. This is how valuable we are and free will is to God.

This is all just logical. Doing "bad" things is illogical. Who would hate their children, hate their parents, hate their siblings? People who hate themselves. Again, not our fault, but we feel guilty regardless. Thus forgiveness is necessary.

You're forgiven too btw.

>God keeps everything in order toward higher complexity.
Spontaneous order is possible, so god is not necessary.

>We have order and higher complexity in our universe. These exist despite entropy.
Entropy does not stop order from existing, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>Your Occam's razor doesn't work, because without God, the universe should just trend toward entropy, and the universe should have died from heat death a long time ago.
What calculation led you to believe that?