What are your thots on Economics?

What are your thots on Economics?

Non english speaker here.
Thoughts is pronounced in the same way as Thots?


Yes sir, how'd you think it was pronounced

literally the antithesis to science.

worshiped by many "consumers" like a religion.

not science or math

In a similar way to tough.

Without economics you'd be living in a hut eating your own shit

That makes me laugh because it consists entirely of math

You will find no modern mainstream economic theory, model, or law which does not have some sort of mathematical expression

>inb4 user thinks economics and finance are the same thing

>inb4 user thinks economics and business are the same thing

>inb4 user thinks that economics is still split into "schools of thought"

>inb4 user took an introductory "principles of Econ" class and thinks they know enough to make sweeping generalizations about the entire field

>inb4 user doesn't realize that many economists are also mathematicians

Not in my dialect.


we found superior foods to shit very early on, attempts at understanding economics came later

Economics is math-intensive in the same way that astrology is math-intensive. Neither qualify as science.

>To complete the metamorphosis of the ordinary man into the ‘average man’, it is not enough to juggle a few discrete, already domesticated units using statistics; one must also know how to rig out their rational ferocity in the fine cloth of the ‘differential’ and the ‘optimal’. This explains economists’ infatuation with the rudiments of the calculus of variations, their thirst for the minimax and for the hunt for equilibria. The ‘calculation of margins’2 gives some fluidity to the brutal exchange of X against Y: by considering the relation of differentials dX and dY, we can hunt down that precious point where the consumer becomes indifferent—to the ‘sacrifice’ of a first pear and that of a last apple alike.3 Poor old differential calculus, which had succeeded for more than three centuries in mastering the infinite, now consigned to carrying out the mediocre chores of economist-politologists: keeping the ledger of microconfrontations, identifying equilibrium points, softening up and
fabricating apathy!

The most pathetic and unsofisticated practice of math imaginable. It is a self-enclosed field, isolated, with unconscious shame toward every other single scientific or mathematical field - besides being seen negatively overall by academia.
Every serious thinker that got involved in modern economics realized its disgrace, lack of predictive/explanatory/modeling power and got away, dissociating his name from it.

The Nobel prize for this field is another joke, not supposed to exist (check the history of its extensions), and is essentially a propaganda machine, trying to suck the aura of the other disciplines.


After Jewish AI is used to squash all Globalist dissent thus solidifying the NWO Oligarch class at the top, AI will be directed towards more advanced forms of “comfort” enslavement, ie, butt hole enforcement technology. Butt hole enforcement technology or BET will be spread rapidly on its own through the mass proletariat African Consumer class. At this point economics will have been made completely irrelevant. The only non compliant group remaining after full Africanization through BET will be the conservative sects of Judiasm who will be forced to Jew one another until BET has been forced upon all remaining “free”. Pure sociopathy will be all that remains and with no one less to steal from the final form pure sociopath Jew will revert to infighting until all are dead. The end.

I feel like it's just a lot of applied game theory. I like reading about those aspects of it.

studied it for a year. pseudo science. basicly u boil down very complex procresses to formulars with very few parameters and hope it predicts the future.

yeah I would pronouce 'thought' like 'thaw' with a t at the end, but my pronunciation of 'thot' rhymes with 'knot'

Not related to Veeky Forums but I’ll anwser anyways.

State capitalism.

It has the collectivism of everyone working for the nation for the benefit of the nation.

But also doesn’t share the wealth amongst the people like in socialism, but instead Has class cooperation instead of class competition.

>Muh capitalism has innovation.

State capitalism has pretty much the same system. For an example:

When a company closes, its replaced by something that works or sold to a random company.

In a state capitalist society, either the company gets replaced by something that works, or sold to any company in the free market.

(Free market in state capitalism? Yes it can have that, as long as it the government controll the majority of the economy).

Case in point

Veeky Forums is hopeless

I don't know any thots who are economists but if I did I would try to befriend them with intentions of skeeting on them.

Old joke.
Former student visits his old Economics professor, glances at exam paper lying on desk.
"Why, this is the same exam you gave when I was a student! Don't you realize that the questions will be passed on from class to class?"
"Ah, but each year we change the answers!"

Seriously, old and thoroughly discredited (because they've been tried and didn't work) economic models never seem to die.
The "Laffer Curve" had an equation and was the purported justification for "Trickle down economics."
"Scientific" isn't the same as "It works".
American state of Kansas will be a long time recovering from BS enacted by fanatics.
Same ones now working to foist the fraud on the entire US.

The Laffer curve just states that the relationship between tax revenue and tax rate forms a parabola. What does that have to do with trickle down economics?

Zero tax rate = no government revenue.
100% tax rate = no government revenue (because no one will work.)
So there are higher points (maybe several. A curve can have "local" maxima and a parabola is a gross over-simplification of how a real economy works) in-between 0 and 100.

Laffer simply ASSUMED that the current rates were higher than the optimum and that relentlessly cutting rates would improve the economy, create more jobs, raise wages, increase government revenues.
He did not offer evidence to justify that. Whenever it's been tried IRL (Sam Brownback in Kansas is the most recent case) it hasn't worked.
Even CEOs of major corporations are saying that they're not planning on using larger profits to hire more workers and pay them better. The money will go to the stockholders and to their own bonuses. They're not furtively "admitting" it. They're boasting.

It’s the retarded child of psychology and «math». Sprinkle some fallacious appeal to authorities and voila.

Laffer did assume that, but later econometric studies suggested the opposite, that the US is actually on the left side of the curve. Laffer developed the idea during the Bush administration, so of course politicians would co-opt it to serve their political agenda. You're confusing the policies that economists have reached consensus on with the policies that politicians selectively advocate for and enact. The literature in economics is vast and not limited to what you hear talking heads arguing about on CNN


>cot-caught merger

not quite
thot sounds like rot; thought sounds like caught