>flat earthers

I literally can't even with these flat feathers. Can't wait for Neil to become president in 2020 and set them all straight. Damn I fucking love science.

Other urls found in this thread:


A desperate attempt to slander an alternative theory.

They post an inaccurate picture of the theory and call it a "Flat Earth Society" like it's a fucking cult. Using straw man and ad hominem isn't scientific. What are they so afraid of?

Just like my alternative theory of Newtonian mechanics! The key is that instead of force being proportional to acceleration, it's proportional to the acceleration cubed. I've found in multiple simulations that F=ma^3 is a much more accurate model than (((F=ma))).

The verified twitter account that replied us literally named Flat Earth Society


That name immediately discredits the theory as some weird cult. The theory cannot be disproved scientifically so they have to use other means to discredit it.

yeah but it cant be proved scientifically either

Yes it can (and it has). This is why cults like IFLS don't address the evidence.

Senate plan has ssed


The Flat Earth society is a real thing though. They were flat earthers before it was cool.
I've been aware of it ever since 15 year old me was rocking out to bad religion.

It's just a dumb fucking name. It's a theory, not a society.

It's not a "society" it's a club that people join call "The Flat Earth Society."
It isn't a scientific classification, it's just what this particular people call themselves. Do you moan about Mensa because DUDE! THEY'RE NOT REALLY TABLES!

When you turn a belief (even if it's a true one) into a club then you alienate yourself from other people who aren't in the club. Clubs make people become emotionally invested which isn't useful in scientific theory. Clubs make it harder to think for yourself, instead they speak for you.

On a flat Earth where are compass needles pointing when they point north? The centre of the disk?

>Yes it can (and it has)

Perhaps the north star.

Then compasses would stop working past 0° latitude and/or have some insane declination.

flat earthers in Veeky Forums defending their "theory" o boi this gonna be good

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying it's a thing that exists, independent of how (You) or I think about it, or evaluate it's worth.


Get out.

Explain to me how in the arctic and antarctic circles, during the summer and winter solstice there can be 24+ hours of uninterrupted daylight while all of the latitudes in between experience regular day/night cycles. If you try to make this work on a flat Earth map you end up needing two suns, then at some point of latitude there needs to be two suns visible. Its straight up wrong. Im not saying the Earth is a globe(but it probably is), but it most certainly isnt flat as indicated by this personally verifiable fact i have layed in front of you.

The brainlet meme ironically stops people from using their own brain.

Not following.

Indeed, but there's a reason their name's getting media attention.

There could be two suns, we don't know. Anything beyond the vanishing point of our eyes isn't visually perceptible to us unless we use instruments to magnify it.

Antarctica is the only large area of land that doesn't have a government or an official population. And yet hardly anyone is allowed to go there, and those that do barely leave Argentina. Can you explain that?

The heliocentric model is so incredibly convoluted that it becomes parody. So many movements going on at once at differing speeds, ranging from 1000mph to 500,000+mph, and yet the sky shows no signs of this.

>there could be two suns
Then there MUST be some point of latitude between the arctic and antarctic circles where either, two suns are visible at some point during the year(theres not), or another area that experiences 24 hours of uninterrupted day/night(theres not). Go ahead, draw a map and work it out. Two suns introduces other problems that we simply don’t observe. With one sun currently observable phenomena doesnt work on a flat Earth.

>and hardly anyone is allowed to go there
Thats just one of many tours yielded by a quick google search that will take you across the Antarctic circle, which is all thats required to observe 24+ hours of daylight to disprove flat Earth. They dont like you straying away from the tour guides because dead tourists dont bode well for a tourism business, but if you bribe the right people with enough money and sign some shit im sure they would let you wander off to your doom.

>The heliocentric model is so incredibly convoluted that it becomes parody
Are you actually retarded? Have you ever been on an airplane? Next time you fly look at the ground, its moving past you at roughly 400mph, yet appears nearly stationary. Apply that to distances many millions of times larger and you have to be moving near light speed before you can observe movement at that distance. Geocentric and flat Earth models require far more assumptions. Including but not limited to, an unexplainable shell of impossible strength material around the Earth, (or if you prefer to still believe other planets exist) large inertial bodies changing direction for no good reason, a flawless conspiracy among pilots(many of whom make less than minimum wage). Meanwhile planets moving in straight paths through curved spacetime at speeds that have no intrinsic value unless compared to object moving at different speeds, and observable phenomena that you can verify on your own are somehow more complicated in your mind?