Veeky Forums university entrance exams

Admittance to Veeky Forums university isn't the honor the used to be, so I'm outlining an entrance exam to filter out the brainlets.
Just add anything that you think should be on the exam.

Other urls found in this thread:⋯⋯


>Just add anything that you think should be on the exam.
the monty hall problem
is absence of evidence evidence of absence? (explain)
asuka or rei?


Triple integrals


Solved it

We need more of these! Does anyone keep a stockpile they can dump?

Is the trolley capable of crushing that much material before the wheels get gummed up or build up a significant barricade of corpses at the front to prevent it from continuing?

Approx 1.7583...

Have you ever seen a video of someone getting crushed by a train? It just crushes what's under it instead of pushing it into a barricade.



If the numbers on the triangles are area and green & yellow contact in the middle of the square's edge and it's actually a square then very obviously blue area is 7. The presentation of this problem is bad. Please let me know if the constrains I assumed are accurate.

Straight lines not curves, better luck next year kiddo


Only needed 4 lines.

>Connect the dots
>Doesn't touch a single dot
The rebellion is strong

Could do it with just 3.

u could do a circle and would of done it in 1

I thought so too, but saw the pic mentioned straight lines.


oh :

This is wrong OP. 1+1+1+1+... = -1/2⋯

I thought the OP had troll science, but it was exactly the part I didn't expect to be.


This is why the gay engineers win.

Shit image, zeta of 0 is -1/2

That's troll science, the riemann function's original definition doesn't apply to -1 or 0.

But what about this?⋯

Same response. Meme guys like to use this abusive notation because it's cooler to say that the sum of natural numbers is negative. But that's not how sum is defined. Check the Riemann function, check its original definition, then check how it has been defined over the complex numbers, and then ask yourself : "Does the fact there is an extention to C means that the original, restricted to numbers with a real part greater than one, holds for other numbers like -1 ?"
It doesn't.
But hey it's not super cool if you can't say it, that's why faggots keep using this shit notation, "because it's so cool bro mind = blown"

It's just a meme chillax bro

Recite the full length of Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory, from memory

0.509916... oh well

All lines are straight, it's just the curvature in space time which gives it a curved appearance.

186 pages

That's reserved for admittance to Veeky Forums elementary school

Trick question, you can't use a pencil on a screen.

[eqn]\displaystyle I=\int_{-1}^1\frac1x\sqrt{\frac{1+x}{1-x}}\ln\left(\frac{2\,x^2+2\,x+1}{2\,x^2-2\,x+1}\right)\, \mathrm{d}x[/eqn]
if you can't evaluate that you shouldn't be on this board.

that's the joke.


around 0.9459008988?

[eqn]I = 4\pi arccot \sqrt{\phi}[/eqn]


>what's below absolute zero?
Negative temperatures (when ∂S/∂U < 0).
Top should be 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 . . . people.
Use a curved metric and draw geodesics.





Did you see where I where I argued recently against the Riemann hypothesis? Usually people argue for it, but I think I made a pretty good case in the other direction
>On The Riemann Zeta Function

took me about 14 years but I got it
pic related, it's both for me and Einstein was being modest


The zeroes of the riemann zeta function are energy levels of a complex quantum system

the proof of this will be next nobel prize in physics for sure since this deals with entanglement

actually this is a nobel prize in most categories since it has applications (!!) in real life such as delivering gene of interest on a piece of metal.

>the proof of this will be next nobel prize in physics for sure since this deals with entanglement
is there an article?

nobody cares about your retardism fucknut

Revolver Ocelot

>brainlet can't even prove riememe hypothesis
nigga this is why we need the entrance exam

We did it, Reddit!


I think his point was that 5 straight lines were drawn. There were no constraints that prevented him from adding a 6th curve.

even though it's solvable using basic calculus (inverse trig rules), that's still one heck of an integral

This can't be done. Some rooms have odd number of doors. You'll either get out with 1 door left or get stuck in.

Clarification: There are more than two rooms with odd number doors. If it was only one, or two, this could be compensated for with the starting/ending point being inside those rooms.

what do i win

>you have to end up where you started


Complex as in complicated or complex as uses complex numbers?


I think a simple proof should be enough of a test. For example, Prove every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes

Come on lol you can do better than that.

whats the funy mem in that pic ?

I have the proof but it's too long to fit in this post.

What about 3?


Since when is -2 prime? I just realized it said "even integer" though.



>one line
this is the correct solution

It says one line trough, user. You haven't drawn a single trough.

where's my nobel prize?

Three people check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realizes that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn't know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 as a tip for himself. Each guest got $1 back, so now each guest only paid $9, bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. And $27 + $2 = $29 so, if the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?

Starlight breaker!

>27 + 2 = 29
the remaining dollar is with the other two dollars returned to the guests. I'd like to know where the +2 ethereal dollars materialize from.

I thought to go through a door you needed to end up on the other side.

this is pretty good man

I like this one because it's super confusing at first and then you realize it's just retarded. The $27 they paid includes the $2 tip, and the missing $3 is back into their pockets

just take the end-of-HS level material that's prerequisite for the first semester courses and modify some questions from textbooks on that material .

If you flip and invert the image couldn't you argue that he ended up in the same place where he started?

This one should be easy


>I thought to go through a door you needed to end up on the other side.
To go through a doorway you needed to end up on the other side. The question doesn't say anything about doorways.

staaaahp i have integrals next semester, not this semester!

Put a line across the larger sign


This is clearly 11 lines. Nice try burger.

just put a line through >

20 > θ0

Put a dot between the 3 and the 0. 20 > 3 \cdot 0 = 0. Done in one.

You know, user, this genuinely impressed me. Everyone is giving troll answers to troll questions, but you actually found a serious unironic answer to this troll question. I'm proud of you.
This is completely sincere. I am not being ironic.

missed the 2/3 at the bottom


everything is clear now, my life is complete